In about 3 months to a year people wont like the unknown.

I don't think people have figured him out yet so I'm presenting my case as one-sidedly as possible just do the courtesy of reading it and saying what you think afterwards.

A 3 gen playing proxy camping unknown who zones everyone out is complete misery to play against. It's not as bad as some recent killers but I'm not lowering my expectations in response to Skull Merchant and Knight hes a bad killer to play against his UVX is undodgeable but its not a guaranteed down because the time he has to reasonably hit you in chase a second time may spent at a part of the map when he can't but it encourages a hit a run playstyle after weakening a suv with his tps also helping that with that and the suvs will NEED to remove weakened or in their next chase they will take a hit very easily because of how long it takes to remove + unlike when he first hits you he wont have to wait for UVXs recharge cooldown and if your injured by the uvx you wont get distance so he is rewarded dropping chases and not committing and then he can control his tps (by tapping right click) and mid chase force them out the correct side of a loop to force a hit on that loop if the survivor dosent leave it.

He is a Hit and Runner where the survivor doesn't have much input (everyone can look behind them at some point it doesn't feel like skill expression) with psydo, dredge/pyramid head like anti-loop who is uniquely good in a 3 gen situation because he is encouraged to hit and run with 3 tps he can control the placement of by tapping right click while being able to zone like artist after applying one hit without lowering in move speed by tapping right click.

Now my case is presently as one sidely as possible in the most extreme way I can put it I think the unknown is bad to play against but not like a knight or Skull Merchant he won't get to use his power in a consistent way that always feels like its unplayable so with that said he is in my bottom 10 but not bottom 5 and I don't think he will be seen as the home run of a killer I think most of the reception around him has been like.


  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    This does not matter. You will just get a good chunk of your downs as forced hits or zoned M1s, you still take every potshot you can if there's little cost but I'm not saying he a turret that perma hits every shot I'm saying a combination of things in his kit he shares with less popular killers plus the fact he is encouraged to hit and run means when the honeymoon is over I don't think he will be seen as the great success he is now. At worst he will be disliked at best he will be meh imo. I think some people will like every killer but the overall positive reception he's getting I think is due to how bad killers have been recently.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688

    I hear your argument and counter with Self-Caring Claudette in a Corner.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688

    Your argument is either not Legion-specific.

    Sure there are situations where healing against Legion can make sense (as you said, We Will Make it, especially if the Legion brings Thana to avoid the big Repair-Penalty for four injured Survivors).

    But more often than not you see Survivors heal against Legion just to get injured seconds after.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Of some course people won’t.
    Many players will certainly still enjoy playing as and against Unknown and even maining Unknown in 1 month to a full year’s time from now.

    Yes, not all ppl.

    fwiw, in 1 month to 1 year’s time there will be 1 to 4 new Killers released. Any of them will take some playing time away from Unknown, and possibly cause Unknown mains to main one of said new Killers; That’s inevitable.

    Surely Unknown will be buffed in a years time, so of course players having difficulty vs that Killer will dislike vs them even more.

    Nature of the beast

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    I was hating on Billy way before they overbuffed him and I'm happily hating on Uknown since he was released.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,184

    Every killer is hated after a while, people always find some pointless reason to hate the killers.

    I personally don't feel like his shot isn't dodgeable, you just have to learn the times where he probably shoot and where he's zoning, shots through walls are another thing you will have to learn the places for. His teleport is instant and has a more or less short cooldown and is placeable where you want, but you can remove it as survivor so that's counterable too.

    In the end I'd take 10 unknowns over 1 trapper, because his counterplay is at least interessting and unique.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    BHVR is probably not going to reduce the splash damage radius of his ranged attack (even though they should), but they could make the ability to reduce Weakened state a little more consistent. I was looping an Unknown around an l/t wall tile with my camera on him the entire time and the Weakened went down by about 30%. At the same time, it wasn't like the Unknown player was trying to stay hidden. That's supposed to be the design, Unknown is supposed to get out of sight lines.

    He's like a "hold W" Killer. New Clown and Huntress are kinda the same. They make a beeline for you and just spam the ability. If you zig-zag they hit you with melee, if you run in a straight line they hit you with the power.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 1,373

    Maybe I'll get bores of Unknown once I master every inch of every map and know every combo and angle for guaranteed UVX hits.

    I guess you could compare Unknown to bump logic Blight, and maybe that's too boring and predictable for some but for me, I'm content with spending my time getting to that point where he'll be boring. I love obsessing over something for a while.

    I lost interest in Xeno and Chucky in like, less than a month so this guy is already doing much better than recent killers.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Most Survivor skill-expression is lumped into game awareness and map knowledge. It's mindgames mainly.

    So the argument that UVX can't be dodged is so bad. You can predict the shot and move to a position that makes it impossible for Unknown to get you. Or look behind you with enough distance and watch the projectile path and move away from it.

    You know what's really funny. Survivors can easily counter being zoned or 3-gen'd by simply w-keying it away from the area they're defending. Take the health state and move away. Give your team time to progress them, and then it's their turn to take them away from the gen area.

    Unknown is the best Killer BHVR have ever released. It has all the tools to not play them in a boring way. Being able to feel like you can take a chase in any part of the map is very rare for a lot of the roster to have. On top of having a very interactive counter play too.

    I completely disagree with this post. Once people figure out how to play as and vs Unknown, (which good players already have btw) the matches should be very fun. But as it is, Survivor players are entitled and think/assume they can get Killers nerfed to the point of them having to camp, slug, tunnel and 3-gen in order to get an interaction that they can win from. It's the most ironic crap ever. They'll moan about a fun killer before learning how to get better and counter them, and when they're nerfed they moan that everyone plays the same. It's so stupid.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    If the killer does bad, yeah. Otherwise you get hit for sure.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    The Killer is extremely boring. You're a bot if you play this killer on mnk.

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 215

    I want people to know even if I don't like the unknown the reason I wrote this post is it's a prediction.

    The fact the most common response is just to dodge his shots and is not address the general things in his kit my prediction is based around such as his hit-and-run playstyle, strength in a 3 gen, proxy camp strength and zoning potential is making me even more confident that this is going to be the case because he is way more than just his UVX and 1v1 chases.

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348


    Whenever I hear someone say this killer is boring without a reason, it makes me think that they haven't really put much thought into what The Unknown brings to DBD. Its kit is so versatile and completely counterable too. Its the most balanced Killer they have ever made, yet it's a high A tier Killer.

    BHVR, if they did it by accident or purposely tried to make it this way, did an amazing job with this killer.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited April 2024

    Most balanced and completely counterable? Nah. Not really. Unknown does have some pretty uncounterable scenarios. Like having a Hallucination in a loop. There's nothing you can do to avoid a hit there, if they don't mess up and it's also possible for them to wait in that loop until a Hallucination is placed. That's really not a nice feeling to play against since it basically makes them a stronger Dredge in that loop. It's also something that makes this killer less interesting for me to play as because I know that I often have the option to just wait and place a Hallucination instead of actually playing around with the UVX.

    I don't really like playing as Unknown either. I find it kind of boring for the most part and the only real interesting thing about the killer for me is the bouncing projectile. That's something different. But everything else, I don't really like. Hitting survivors through walls also feels pretty wrong to me.

    The visual design in my opinion is more goofy than anything else.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,526

    Cannot share this opinion whatsoever, as someone who plays a lot on projectile killer unknown is probably one of the coolest ones designed. He is everything artist should have been, and hitting through walls is his highest skill expression, removing it would be like removing billy flicks or slingers ability to shoot trough tiny gaps. The arc the proyectile has also creates a skill floor for snipes and the bounce lets you do delayed shots and tricks that are incredible.

    Unknown is one of the few interesting killers added after they took away all skill expresion on chucky.

    Also without addons a hallucination takes 60s to spawn and the timer gets -15 seconds for each survivor who is weakened, meaning either the killer waits 60s and basically throws the game in order to be a less effective dredge or they have to hit you 4 times with UVX meaning they also waste a LOT of time.

    Lets take addons into account too then, if you are using the newspaper then the survivor has to drop the pallet so that you can get the reduced cooldown, so now you can only use the hallucination in the next loop, again more time wasted, or if you use the footprint you have to hit 3 times UVX, which is still less than mediocre for chase time.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    I dont like the unknown now

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Anything that is antiloop =auto disliked by me plain and simple . Unknown is another bubba but in ranged form because bubba is the only killer who can down multiple survivors with his saw at once, I mean oni can but he would have to be major lucky where as bubba can easily do it no problem.

    Yeah the fact he is not only anti loop but with a power than can injure more than one person + you got to look at him while in chase to counter his power is silly.

    I do look behind me when being chased by any killer but that does not mean the fact its stupid that this is the only killer you have to be in chase with to end his power where as others its more of using interaction thing to get rid of it. You would have thought disabling his clones would take his power off you. When I see this was not the case am like hello skull merchant 2.0

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480


    The projectile speed is actually slow enough to be dodged on reaction past certain distance, whether you get injured after that by m1 is different matter