how are killers suppose to find survivors quickly when ultimate weapon is changed?

time is the most important thing for killers, so uw cut down on the time. now its a aura based perk and every survivor runs distortion, makes it not worth running aura perks, so all i can use is whispers and on 2 level maps its booty.
also what about lucky break users? cant see scratch marks. boon shadowstep same thing. so now killers only have auras for tracking dont work most of the time.
ur telling me i have to use survillence or discordance or thrilling tremors, or even bloodhound or spies from the shadows?
How did people do it pre-Sept 2023?
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New ultimate weapon is actually better, distortion is worse than calm spirit because it is more or less token based
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The same way we did before Ultimate Weapon was a thing.
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General game sense goes a long way. Check out some youtube videos on survivor spawn logic and go from there
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You do it by relying on your surroundings such as crows flying or hearing.
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and if they just hide? you dont have time to stay and check
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Presumably, the same way we did it for seven years before.
Eyes and ears.
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Don't knock Spies From The Shadows, pretty dang good info perk despite being a base perk.
Though I do wish Whispers would get buffed.
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whats the point of being here if no one is constructive and serious. im not saying survivors cant hide but it will take longer to find hiding survivors. havent u ever played killer?
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Only time I use this perk was on pig and it was to pop heads. I usually run doctor so I can avoid this situation. If you still can't find survivors then maybe you should play as survivor.
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- Scratch marks
- Blood
- Breathing
- Grunting
- Noise
- Crows
- Predict their movements
I was addicted to Nurse calling and No where to hide. But after 10 matches without aura perks, I gained back my game sense. May be you should try.
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- lucky break and boon shadowstep
- lucky break
- iron will, off the record
- off the record, lron will, bite the bullet
- quick and quiet
- calm spirit or crouching
- third person camera and checkspots and red stain
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People are being serious. DBD has been around for 8 years and UW only 6 months. If you feel you won't be able to play without UW then chances are you've become overly reliant on it. It happens alot to players, both killers and survivors, who use certain perks for too long and then feel they won't be able to function without them. It's actually the reason i frequently change my builds up. As someone else said, game sense quickly kicks back in.
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My goodness if you relied on that perk to find survivors then I am sorry but that is a skill issue on your part.
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1) A mediocre low-use perk and a mediocre low-use perk
3) A bad perk and a good perk, well, at least you've got something there.
5) Another bad low-use perk.
6) Another bad perk and an inefficient playstyle.
7) It's called prediction, anticipate their camera.
It really just seems like you want to be vindicated in your inability to cope with losing UW's free tracking.
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I can give tips but I rather stop here, cant keep this going.
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Watch some Youtube videos
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new ultimate weapon is still really good for tracking. the issue is distortion. It is weird because now i want to use ultimate weapon to avoid decisive strike but the nerf shows up exactly on decisive strike patch. what a coincidence…
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You use one of the other info perks in the game or develop the game sense to have a pretty good idea where to go at all times.
The latter comes from experience, so don't sweat it, if you're not there yet.
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Lucky Break is very undervalued. I do not want to go against another group of Lucky Break + Overcome survivors. You can't keep a single chase and then they heal with a medkit (granted it's not as bad as before the medkit nerf) while you don't make any progress the entire game.
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Game sense which is something you earn by playing the game, also having a general idea of where survivors spawn. If you are that concerned run Corrupt which is a great perk that forces survivors into a smaller area early game. Then of course there is Lethal Pursuer…
Ultimate Weapon is such an irritating and broken perk as it currently is, the fact you get all that free info and blindness from the zero skill act of opening a locker is absurd.
I cant wait for this irritating perk to be changed, it makes me hate playing survivor at times and irritates me almost as much as old Eruption.
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Lucky Break is actually a perk I really like but I wouldn’t pair it with overcome (one of the worst exhaustion perks). Lithe is better, and SB, if you know how to 99 it. Shadow step as well if you can control the killer.
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Honestly just patrol generators. You’ll find survivors eventually.
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By unlearning whatever strategy you where using. The second you overdepend on a perk it will eventually backfire on you
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Overcome is definitely not the strongest but it works quite well with Lucky Break because you get it at the same time and you don't have to manage the exhaustion. But you are correct that SB is definitely better.
For Lithe, I'd argue that there are situations in which it will cost you a bit too much time to activate it after a hit and you also can't vault before Lucky Break activates or you won't lose the killer. So in combination, I think Overcome + Lucky Break is actually better than Lithe + Lucky Break.
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The combo of Overcome/Lucky Break and Iron Will can be so dirty in chase. I used to do it with just Lucky Break and Iron Will to see what absurd jukes I could pull off and the things I got away with were hilarious. It also helped me be less dependent on exhaustion perks as obviously they don't work well with new Iron Will.
I eventually got bored of doing this but I had a huge amount of fun messing with Lucky Break and Overcome etc
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People are gonna keep responding, "Just take time to look for them!" not realizing that it's time which killer 100% can't afford at high level. It's enough that we can't end chases quickly, but now we're expected to spend loads of time looking for people because 1 perk counters all aura perks, and gives itself a feedback loop just based off how tokens are accrued.
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I don't think it's necessarily better. Screams are more obvious when the perk has found someone. The aura reading is for 3 seconds only so if you miss a survivor who got revealed by it, you won't know.
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I'll just go back to the aura reading perks I used before UW. Honestly, I do hate every single aura reading perk in the game gets countered by one single survivor perk that isn't even hard to use and has pretty much 100% uptime but it's whatever at this point. I just go back to what I used before.
On another topic, I have seen one person(not going to tell them) who says you should use your eyes and ears to find survivors but here is the thing some of us killers do not have the best hearing and can't afford some $100+ headphone to hear a survivor slight breathing. I do little depend on info perks to help find ppl who just want to hide behind a rock all day. For example, the other day I was playing huntress with no info, I killed one person and the other three just started to hide. I went from gen to gen trying my best to find someone but I never did. I got so bored out of my mind since all I was doing was walking from gen to gen and kicking gens and looking around the areas of the gens for 10mins. I gave up and just afk and let them go. To me it wasn't worth wasting any more time on those ppl to get 2 or 3 more kills, the one was enough for me at that point. I honestly had no way to find these people and I tried my hardest to use my eyes and ears to do that with no luck. Sometime killers do need some info perks esp if they don't have the best hearing.
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If you need a perk in order to remain at high level, maybe you don't belong in high level? When I think of high level players, I think of players who have near perfect game sense.
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You patrol aggressively. Nowhere to Hide, too, is very underrated.
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Crows just doesn't work indoor