when is killer at their strongest? early game, mid game, or endgame?

i ask this because survivors hate noed, and killers hate adrenaline.

so lets rewind

in the early game killer is at their weakest right? all pallets available, survivors looking or working on a gen. killer has a tough time but manages a down, and goes for a hook. boom 1 or 2 gens pop. now the pressure is on for the killer and its only around 2 minutes into the match, and most of survivor resources are up. -early game

killer finds different survivor, 1st survivor gets unhooked and healed, killer downs and hooks 2nd survivor, activates pain res. ok goes to where survivor was working on gen and the 2 survivors finish a gen and its 2 gens left with one at around 80 percent complete.- mid game

killer downs and hooks 3rd survivor. the gen that was 80 is completed leaving only one left to do, and there is still a good amount of pallets left. now killer either patrols and defends last gen or camp survivor number 3.

killer decides to camp, and survivor number 3 hits second stage. 2 survivors attempt a save and both get injured and get the unhook, survivor number 4 finishes the gen and all injured survivors get healed and speed away. killer catches up and uses noed on one of them. slugs and gets the down on the survivor that was second stage. the killer "tunneled". noed gets cleansed and picks up the slugged survivor, either pallet saved or flashlight save, somehow killer manages to down and get a hook and camp. survivors leave so its a 2k -end game

ok so if killer is strongest at endgame, perks like adrenaline and hope rob the killers pressure from them

if killer is strongest in mid game is because they have to camp or tunnel , (kill by 2 gens)

and no killer is strong in the beginning honestly.

my point is that survivors are strongest in the beginning and in end game if they run perks like the ones listed before.

midgame is where survivors would struggle a bit and is why killers run slowdown, because unless the killer prepares for endgame, its pretty much a lost match.

that is the reason killers hate adrenaline and run noed, there simply isnt enough time in the match, gens are too easy to complete. just hold m1 and a couple skill checks vs killer dealing with pallets,saves, second chance perks. i know that is the gameplay but if generators could be reworked, not increase their time, maybe look for resources before being able to repair and the actual repair process shorten it could work. and now with the unreal engine 5 this is possible and more.

or gens remain how they are and this back and forth fight will never end.


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Depending on how well the killer did and who it is, the answer varies. Ex Nurse and scratch mirror Myers aren't all that weak from the start and don't get much stronger later in game. Generally if the killer is doing adequate (by our standards: getting hits or pallets within 40 or less seconds, generally harassing survivors at every opportunity, etc) they will be at their best position the longer the game drags on.

    That said we're not entirely sure on the point of the post. Are you defending noed use? (Which honestly you don't need to, people are free to do as they will) Are you asking for changes to gens? Explaining why killer is more complicated? (Which is obvious to anyone who has played both sides) Asking for our thoughts on your thoughts?

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280
    edited April 2024

    A mathematician's answer isn't going to help. Especially when we have just noticed you got atleast 3 threads going on random complaints.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    It's more so on the experience of those involved

    Newbies: Might see the Killer having an advantage all match

    Experienced: Might see the Killer having an advantage at the start to mid game

    Veteran: Might see the Killer having an advantage at the mid game to end game

    Also it depends on luck for what perks the Newbie gets as to where the Experienced and veteran players don't necessarily need the luck

    And Maps still play a factor in all of this

  • E5150
    E5150 Member Posts: 81

    Pallets are finite, so as time goes on, the killer will naturally get stronger (assuming you're forcing them to drop pallets, of course). It doesn't matter if the survivors are running Hope or Adrenaline if there's simply nothing they can use to slow you down.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If the survivors run endgame perks they weaken their early or mid game, because until endgame they are playing with less perks... It is not as easy as to say they rob the killer of anything at that point, they might not even reach endgame. They are basically giving the killer an easier time in the other stages of the game.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Just when the last gen is to be completed.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,983

    “and no killer is strong in the beginning honestly.”

    Lethal Pursuer: “Why don’t you have a seat over there…”

    Ultimate Weapon: “…and that’s when I took things personal.”

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,984

    And when someone speaks for killers as a whole, there's usually not much there to gleam but an unwarranted complaint. Especially when all of your scenarios are explained as a specific scenario in general. Your strategy for the forums is also a questionable one, but hey, who am I? lol

    Curious to see how this one goes.