Why Does Everyone Point to Lady Dimitrescu?

Whenever people talk about a third RE chapter—I should clarify, this discussion isn't meant to be about whether a 3rd RE chapter should or shouldn't happen—they always bring up Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8.

…Why? What about her is so compelling? I understand she was big in the marketing and she's popular, but she wasn't actually that important to the plot or gameplay of Village, nor would she even really have the basis for an interesting, unique power. It's just an odd trend that she's always the one people talk about (especially when Jack Baker is right there!)


  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    I hate to say it, but yeah, the guy up top is probably right. I don't think she's a bad character or anything, but she wouldn't be half as popular as she is if she weren't sexualized.

    As for a 3rd RE Chapter, I feel like 7 did so much for the current horror gaming genre that it'd be fitting for a full chapter. Still, I think it goes without saying RE has been done the most justice in terms of representation (Nemesis not included), it is after all the only License with two entire killers and four survivors. I think it'd be much better to double dip Silent Hill, Stranger Things, or even Alien before returning back to RE.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    I knew it was mostly that, I was just hoping to be a LITTLE wrong. It's a shame—I think she's alright, it's just the most obvious hornybait character I've ever seen after having played the game.

    I'm not so well versed in Silent Hill, so I don't know much about other killer candidates. I would rather not get another ST chapter, and I don't see the potential in Xenomorph 2, really, though.

    As an aside, I think RE has awful representation as a horror series in DbD, because Nemesis is terribly adapted and Wesker doesn't fit this game whatsoever, and it's a shame—Jack should have been here before Wesker, at least.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    I think Marguerite shouldn't be an actual killer herself, but she is the single most obvious Plague legendary I've ever seen down to the lantern being a perfect fit for Plague's censer.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    SH has a few easy candidates they could pull from, the best probably being Valtiel, who's kinda Cheryl's Pyramid Head in a way.

    I think there's enough ST content as is, but there's also a lot they could add. Without getting into rumor talk, I think it's more likely than not BHVR goes back for more eventually. Personally, I'm fine with what we have.

    Alien I don't necessarily think needs a full new chapter, but Hicks as a survivor would be cool and another map would also be fire after Nostromo (my only issue with the map is the amount of clutter). There's definitely something that could work as a killer from it, but I agree that a second Xeno wouldn't really be exciting. It'd be like if Hillbilly was added after Leatherface.

    RE I think is great. The survivors and skins all are spot on, so that's half the battle. I agree that Nemesis was butchered, but I think Wesker is fine. There's so much currently in the game that was utterly unimaginable at the start it's kinda crazy, and he's well designed for the most part and goofy. RPD is still dog trash, but I don't think there's anyone out there (who plays killer at least) that disagrees.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    There's a lot from ST they could add, they just shouldn't 'cause ST sucks. That's really my only reason for not wanting more ST in the game I think the show is really bad. Shallow and subjective reason, but, I mean, I'm totally right.

    I think the problem with RE in DbD is that it really brought the level of technology survivors can hit you with somewhere I dunno if I feel comfortable with, you know? Flashbangs and blast mines and wiretaps are all… A lot? Not to mention they're super obnoxious mechanics so far as they were implemented, but the survivors and skins are good.

    I'm not gonna budge on RE5 Wesker not belonging, though—He's not scary, nor is he intimidating, I can't in good conscience say he's a horror character at all. I don't think he was implemented poorly, either—for what he is, he's well implemented, I just can't help but think they should have gone with a human Wesker to represent the corporate evil of RE instead of the matrix man. He would have been really interesting as a trap-setting, minion-summoning mastermind playing not like the killer in REsistance, that would have been great. I just can't abide by the leather coat high speed Marvel vs Capcom man, I guess.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    She'd be an interesting addition to the roster, though, very distinct from other killers in terms of style and aesthetics.

  • Raconteurminator
    Raconteurminator Member Posts: 618
    edited April 2024

    3 reasons, no particular order.

    • Tall
    • Vampire
    • Lady
  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,610

    That combined with the fact that she turns into a giant monster and Id like to see more giant monsters in DBD, something along the lines of Demo but bigger and a bit more alien/monster-like.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    Because she’s their bigg thicc syrup mama to drool over. Ngl though, her and her daughters were fun to fight against in the castle. If she were a DBD killer, her M1 is basically her long nails extensions, but her overall power would be difficult to figure out I’d assume since she didn’t have a power in 8 if I recall besides turning into some dragon lady.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512

    I would prefer they add Jack from RE7 could possibly work, since in RE7 he is actually the main antagonist hunting you far longer than Dimitrescu does in her game.

    For a full chapter, I am not sure if they would add a survivor, because it would have to be Ethan Winters, but CAPCOM has been very careful to not show his face for some reason, which clearly would be difficult in a multiplayer games.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,973

    Mia, maybe? Or even Rosemary.

    As for Lady D., I think the reasons why people want her are fairly self-evident. Arguably Jack is a more obvious candidate as far as his potential kit goes. Lady D. I can only imagine as a hybrid of Knight and Artist.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    People see a beautiful, tall, sexy, voluptuous, elegantly dressed, dominatrixy vampire empress with cleavage exposed in all their sexified glory, and it appeals to them.

    I personally thought her presence alone, not to mention her entire portion of RE8 with the gorgeous, glossy castle setting and sensational atmosphere was by far the most appealing part of the game.

    I’ll absolutely enjoy Lady Dimitrescu in DBD!

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    I wasn’t into Jack Baker AT ALL
    He was waay irritating (imo) and never stfu.

    Thought he was completely annoying and thoroughly enjoyed silencing that relentless yapper of his.

    Also, Jack’s final form was cool, but wouldn’t fit in DBD

    Not really into seeing his scraggly man-form in the game.

    Maybe better as a legendary

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,022

    You literally stated the reason in your opening post.

    What about her is so compelling? I understand she was big in the marketing and she's popular, but she wasn't actually that important to the plot or gameplay of Village, nor would she even really have the basis for an interesting, unique power.

    Business only cares about how something will sell. Big in marketing and she's popular. LIke… the two biggest reasons to go with a product for any company lol. It it'll sell, it's a good thing to add to the game. IMO, this is a solid choice for BHVR. But I'm also over RE lol. Lady D isn't cooler/better/or more popular than Wesker.

    …More popular… now Im curious actually. Lady D or Wesker, whos more popular? Also, who wins in a 1v1 lol

  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    I always visualise Lady Dimitrescu being a good Legendary cosmetic for Skull Merchant. When they've finally gotten around to a Skull Merchant 3.0, and people playing and versing her are happy, then give her that skin :D

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    just make a fatal frame chapter.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    I haven't actually seen ST so I can't really comment on that lol. I just like Demo's design so I'd probably be alright with whatever's added later down the line.

    RE did bring a lot of its more spylike aspects with its inclusion. I'm pretty alright with Blast Mine and Flashbang and whatnot, as they're more interesting than the bargain bin haste, heal, exhaust, etc. perks we've been given that are never really worth running over the alternatives. They're pretty silly, but this was the same chapter that came with a bioengineered Tyrant killer, so I think it was kinda warranted. It is undeniable that this was really the start of DBD pushing the limits of what it could include, even moreso than stuff like ST or All-Kill.

    I think Wesker was honestly what the game needed when he came out. Sure, he's going for a tone completely different than the rest of the cast, but I feel like he's perfectly within the lines of how people play the game once they get used to it, if that makes sense. DBD is treated about as much as action horror as RE5 was by the community, so I feel like in this case, it's a good match.

    That said, I do really like your proposed concept of a younger Wesker who summons minions and whatnot to get his way. Certainly sounds like a power befitting 'The Mastermind' which is more than I can say for his current design.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,256

    She has fan service similar to wesker being shirtless. I rather see jack baker. Welcome to the family son

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Enough of RE already its a franchise on the slide.

    I'd rather see a unique classic noir Femme Fatale type killer than Lady D rehashed.

    I don't even get the thirst trap surrounding her, the model isn't all that appealing, but I guess the drooling masses have spoken.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    In my case, I don't get why some people in this post want Jack Baker, he is not appealing in any sense, arguably one of the less charismatics and less memorable villains in RE franchise.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774


    jack was a fantastic villain. it was him setting the tone of the game early on what made the game really good.

    sure on one hand he was a generic "nemesis" style enemy but there is nothing wrong with that cause that kinda re thing at that point but he was a really good character. he wasnt a grunting mute wall of flesh hunting you like nemi or mr x he was really good. i liked him from the first second and when we got to his backstory and talked to him in that mind space that was brilliant overall i would say re7 was a far batter game then village.

    ofcourse thats all a matter of taste but less charismatic and memorable is almost an insult for a very solid villian

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Regarding Silent Hill, I'd say "Silent Hill 4: The Room" would be the biggest contender. The game has been favourablylooked upon in recent years, unlike when it came out where the change was probably too extreme for many, alongside some unusually odd choices.

    Although Pyramid Head is above this killer, Walter Sullivan has some great seeds for a killer power, in terms of the Ghosts of the victims he murdered. Henry and Eileen would be great Survivors, but Walter has a lot more going for him in terms of power ideas.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    SH4 was actually also where my mind jumped to from what I knew about it. That would be pretty cool, and it'd be interesting if survivors could use those swords(they were swords, right?) to pin some of his AI enemies down but wouldn't ever be able to pin down all of them. Turn the swords, nails, whathaveyou into a resource they need to more constantly manage.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    That was my thought on a way to interract with ghists too! Also, it may have been fun if Walter - like Pyramid Head - had an alternative Mori, but instead of it being used for a quick kill, he could have one which ultimately reanimates the Survivor into another Ghost.

    Also, like the original Ghosts, have them AI but - rather than attack survivors with hits - they have a smaller Terror Radius which hits various status effects upon Survivors, as well as the visual effects.

    It's a pretty varied ability, and that's not even taking into account a primary power for Walter!

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 301

    i'd 1000 times want jack baker or heisenberg with their voicelines. Imagine the mori he says " welcome to the family son " 😂

  • YayC
    YayC Member Posts: 134

    She was extremely intimidating, had a unique design and was memorable. Sure she wasn't massively pivotal to the plot, but the main antagonist I literally can't remember the name of. Whereas everyone remember LD

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    Jack has a very prominent personality, in a series of giant silent bioweapons and sneering agents, Jack stands alone as a representation of what the Umbrella Corporation, bio-organic weapons, and weaponized viruses do to the common people and to the world. He's constantly laughing and degrading you not in the way some comic book villain would but instead like an older guy might joke with you. I find him to be one of few instances where a character like that—one who is saying funny things all the time and laughing—manages to still be scary. It's also genuinely super heartbreaking when you get to see glimpses of his actual personality at the end of the game and in the DLC, seeing that he is a genuinely compassionate father figure who is forced to be this perverse parody of the stereotypical American father.

    He also has great potential for a power—no killer has ever REALLY manipulated the map, not in the way he might using the Mold. He could do something more than placing portals or trails of a hazard, he could reasonably set up ways to walk through structures or have lockers and chests sprout awful hands to grab you as you pass, create shortlived walls of mold, even. Plus, he is directly inspired by slasher films.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985

    After playing My Little Oni, she is definitely doable and would put another unique aspect for both killer and survivor gameplay- just like Chucky did. BHVR should make it happen.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    If we were to get another Resident Evil chapter the only characters I could imagine that would be somewhat fitting is a Tyrant / Mr. X / Super Tyrant or Heisenberg from Village since their power potential is quite high.

    Past that yeah Lady D may be more notable from Village but she's not really interesting before she transforms and you know - She can't really fit on the map during her transformation.

    As for additional skins

    Chainsaw Man / Dr. Salvador from Resident Evil 4 = The Hillbilly

    Jack Baker with Chainsaw Scissors = The Hillbilly

    Mr. X / Super Tyrant = The Oni

    Ivy = The Unknown

    If Lady D was a killer I'd assume she'd need a special crouch button specifically for doors.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Jack Baker isn't really all that interesting though. He's just a big dude with a hammer or chainsaw sheers. His "power" is purely expressed in his extreme regenerative healing ability and strength. Even when you account for his DLC appearance where he's a literal swamp monster doesn't really exhibit much in the way of standout power manifestations and is literally beaten to death by a his cousin using a high tech boxing glove. At least with Lady Dimtrescu you have character with not only a ton more character appeal in the personality department and looks department. You also have a character who has displayed actual controllable power feats such as being able to transform part of or her entire body at will.

    Lady Dimitrescu also fills a monster role we don't have any representation for which is Vampire. Jack is the least interesting boss in his own game compared to the likes of his wife who can control and birth insects or his freakazoid son, or the little girl. Jack is funny though which goes a long way in making him memorable. Like we could just make him a Legendary skin for Hillbilly with voice lines an accomplish the effect of having him represented perfectly in game. Can't really do that with Dimitrescu which is something else to consider.

    Wesker is also represented fine this game and saying he doesn't fit in this game is like saying he doesn't fit in Teppen or MvC3. Makes zero sense. Nemesis isn't terribly adapted he's just not all that exciting without his arsenal and his arsenal doesn't work in this type of game balance wise. Then again the majority of RE bosses tend to just not function well outside of their game and the ones that do are usually tyrant types or enhanced humans which really limits the available pool of interesting things to be done.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    Jack Baker is visually just a guy, sure, and technically speaking he does only walk around with a weapon. However, he's the perfect character to play with the mold taking over the Baker estate for a power—And having the Entity replace Eveline in controlling him makes solid narrative sense as well. Jack is a strong guy who is made of a bio-organic weapon that has also taken over the entire swamp he lives in, so he could easily have a power centered around manipulating the map in ways we haven't seen yet, he's capable of being a very complex trap/setup character. Alcina doesn't have something so versatile or interesting as the mold to work with. Having a vampire would be cool, but Dimitrescu would actually not be a good way of implementing one—I would much rather see an original vampire who can actually use the concepts of feeding on and turning people into thralls.

    Wesker from RE5 is well represented, he just doesn't belong. It's nothing at all like saying he doesn't fit in Teppen or MvC, because my argument is that Wesker is tonally inconsistent. He's a comic book character, a Matrix action man. He isn't a horror character in RE5. Jack's humor is mostly worked into his horror, Wesker's high speed action is—intimidating, sure—too far into the ballpark of 'cool' to be scary.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 521

    It would be the funniest thing in the world to me if they went with Moreau instead of Lady D.

    Also for a serious opinion Donna Beneviento and Angie were the scariest part of RE7 and is much more deserving of a spot. She's very underrated.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    I'm of the opinion Donna and Angie would be a Twins skin—I'd love to see them, though, easily the scariest part of Village.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Characters can be both cool in action sense and still fit in a horror setting as the horror genre is extremely versatile. Mechanically speaking he's the best possible fit for DBD out of all choices presented from RE.

    Jack is infected with, powered by, and made of the mold but he can not control it. He also isn't a good fit for being a trap setting character as even in the game he doesn't set traps, his son does. Alcina has the Cadou infection which is derived from the mold which not only granted her large size, increased strength, regenerative capabilities, but also the ability to transform her body into a dragon and could command swarms of mold flies. Literally has everything Jack has but better and as for seeing thralls in DBD that's unlikely to happen even with an original character design as players tend to despise losing control of their characters in this game.

    At least with Dimitrescu you could have her make use of her own innate abilities or those of her daughters if you absolutely wanted minion type gameplay. That's looking at the characters and comparing their kits as demonstrated in their respective games as objectively as possible. Even if we set aside both Jack and Alucina to choose other boss characters you're in a situation where the best boss characters of the current modern era are in Village. Heisenberg and Donna Beneviento offer interesting and new things to play with and in the case of Donna she can actually control mold infected plant life in addition to her dolls.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 258

    Jack isn't the one using the mold himself but he's the one most closely connected to it outside Eveline herself. It's not hard to imagine the Entity giving him control of it, or taking Eveline's place directly. And by trap-setting, I don't just mean mechanical, object traps, but molded arms in the environment that grab at survivors, maybe even pulling them into lockers for a short time, stuff like that. You have more room to get creative with the Mold than the Cadou, and it wouldn't be the first time we've seen a technically incorrect adaptation that enhances the faithfulness of the adaptation. Look at Pyramid Head—none of what he does here is what he does in Silent Hill, but it's a very compelling adaptation of Silent Hill. Dimitrescu's abilities just aren't compelling in comparison—she's more fit to an Artist skin when we finally get power cosmetics in the game, really.

    And, sure, a character can be cool and still fit horror. I just don't think Wesker does. You could convince me of a Batman villain fitting in DbD, for example, but that's because they have horror elements that can be leaned into. RE5 Wesker doesn't lean into the scary aspects of Wesker's character, especially not in DbD, where he spouts one liners all the time. This isn't to say I'm unhappy he's here—he's just plain fun, how could I be?—but he really doesn't belong in a horror sense.

  • ExcelSword
    ExcelSword Member Posts: 512
    edited April 2024

    Honestly I could see them making Alcina a legendary skins for Nemesis. Her power up could be her growing her claws just like Nemesis uses his tentacle whip.

    Nemesis is already shorter his model from Re3 remake, so I don't see why the wouldn't scale her down to fit a skin. Especially considering they have done so already for characters like the Xenomorph queen or the freaking titans from AOT.

  • NOCTURN_05
    NOCTURN_05 Member Posts: 103

    I still think the best new-age RE candidate is Karl Heisenberg. Big personality, distinct look, massive importance to the story of village, and most importantly, a distinct, unique power unlike anything we've ever had.

  • Wibwob
    Wibwob Member Posts: 114

    Besides the obvious reasons, she's was also heavily marketed for the most recent RE game (besides re4make) and became pretty popular. As much as I would prefer Karl, he's way more obscure to someone who doesn't play Resident Evil.

    Jack is a cool idea, but again, I don't think he would appeal to people outside of the RE fandom, albeit from a design perspective. On the outside, he's just a hillbilly with an axe.