Every second game I play is this map and I'm sick of it!
Better than cornfield.
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@Eveline Honestly, I'd take cornfield over wreckers anyday
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I take Autohaven over Farm maps as Killer any day. As SV the farm maps are just broken.
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well, if there are no offerings used, the chance to get an autohaven wreckers map is ~18% (5 out of 27 maps (including the new map))
its the same for the farm and the macmillian estate. each one of them has 5 maps, while DLC realms have 1 or 2 maps.
that means, that you have a higher chance to get a original map by default (~55%) and then its a 33% chance to get an random autohaven map.
TL;DR: bad luck
just use an offering if you dont like the map...
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Lmao I have the same issue, it seems like I'm always on autohaven. I don't exactly hate it tbh it's a fun map. Good for stealth as a survivor and imo gen patrolling as a killer isnt so bad there either. But I'll take a million autohavens before I take the asylum.
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No you live there now accept it
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Do you have a cold?
Stupid corn
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Trade you! I always get the clowns map!
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well .. if you ask me they should make something like a map veto that you cant get the same map 2x in a row unless an offering is used
and by same map i dont mean lets say thompson house i mean two times coldwind. so that you dont get thompson house in round one and round two is ... fractured cowshed or whatever (basically any coldwind map is blocked for that unless an offering is used. guess you get my idea)
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I'll take your Autohaven If you take my corn maps? I'm drowning in corn
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You need to return it to Azarov!
It was his hat Mr. ShoogaMoogaMan. HE WAS #1 !