would merging freddys two powers be too strong? snares and pallets?

other killers have complex powers such as pinhead and sadako, so would merging freddys pallets and snared be too much of a buff? at least a ptb test on this idea would be nice.
I've always thought this would make sense. I think he should have 2 sets of powers. His dream snares and environmental traps. In addition to fake pallets, I think he should be able to put up barriers where broken walls exist that allow him to pass through freely but survivors in the dream state can not pass through. Maybe make it so he can trap generators too. This would incentivize survivors waking out of the dream world more and also be more true to his lore. Something like 6 dream snares, 2 fake pallets, 2 fake walls, and 1 gen trap seems fair to me.
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I’ve been hoping this would happen for a long time. On top of that I wish he still had his original design with putting survivors to sleep where he was invisible with a lullaby until you’re asleep and he manually pulls you into the dream world. I think that in combination with the two new powers and gen teleportation would be great.
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Nope, I think it'd be perfectly balanced.
It could work like Clown's power where you just swap back and forth when you want. I also think he should maybe get one other dream power and then mess around with the dream mechanic more.
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I think he should have both. But fake pallets should not be visible with WoO or AMN.
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Sounds like a great idea
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No idea why this isn't already a thing
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It wouldn't be too strong, but he would remain as a dull and boring killer.
I don't think it would solve his actual problem, to be honest.
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This sounds more like Trapper than the Trapper.
But I think if he has 10 traps that can freely swap between two options that would create more depth in his game play
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Agreed. In my opinion Freddy's biggest flaws are:
- A lack of agency. You can only play in very predictable ways with him because his power is so straight forward. There isn't really anything you can do to surprise survivors with his kit. Everything is telegraphed very clearly and he only has 2 abilities.
- Too many safety measures. Think of how many things the devs have put in place to keep him in check. There are currently 5 ways to wake up: Adrenaline (I'm glad, they'll remove that), missed skill checks (Why do you need an iri addon just to not be countered by survivors messing up skill checks?), alarm clocks, wake up interaction and getting hooked. No other killer has that many restrictions to their power.
- Too much counterplay for too little play. Without the Paintbrush, you can basically force him to play pure M1 killer the entire game. Usually, counterplay should be in place to give survivors a chance to delay the killer. But here it feels like Freddy is in place to delay the counterplay, which doesn't even work because they wake up even when you hook them.
- The absolute lack of creativity in his power. What reason does anyone have to play Freddy? It's only the character. The power is so dull, that you really have no reason to play him for that.
Freddy should be the master of the dream world. A real threat any time survivors fall asleep. But right now he feels more like a Sharp Hand Joe than the dream demon Freddy Krueger himself. They could do so many interesting things with Freddy. There could be dream hooks, illusions, fake alarm clocks, fake team mates all combined with his old kit. He could have one of the most unrestricted mobility powers because pretty much anything could be used for him to teleport to and it would still make sense.
Why does it feel like Freddy is only a part of the dream world rather than the one who is in control of it? Why is he almost as much of a theat outside the dream world? How can he be in the dream world the entire time but survivors that are awake can see him, stun him and be hit by him? Even just the implementation of his power doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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You can blame that awful rework for that. A single patch deleted the most unique killer we ever had and replaced him with this thing we have in the game.
Obviously he was stronger back then, but already boring. The nerf just made him weak, on top of the problems he already had.
It has been four, almost five years with Freddy being like this.
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We will get Freddy back, my friend. One way or another he will return to us and when it happens, it will be glorious.
Out of all the flawed reworks BHVR did to killers, this was the worst. Billy's initial rework sure wasn't good but Freddy's was way worse and the onslaught of nerfs that followed are inexplicable. I get nerfing a killer that is overperforming. But by that much? They basically nerfed everything about his base kit and then continued to nerf his synergy with different perks when he was down already.
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I am certain, my friend :)
The whole situation with Freddy was a mess. I remember quite well the rework and the nerfs that followed. Definitely a bad time to be playing DBD if you were a Freddy main.
The rework was DEVASTATING, in my honest opinion the worst change they have ever done to this game. And the nerfs never fixed his actual problems. If you look through my posts here from 2021 you'll see I defended a power I never truly wanted, because I knew his nerfs were not going in the right direction.
Not a happy tale, my friend. Not at all.
EDIT: Heh, I actually found one:
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Wanted this for ages as it would make Freddy more interesting to verse and would give Freddy players more options without isolating him to one thing in a game. I really don't understand why this isn't a thing already and it really feels like an excuse to pad out his addons instead of just giving him the option for his power.
I don't really like the state of the new power but never really liked the old one. Wouldn't be against a hybrid of the new and old but again I'm just wanting Freddy quality of life changes and buffs.
I agree with all of this and what bothers me is yes Freddy should be the master of the dream world. I have always envisioned the clocks taking you to a boiler room where you actually have to wake up and ever since Xeno and then the one event that takes you to a small island area (Blue thing forgot event name sorry) I feel like that mechanic should go to Freddy. Would be unique and thematically play into the idea that you're in his territory now. Maybe not what he needs but just the idea of Freddy controlling the dream world is something I felt wasn't truly explored with the character and why I feel like the entire chapter as a whole could be better.
The old power was kind of like that but I feel like BHVR can do better now.
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While looking for some of your posts, I found an old video you linked back then:
That gave me a lot of nostalgia and reminded me of how stupid the old DS was. 😂
But I can definitely appreciate this version of Freddy. He was unique and his power actually made sense. This looks and feels like THE Freddy Krueger. For his strength, I really cannot speak because I didn't experience it myself. All I know is that he couldn't harm survivors that were awake and he couldn't interrupt them either. So they could heal in your face or break your totem while you were right next to them. This is 1 of the few instances where I think the incapacitated status effect would actually make sense.
Edit: Damn, look at those scratch marks! I can actually see them for a change. Not like currently where I sometimes stumle around trying to follow a series of single red pixles.
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I thought about that for ages, Idk why they are not doing it.
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Freddy needs a rehaul completely, his power is just.. not really cool. In the movies, he takes you to an alternate dimension, so why cant survivors in dbd do the same?
Survivors should leave a "shell" in the real world while asleep, and enter a completely new realm similar to the one in the haloween update, and survivors should try to wake up that survivor to bring them back out of that realm! Just imagine how much cooler that would make freddy to play?0 -
His killrate is 60% though, that's what the developers aim for. So he's fine.
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can't tell if sarcasm but he has a 60% killrate because like 2 people play him
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Yeah it was sarcasm, but there's a reason they show weird stats like that though. They're meaningless but the casual majority use them in arguments.