So explain

Your playing survivor and you get the gens done exit gates are powered now your basically just going to sit at the exit gate for two minutes and teabag? Why first off you were hit and hooked so you can't really say hey I made it out without a scratch so screw you. Two its childish to me it is unless your staying there because a teammate is injured and you want some extra points go for it most times once I see okay their powered and no one is in chase with me I won't go near the gates I'll look in certain areas away from it kick a few pallets if any where left since I'm not giving extra points for 'boldness' because they want to stay just inches away from the exit. If it's to get under my skin doesn't really work "then why are making a post about it" because I can and I want to know why people do this unless the killer basically was just a jerk you know slugging and tunneling then they won't get a teabag from me because they played fair and worked hard so I don't waste their time I leave so I can get into the next match and so can they. So why do people still teabag at the gate I really don't see the point of it better yet I see as a your going to be screwed because there was a time killed a Jane as Deathslinger with NOED because she got way to greedy.
I’ve often asked teammates who do this why they do it because I’m curious.
The most common answers I get are:
- ”I can do what I want, I don’t listen to other people’s advice”
- “To waste their time” (this is the most common one)
- “I’m giving them blood points” (usually the guy leaves before the killer can hit them so this is just a lie)
- “I dunno”
- “Who cares?”
- “######### off I bet you smell like #########”
- “Because EZ”
- “It’s not toxic lmao.”
- “But they are playing [insert killer] or using [insert perk] so it’s fine”
Basically there is no real reason why they do it aside from just being a pathetic #########. Don’t take it personally, they would do this to any killer that doesn’t destroy them. If it does bother you, take a few minutes to rest before starting your next game to clear your head. And there is nothing wrong if it does bother you, just remember that it’s because they are the pathetic one, not you.
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just people being children even when they not children.
you know that kid who say something to someone then runs away(haha you can't get me) like that.
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I know usually when I know there aren't any pallets I just turn the volume on my TV down and watch videos to pass the two minutes or do basic things around my mainly straighten the place up a little.
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That's a good way to handle it. I do the same. Usually I have a youtube video that I watch during the lobby so I just continue with that while waiting haha.
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They're practicing for the next season of The Fog's Next Butt Dancer, obviously.
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WS vs teebag argument is pointless tbh and sometimes you misunderstand things because there is no communication, but at the same time, some ppl do it o annoy you … You are getting too personnal about it …
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Ignore them especially the clowns that open and close lockers or fast vault near the exit gate in a pathetic attempt to get you to come to the gate so they can t-bag and run out.
Never going to happen in any game I play.
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yeah never go there watch some videos till the time is up. sometimes they get really angry in chat if you ignore them same with those tbagging clickers that desperatly want you to chase them those get really angry too if you ignore them
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Found the teabagger, why do you do it?
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If there's other survivors still in the match then I can kinda get it that they're 'wasting the killer's time' so that the other survivors have time to open the other gate or heal up, but when all survivors are at the gates or have already escaped, there's no real reason besides to be toxic.
"I wanted to give the killer some extra BP by letting them hit me" - Firstly the killer barely gets any BP from just hitting a survivor or even downing em, and that category is the easiest to max out anyhow. Also the vast majority of survivors run out when the killer gets anywhere close to them anyway.
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It makes sense for them to stay of there are other survivors still in the trial, but if everyone is already safe then they just do it to be toxic.
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I want to revel in my victory and I want you to watch me leave. Duh
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in my eyes as a killer main i want people to have fun and if it helps them have fun i just turn up my sensitivity(xbox type shniz) and spin and nod as fast as i can while they have their fun and hey bonus points when they forget about egc
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This is exactly how I do it. Most the time they are happy they survived. You just have to keep it in perspective they have a low percentage that they make it out of a trial. The few times they do let them enjoy it. If I evaluate my Killer games I win a good deal of them 3-4K. On the occasions of losses it is usually only 2 make it out. Let them enjoy their victory with their limited options of expression.
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same here buddy who do you main?
this is mine
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Ego. "Watch me leave. I am so good."
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I hate this too and I’m a survivor main. The only reason I wait at exit gates once they’re open are:
-I still have a teammate in the match and I wanna wait in case there’s a way I can help them escape
That’s it.
Once all my teammates are out or if someone goes down but they’re on death hook and I can’t do anything, I’m out. One I’m not waiting to get juked by Blood Warden and two, I have ADHD. My attention span doesn’t wanna sit there doing nothing when I could easily go start my next match.
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If there are other survivors still in the trial I wait at exit butl. If there's nobody then I will either leave or let the killer down me out the exit for a few more points for them, unless there are no kills and then I stay behind so the killer can get 1 kill at least.
When I play killer and this happens to me I usually just go along with it and nod and moonwalk and be silly like I'm celebrating with them and it becomes a fun thing. Sometimes it's not always a screw you, sometimes it's just being a goofy goober. Similar to how every killer nod or hit on hook doesn't always mean they're being malicious.
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Strange that their "fun" ever so often needs the full 2 minutes of egc even with the killer being on the other side of the map.
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fine with me
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Bhvr could solve it my making a perk that blocked the gates for survivors who tbag at the gate but they probably won’t do that lol. It would be awesome though.
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I do it when the killer is nodding and going back and forth over top me once they catch me, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm wasting their time and being as ######### as I can in game, I'll never disrespect in the chat though I don't care what they say I'm above that nonsense but personally I'm fine with anything in game, don't get mad get even is the best way to handle things it's only gonna be unfun if I allow it to be
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You get more blood points the longer you stay in the match for survivor.
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Everytime it happens to me, I say to myself: “I can’t believe people still do this in 2024…”
I just look for breakaway walls to get points and try to stay away from the exit gates as far as possible, so as not to give them the satisfaction. Immature as hell.
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You sure about that? Blood Points just for being in the match?
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I had one match against a good team as Pyramid Head. Caught a group healing at the gate. Behind the wall and with his move I managed to down the one and get one kill that game. Sure it was only one but dang if that one didn't feel sweet. Lol
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Well killers are overly rewarded for playing mediocre most of the time. All you have to do is tunnel and run gen defense and you just skip over low MMR. So it's a combination of solo q survivors ecstatic over how bad you are and I'm sure SWFs who, like killers, love rubbing in their amazing skills of playing efficiently and destroying casual players.
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That isn’t true. The length of the trial has no impact on blood points.
The only thing the length of the trial affects is MMR changes but that is capped at 10 minutes and is for both sides.
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So what about killers who
=down a survivor and rapid shake their head rapidly for no reason
=be toxic like body humping or wraiths spamming their dinner/train bells, boing boing over and over
=hits survivors on hook constantly when they catch them with a crutch like noed
=hits survivors on hook who did no t bags/click or display any toxic behavior
=hits survivors on hooks because they chase a god looper who loop them for 4 to 5 gens
=hits survivors on hook because they get head on/power struggled
=hits survivors on hooks because they pallet/flashlight/flashbang save a team mate
=hits survivors on hooks because=they use blast mine.
=hits survivors on hooks because=they had boil over
=hits survivors on hook=because they use a sypetic powder
see even though all this is hook related=its different reason, so far it seems killers are more toxic than survivors. PS I love as a calm spirit user they wasting time doing that and no sounds. It must make them even more angry lol.
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Dono what patch they changed it but it used to and most people still think it does for the survival category. If that triggers you as killer though then its probably safe to say you need to take a break from the game you lost its a game people try to win. Just hit them and push them out maybe might even get a backflip. If you take out tea bagging people will just point. Take that out and they will just stand. There's no stopping it so just wait it out and play the next game.
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I hit some survivors because a few of them make an annoying scream that hurts my ears, I don't see much point in doing it otherwise.
I did hit a survivor on the hook today that had the name "Rainbow flag = I DC", I feel that one was justified.0 -
It was it was justified.
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ofcourse there is stoping it. they won all cool let the killer go to basement end push a button that ends the game. bäm gate tbagging gone. its the same as if the killer pushes them out but they dont get to tbag in front of them wich is the only reason they do it
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I stay quite often so that the other 3 will leave and I can offer the killer a sacrifice or hooks, if I think they were having a bad game. It is odd that killers often see it as BM when I do this. When I let survivors go, they usually seem to appreciate it. There are exceptions for both sides of course but these are the usual reactions I get.
I can't just offer the killer a kill or hook without making sure the others leave first. I've tried it and it usually ends up in more being downed because they didn't see what I was doing. Even had a few killers walk me all the way to the basement as if I was going to hang out while people came to rescue me.
My favorite time I did this was for a killer. He thanked me because unknown to us, he had let his kid play a match and they were apparently happy to get someone in the end. You never know who's on the other side so I try to be nice when I can.
For the people who run out the exit gates after teabagging and not even offering a hot for points. I have no sympathy there.
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I'll stick around for bodyblocking purposes, but if I'm the only one left then yeah I'll leave. I've never understood the teabagging at the exit either, but it's always been there.
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Because they are invincible at an open exit gate. It's a power trip. Survivors sometimes do the same thing at the hatch, waiting last second to jump in (sometimes while having repaired 0 generators, free escape). It's simply a powertrip, feeling superior
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I do it in 2 cases,
1 when i get BMed myself for playing well
2 S tier killer baiting when tunneling at 5 gens
Edit : btw for me nodding is not BM it's just being funny (wherever as killer or survivor)
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The only reason I will wait at the gates to bag you is if you tried to tunnel me off hook or slug for the 4k. You waste my time, then I will also waste your time and wait to give you the bags.
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=down a survivor and rapid shake their head rapidly for no reason
Not BM being funny
=be toxic like body humping or wraiths spamming their dinner/train bells, boing boing over and over
Tiring and boring for humping, enjoying your time as wraith is ey OK
=hits survivors on hook constantly when they catch them with a crutch like noed
That is BM for sure
=hits survivors on hook who did no t bags/click or display any toxic behavior
Yes that is so tiring
=hits survivors on hooks because they chase a god looper who loop them for 4 to 5 gens
He did get destroyed tho … skill issue… (probably brain issue as well)
=hits survivors on hook because they get head on/power struggled
Whatever it's just a perk
=hits survivors on hooks because they pallet/flashlight/flashbang save a team mate
Depends but if it's like more than 5 times i will understand (Still a skill issue tho)
=hits survivors on hooks because=they use blast mine.
Why ? NO !
=hits survivors on hooks because=they had boil over
My old rpd librairy trauma is still there
=hits survivors on hook=because they use a sypetic powder
That is … pointless, just try winning the game to show them it doesn't matter …
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Exit gates are just too safe. Survivors should be in danger up to the moment they commit to leaving.
Turn the threshold into a single vault that can't be rushed
When exit is blocked for killer it is also blocked for survivors
Make the exit beyond the gate into a long hallway. Killer is outside the match when in there and free from the entities influence so anyone downed there can be moried.
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If it's like a chill ghostface I'll do it with him but I usually just do last second heals.
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Physically can't leave without the killer seeing you leave. The Entity blocks the exit until the killer has line of sight of it.
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The only times I ever do it is because I either can't see some of the other survivors and I linger there for a bit in case I need to go back in to rescue them, or the odd case where I want to give killers a couple extra blood points because they're already there in front of the gate anyways.
But for the most part is because of the first one. I don't want other survivors screaming at me "WHY DID YOU LEAVE??????" because I thought we all were safe.
Quick edit: I never teabag if the killer doesn't deserve it. You'll hardly ever see me teabag a killer, not even when they're trying hard to win. If you ever see me rapidly teabag at the gates, the killer just failed to live their kinky sadistic fantasy and I feel they pretty much deserve it.
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Don’t teabag at the gates but I’ll wait if there are people to save (I usually run for the people for such reasons).
never wait 2 mins etc but sometimes will wait a little (30 sec or so max) to:- Give hook/kill to a killer who didn’t get any
- Sometimes just to say GG (I play on Nintendo Switch so no chat - a little nod/item drop is the only way I can express or communicate that it was a good game and acknowledge the fun match we had.
- If the killer returns the nod, I’ll lead them to where I have my boon up if still lit for extra bp (usually when I also let them hook/kill me).
again, only for around 30 secs and if the killer seems ‘up for’ such interactions. If they seem irritated then I just leave0 -
If BHVR would just add emotes…
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It doesn't really bother me I just go push them out because it saves me time to just go ahead and force them out rather than go somewhere in the map to avoid the survivors and hope they leave all because I dont want to see a t bag, that's just as childish as the people who stay inside you're giving them what they want when you let them sit in the gate until the timer goes out
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As a killer main i don't mind this. It adds a little excitement at the end of the game.
Occasionally I'll get a hit and once, as Myers with a tombstone add-on, I got a kill.
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I think adding emotes would just make it worse.
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There are a few options.
- Chase them out the door, you have a big weapon in your hand… use it.
- Spend two mins breaking stuff and/or spamming your power for the extra BP's.
- Do something else, make a cup o tea, use the bathroom, watch a movie etc.
Lastly don't fret the lil things.
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Look at it from this perspective:
End game survivors waiting at gates and crouch spamming.. you hate that right?
Why? The core reason is because it happens every single game right? So that means it is because it is repetitive, when you first saw it you never took notice of it, until it happened over and over.. this is why emotes would be perfect, emotes that make you laugh would be even better. It would instantly take away the frustration and put you in a better mood.
Trust me!