Killers are carried by OP perks, go to High MMR and then demand nerfs on forum

What's going on with DBD?
Killers are carried via playing broken perk combo (PR + Grim + Pop - literally every game vs Blight, Wesker, Skull Merchant, Billy) while playing strong killers. After some easy games with solo-q and "chill swfs" killer go to High MMR with very skilled swfs.
And what happens next?
Every day there are posts on forum demanding survivor nerfs because they got outplayed by skilled SWF.
Since 6.1.0:
- Medkits: nuked, all medkits are basically the same
- COH: nuked, nobody runs this perks
- DH: nuked and very situational
- DS: nuked, gives little to no value even after recent buffs
- Maps: smaller, with gens closer to each other and weaker tiles: see recent Haddon changes
- Perks are being disabled during EGC… because idk, you don't deserve DS if you played match with 3 perks???
- Gens take 90 seconds instead of 80.
- Gen kick removes -5% from gens, gen tapping is no more.
Killers don't want to counter survivor strategies by using info perks, everything should be balanced around bringing 4 slowdown perks with exceptions for Nowhere to Hide / Ultimate Weapon.
Adrenaline is going to be nerfed and yet I still see demands for nerfing: Windows of Opportunity, Deja Vu, Background Player, Flashbangs… Deliverance?!
Sometimes I wonder how killers would play in old dbd in which gens aren't 90 seconds and survivors auras aren't constantly revealed by using some perks.
I'm kinda disgusted as why game should be balanced around weak killers carried by strong perks to High MMR?
What about casual players?
I remember games on 4.x.x when I would do gens, one of my teammate was dedicated to destroying totems, one run around with flashlight missing 99% of flashlight saves and one usually being on hook. And we managed to escape a lot of times.
But now survivors have to be very coordinated and yet they still can't win because strong killer is playing with strong perk combo or BHVR decides to add Undetectable, Haste and Broken status effect to killer that shouldn't have this much in basekit…
everything you listed needed the nerfs, DH is still a good perk, and DS is getting Fixed
I remember games on 4.x.x when I would do gens, one of my teammate was
dedicated to destroying totems, one run around with flashlight missing
99% of flashlight saves and one usually being on hook. And we managed to
escape a lot of times.and this is a good example why lol
But now survivors have to be very coordinated and yet they still can't
win because strong killer is playing with strong perk combo or BHVR
decides to add Undetectable, Haste and Broken status effect to killer
that shouldn't have this much in basekit…also, you can just… stop being scanned by drones outside of chase, skull merchant is not even strong, just annoying
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I don't care about SM and don't even try to outplay her at this point, if someone wants quick and easy games by bringing her and meta build, my swf is very willing to go straight to basement to make this game even easier and quicker.
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And there’s simply nothing else to be said, you shouldn’t be losing in pubs playing a Top5 killer with Pain res, pop, corrupt and grim embrace especially if you have mastered the skill ceiling of that particular killer.
A next to near comp Swf on comms shouldn’t be losing to any killer that doesn’t have mobility nor be able to mechanically outplay survivors at tiles/ pallets.5 -
Survivors are carried by OP perks, maps and mechanics for years and now, when survivor gameplay actually starts to take some skill, they go to forum and demands buffs, because game isn't God mode for them anymore :( Survivors need to be good to expect win? WHAT A NONSENSE!!! No more "my teammates did 15 mistakes during the match and we 4 man out anyway"? Geeeez what a sad story
BHVR, bring back balance around potato survivors, now, they can't win!!!32 -
just try to play it, it´s not that hard for a SWF
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bestie, please name those OP perks for the audience, we'll laugh together.
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This is why adrenaline is being nerfed. Then those killer mains get to a higher MMR and start facing more elite SWFs and they start asking the devs to nerf the next perk they see survs using.
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oh god that deliverance change is so bad💀
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Ahh yes. Because killers completely skip all the more suitable groups. It's only baby survivors and Seal Team Six SWFs. All the intermediate players don't exist. Also, every killer uses Pop + Pain Res + Grim Embrace, which is why their pick rates are all below 30%. The other 70% killers are probably survivors.
Medkits are still good, otherwise nobody would bother equipping them. They still give you time efficient self-heals, which are already pretty damn good. Gen kicks had to be buffed when they introduced the 8 regression event limit. Otherwise it would have meant that playing with slowdown became mandatory (which it almost was already). The removal of gen taps is a good thing too. Do you think adding a regression limit but then letting gen taps remain would be fair? Again, it would disincentivise killers from using something other than slowdown because their only regression would be useless around pretty much any strong loop. You can literally vault the shack window, then work on the gen for about 2 seconds and get out and around again before the killer catches up to you. Something similar would be possible around jungle gyms and many main buildings.
DS in end game was a guaranteed escape. So instead of punishing a killer for tunneling it did the opposite as well. If you're not tunneling, then you increase the likelihood of the survivors even reaching the end game. Hooking a survivor with DS in end game without killing them, would have meant, that they were gone with absolutely no possible way to avoid it once they got off the hook, which by now only 2 killers can reliably prevent. So the alternative was to actually tunnel through the DS, which defies its purpose.
DH was indeed nuked. In the way that you could nuke earth and it would still remain a planet. It is nowhere near as strong as it used to be but it's still a damn fine perk. This only shows us that the DH was 100% justified. CoH became too situational for many solo queue groups to use. That is a shame. The solution however is not to revert the nerfs because CoH was a problem. The solution is to give survivors more information about each other's perks and maybe a way to communicate.
I agree that they missed the mark on many of the recent map reworks. But that's nothing new. BHVR have never been good at creating balanced maps. Either they are ridiculously stacked with safe zones and about as large as the milky way or they are complete dead zones that are about 2 metres in diameter. But the reworks of many of these maps were necessary and we even have some maps that aren't horrible. PTB Haddonfield not being one of them. I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to decrease the pallet count but that person should have a think about what happens when survivors have no resources to play around.
No matter how strong your build is, it can't carry you to a point where you will be mostly evenly matched and then push you even further. That doesn't work. You plateau at a point where the survivors are about your level with the build your using. Discrepancies can happen with players, like me, who use weaker perks most of the time but then decide to play serious. But other than that, it's fair to assume the MMR distribution and with that the estimated skill level of players is almost continuous, which means, that no matter your combination of skill and perks, the game will find someone that is about evenly matched.
Also, your example with the games of 4.X.X only shows why we moved away from that balance. How is it fair, that one side has the upper hand to the point where they can chill and waste time while the other stresses for their life and still can't keep up? That's not fair, that's unbalanced.
Casual players aren't matched with killers that completely stomp them all the time. I am one such casual player even if I am fairly engaged in the forums. I'm not a very good survivor and I manage just fine. Because the MMR puts me against someone that is realistically beatable most of the times. Especially since many players have a staple build (in this case a meta build) that they almost always play with. So the game will find a killer that is "bad enough" with these "op" perks to still be beatable as long as we all play decently well in comparison.
There are things that are genuinely broken on both sides. Flashbangs are literally broken as in there is currently a bug that allows survivors to use them with no counterplay and another that bugs out their sound, so the killer can't even hear them. Then there's Background Player, which is problematic at best. It's insanely difficult to counter, if at all possible without slugging. And the slugging counter is even more unhealthy. A hardcore slugging killer is not someone you want to play against, I assure you. An argument can be made that the very strongest killers in the game with the very best perks and addons are indeed overpowered but this has little to do with the individual perks or even their combination. It's the combination of everything at once that becomes an issue. No matter what perks you use on Freddy and no matter what addons he has, he is still not going to hold a candle to survivors that play equally serious.
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Also, your example with the games of 4.X.X only shows why we moved away from that balance. How is it fair, that one side has the upper hand to the point where they can chill and waste time while the other stresses for their life and still can't keep up? That's not fair, that's unbalanced.
Let me clarify this: we weren't escaping from every match. I think we were escaping with just slightly bigger rate as currently actually.
But then we could have some fun, different objectives and not just slam gens to have any chance for escape.
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The fact remains, that in a somewhat competitive game (and DBD seems to go that route), the one playing better should win. If you play chill and still have time to spare, then that means, that either the matchmaking wasn't working properly or the overall balance is terrible.
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Very true post.
Its always that survivors have to play better while killers are carried not only by game balancing but perks and add-ons too.
Notice how killers are always buffed yet good killers already dominate all their games?
The game won't last much longer unless this changes.
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Have you ever considered back then Killer already did the best he could, but still lost to Survivors that played so chill like you? Was that really balanced at all?
That means back then if Survivors decided to slam on Gens, there's no chance for Killer to win the game at all.
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No, it wasn't like that, as back then, there were still strong killers and killers managed to do 4k's easily while versing our team.
Like, for real, from back then:
- Gen times are longer - 90 seconds instead of 80 seconds
- Survivors gen progression perks were nerfed - mentioned Prove, Spine Chill. Right now only perk that allows flat progression with no drawbacks (Overzealous requires finding and breaking totem, is neutralised by killers m1, resillience makes you vulnerable to down) is Deja Vu, yet you still have to traverse map to marked generators and already some users want to nerf this perk :')
- Pop got buffed (5% + 30% of current progression), painres was introduced
- A lot of aura-reading perks / addons was introduced, some can easily eat Distortion stacks -
Nowhere to Hide - just kick the gen,
Darkness Revealed - just open locker,
Ultimate Weapon - just open locker, it wasn't even countered by Distortion.
No prerequesites, no need to hook anyone, no token - based wombocombo, nothing! - Maps got smaller, tiles got weaker, gens are closer to each other
You say "Was that really balanced at all?" - my question is - is it balanced now?
Since killers can see survivor auras by using multiple perks/addons, without doing basically nothing and yet they can stack multiple gen regression / gen stall perks on top of each other, on already strong killers with - of course - strong addons?
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You mean just like how survivors come to the forum demanding nerfs for anything that kills them in trial?
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Fwiw, BHVR do seem to be aware of players carrying themselves into brackets they probably shouldn't be at. So I think they do consider this when making balance decisions. For example, Peanits (a dev) said at one point that people who feel they have to tunnel to win have likely been carried by tunnelling into an MMR bracket they don't belong in. BHVR seem to rely alot on their data, so they can probably see exactly what perks and combos get the most success and address accordingly.
I didn't agree with Adrenaline getting a nerf, purely because the survivor is 1 not guaranteed to even get value, and 2 they've spent the whole game playing with only 3 perks in hopes to get an eventual pay off. It's the same reason I'll defend NOED, as much as most people hate that perk. But I think the nerf they gave it wasn't too bad ultimately.
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Prove Thyself was a perk that, in my opinion, people complained about for the wrong reasons.
Yes, in imaginary hypotheticals, Survivors could complete Generators insanely quickly, but they lose the pressure of splitting Generators, which optimally, splitting Generators was generally better in most cases. Prove Thyself did have a niche use, which was completing hard to complete Generators, dealing with 3-Generator situations or popping the final Generator quickly, or focusing the main/priority Generator that the Killer would often defend.
I think the main reason why Prove Thyself was used however, was for none of that. Prove Thyself provided a +100% Bloodpoints for the Co-Op Repair Action, which made it appealing for farming Bloodpoints, since Objective can be hard to fill in SoloQ (i.e. teammates leading the Killer to your Generator, etc.), Prove Thyself let people farm BP much easier, and thus was used a lot.
In a sense, PT was more akin to old BBQ or WGLF, in which people used it more for the alternative benefit instead of it's main effect.
None of this is to say that Prove Thyself needed a nerf, in fact, Id argue the contrary, it was not a "bad" perk, nor was it "overpowered", Id consider it leaning more towards balanced perk design, just being "good" at a niche or bringing utility that some might desire.
… I know this doesnt add much to the conversation, I just miss talking about Prove Thyself. It's one of the things I miss about older DBD unironically.
Though if you want a more realistic take on this entire thread, both sides complain about pointless stuff or issues that are often a result of their own actions (or lack of actions); none of this is to say that DBD doesnt have balance issues, but I feel like there are more important aspects of the game that should be addressed but are often ignore by both sides.
Overall it can be easy to pin (insert thing) to (insert group), especially if it's for a side you have no standing in (e.g. Killer mains complaining about Survivors, Survivor mains complaining about Killers, etc.) as opposed to self reflection and analyzing nuance. This is an issue that persists for both sides, since this is an inherently flaw that can be seen through both sides.
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Old Dead Hard, Old DS, Old MoM, Old Balanced landing (which created infinite loops),Old Sabotage (permanently removing hooks from the game), Insane vault speed builds, Old DS, Old Self Care, Old We’ll Make It used together to make insta heals without med kits oh and Old CoH which allowed you to heal yourself in 12 seconds?! Oh And items too Insta blind flashys, insta heal styptics that would take a survivor from slugged to full health, brand new part that insta completed gens.
Old DbD was a survivors paradise, you must not have played back then. The only really broken things killers had were insta moris and some of the old hex perks. All of which got nerfed far faster than the survivors toys.14 -
Yes, because as we all know, complaints about
- Inevitable hit on Blight hug-tech,
- Busted addons such as Mother-Daughter ring,
- Perks that granted a lot of information for basically nothing (Nowhere to Hide, Ultimate Weapon)
- Busted perks combo such as PR+DMS, Eruption + COB + Overcharge, now Pop + PR + Grim on high mobility killers
are on the same level as "boo-hoo, disable deliverance in endgame!!!!"
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dismissing killer complaints bc you personally don't think they have value is just falling for us vs them. Both sides are free to complain and they do.
Post edited by Crowman on11 -
I'm sorry that I am so entitled that I dismiss valid complaints such as "Make Deliverance turn off in endgame, because ???" or other valid complaints about Hope, Flashbang or Flashlight saves.
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I don't see your complaint as any more valid than theirs
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Honestly, the idea of "carried by a perk/addon/power/team/items" is weird idea, every strategy is more or less valid and game is made with using that in mind, there is no "carry" because ultimately you have to utilize all that efficiently
If you tunnel, your MMR will go up, if you play with SWF, your MMR will go up, there is no "belonging" because those are pretty much constant variable that changes MMR for literally everyone
MMR is made so people can play with a MMR range of matching power level, like you can play with solo when playing as a scratched mirror myers, and play with full on SWF when playing as a 4 slowdown nurse
I don't understand why people thinks something like "true skill rating" exists, everything is only true with all that external things
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OP's post seems to imply that casual players who lost to strong teams because they crutched on perks or tunneling have no right to complain when they lose
You may not like these people complaining OP, but whether their feedback should be allowed or not is up to the moderators to decide.
Also I would like to think devs aren't easily influenced by some complaints on the forums especially when it's not the only source of outreach that they have. This is not a company that just started out a few months ago and have no idea how online feedback works.
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If you aren't even willing to play the game against certain killers (as a presumably experience swf btw), how can you presume yourself capable of judging others for how they decide to handle bad games?
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"I remember games on 4.x.x when I would do gens, one of my teammate was dedicated to destroying totems, one run around with flashlight missing 99% of flashlight saves and one usually being on hook. And we managed to escape a lot of times."
Yeah, that's what all survivors posting the survivor version of all the posts you listed want. They want to **** about and still have chill games they can still win.
11 -
Okay first of all, you can apply this logic on Survivor side as well. "Survivors are being carried to high MMR thanks to SWF, strong addons, items and full meta perks/second chance perks."
Now to break down the examples for you showed in the screenshot:
- Windows or Deliverence don't need any changes.
- Flashbangs are overpowered because they offer no counterplay since you can drop them under killer face no metter the situation or position of the killer to 100% get rescue every time.
- Background Player is overbuffed with high numbers making flashligh saves with extra window to fail the time very strong.
Both sides if they want to win will use the best tools possible and Survivors arent any different. So this "us VS them" mentality doesnt work.
Also I am not some God tier Killer who lives in high MMR lmao but thanks for missincluding me (or rather us) in your title. "Carried by meta perks" is rly funny to me since I rarely run any slowdown perk and usualy just run something like Enduring, Lightborn, Bamboozle, Spirit Furry, Fire Up, etc. So your title prob wrong here as well.
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I don't particularly care to comment on OP, but I wanted to call attention to your remark about "when survivor gameplay actually starts to take some skill…"
I have always preached that survivor doesn't take any skill, at least not mechanically.
But when it comes to skill expression—game sense/knowledge, macro game strategy, and general competency in outplaying one's opponent—survivor has ALWAYS required exponentially more skill than killer.
DBD is so much more a mental game than a mechanical one, that Killer would have to be near impossible to rival the skill required by survivors.
At the end of the day, a Killer has 2 responsibilities, 1) learn the limits of one killer, and 2) learn the limits of survivor. Every time a Killer plays a game, there is a 100% chance they will have an opportunity to master the skills required for each of their responsibilities.
On the other hand, Survivor mains need to learn the limits of each individual killer IN ADDITION TO learning the limits of survivor. Taking it one step further, Survivors have no control over when and with what frequency they will have the opportunity to master the limits of each killer. EVEN FURTHER, the Survivor has no control over the skill of their opponent, so the experience they take away from each killer is highly dependent on the skill expression they are able to witness in each match. Killers theoretically have this same problem, but the impact it has on skill expression relative to Survivor (over a long period of time) is so finite that it's irrelevant as a counterpoint.
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have you ever actually watched a no-restrictions match on high skill levels and actually saw how little chance most of the killers stand when you give survivors absolutely 0 restrictions builds wise?
And thinking that Grim+PR+Pop (the healthiest killer meta in a long time) is problematic without actually mentioning the only problematic perk combo, Grim+DMS, idk what to tell you.
Grim has a hook condition to proc, PR has a hook condition to proc, Pop has a hook condition to proc. All three of those perks require you to actually progress well through the match to get their benefits.
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Look i can make a big list of all killer perks been nerfed too
Call Of Brine
Blight add-ons nerfed, Freddy nerfed, Spirit add ons nerfed, Nurse nerfed, Deathslinger nerfed
Oh yeah Borrowed Time basekit
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"But when it comes to skill expression—game sense/knowledge, macro game strategy, and general competency in outplaying one's opponent—survivor has ALWAYS required exponentially more skill than killer."
I agree with everything you said genuinely. I would have disagreed with you on the quote above before the upcoming patch because I haven't seen all but a few comp players play arounds blights collision while those that would are extremely strong blight players. That killer took so much knowledge and play time that I would put it above survivor only because even the best of the best survivor mains didn't put in enough effort to learn it. Now that his skill expression has been reduced in several ways, even factoring survivor competency, I would heavily agree.
There was always the vacuum where survivors had the most amount of skill expression but with most killers having very little to learn about(taking a couple hours max to learn everything) and blight being only reachable by dedicated blight players who happened to be amazing survivors it would have been blight favored(not killer favored). Now it's for sure survivor.
Again survivor has always had more higher knowledge gap due to knowing survivor limits on top of all killers, but very very few actually knew blight to a solid enough extent.
Whatever, I'm depressed they took the worst way out with my killer(even though I main survivor for quite a while now). Polish primary collision, remove secondary collision, delete the hug tech and by extension the scoot slide(which was always 100% intentional), make him linear to play and play against while also making him clunky. Not to mention making most of his add-ons stat buffs from by far the most unique add-on set in the game even if there were 5 problematic add-ons that needed heavy changing, they end up reworking unique add-ons on the worked side into minor stats.
One more thing is that not a single blight main came close to his max potential before this skill lowering, no one. Claiming a mastery of blight before this upcoming patch would be like claiming to be perfect. I'd say max potential reached was 90%, barring a perfect ai of course.
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I love it that no survivors complain about busted perks like old MoM, old DS or old We'll Make It, yet killers still think that something was taken from them with nerfing highly abusive perks.
For you COB + Overcharge + Eruption was fine?
Also let me use your justification from "nerf WoO"
As you can see here, PR and POP have almost 30% pickrate, so obviously they should be nerfed, we want to see a wide variety of perks being used, so no two games feel the same, am I right?
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CoB got nerfed because of two things:
- old SM being able to literally stall the matches with it and other perks.
- Eruption was in such an oppressive state with the Incapacitated status effect implemented into it. On it's own, CoB was fine.
Same as with PR+DMS and now Grim+DMS, we literally have completely wrong perks being nerfed because of their synergy with DMS, while DMS is still not being touched at all.
Regarding WoO, the massive problem with it is that it's a training wheel perk that people don't let go of and instead keep relying on it for a well known "i see yellow, i run to yellow" mindset. It's fine in it's state but, same as with old STBFL and people using it on M2 killers, it encourages people to never get better and let themselves be carried by 24/7 benefits of it instead of using it to learn the tiles and then exchange it for a better perk.
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The problem is when your strategy is so good that you can't lose.
Because I think very little amount of people lose when versing Blight with PR + Pop + Grim + Aura Reading Sth when they decide to proxy-camp hook with nearby gens and tunnel. And I don't know what should I do in that game, when I try to slam gens - as someone is getting tunneled - yet still, that person died and I have 4 gens left and 3v1 because I got hit by PR, stalled down by Grim and maybe Pop from time to time :)
But maybe you know what should I do when I'm 2 man SWF with 2 randoms or 3 man SWF with one random, you can give me some perk ideas and strategies for such games, when there's strong killer with strong addons and meta perks on small map.
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I kinda don't know why you care about some people not getting better in game and being reliant on just an info perk, don't know also how someone can be better in feeling where are pallets/windows and where don't.
This perk is somewhat similar to Bond which I'm playing with since the beginning.
Some of my teammates are silly goofy clumsy and with Bond (and HUD info) I see if there are being chased nearby and go straight to me with the killer or don't. Without this perk I wouldn't teach myself to do some kind of echolocation to locate my teammates, it just gives me more info. I think WoO works similarly, it can give some advantage to chain loops but without it people won't get better, they just would have to guess if next tile is safe or not.
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You do lose, there is no situation mediocre players "can't lose"
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Unfortunately you're not going to find a lot of people who agree with you on these forums, as they're crawling with killer players who deny the truth about the situation. For whatever reason, the devs want to balance this game so that a mediocre killer player can still compete against a coordinated team of decent survivor players. I agree with the majority of your post. A survivor shouldn't have to have 1000+ hours, memorize all maps, buy dlcs for meta perks, and know how to counterplay every killer to be able to escape only 40% of the time. How is that fun?
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you can learn tiles spawn variations per maps, and i care about those players because those are usually the ones that complain about balance the most, while they still can't take their training wheels off.
Additionally, if you use some mid perks in your matches or just straight up goofy perks, why would you even expecting to have consistent escapes?
you are joking, right?
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What do you think I'm joking about?
Look at any post: 8/10 people posting are mainly killer players that don't care about the survivor experience. Look at any thread about survivor balance: killers demand survivors make less mistakes and play better while also being carried by perks like pain res, pop, grim embrace, deadlock, corrupt, lethal pursuer, surge, etc. Look at any thread about survivors thinking their role requires too much from them: killers calling them entitled while also getting sweeping buffs to almost everything in 6.1.0.
I know that was supposed to be a rhetorical question, but no, I'm absolutely not joking.
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so far i would consider only aura reading perks and chase related perks like Enduring, Spirit Fury and Coup the Grace to be perks that "carry bad killers" because those are perks that completely remove the need for game sense on killer's part (tho killer is just handicapping themselves by taking full aura/full chase or mix of those two anyways.
But crying about Corrupt (that is literally a must for almost every killer), PR, Pop (the healthiest meta we've had in a while that rewards you for playing well in almost completely balanced way), Grim (that rewards hooking different survivors and not camping; just rework DMS so it doesn't synergize) and Surge which is already the worst slowdown perk is ridiculous. You aren't carried by those slowdown perks, you are learning the game and developing the game sense in the way where you can finally remove perks that exchange your game sense so you can finally implement slowdowns into your build.
Survivor wise, survivor players would rather take any gen speedup perk they can find rather than bring something to counter killer's meta (yes, anti-tunneling and chase related survivor builds are way better than gen speedup builds ever will be, but that's the thing only skilled survivors will understand).
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But crying about Corrupt
Literally noone here even mentioned Corrupt
PR, Pop (the healthiest meta we've had in a while that rewards you for playing well in almost completely balanced way)
Says who?
survivor players would rather take any gen speedup perk
Bestie, what insane gen speedup perks are you seeing here? Deja Vu that gives you insane 6% or Prove that saves you now insane 5 seconds if 2 survivors are doing gens from the beginning till the end?
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counter killer's meta
How exactly can I counter high mobility killer with PainRes, Grim, Pop and, for example, Ultimate Weapon / Barbecue?
I'm doing gen, someone is being hooked, I'm losing 15% (someone might scream and be revealed so it's even easier for killers to track gen that is being done, but let's assume that we've stopped doing gens when someone was hooking), gen starts to regress, gets blocked by Grim for 12 seconds.
Now I can do two things.
- Run away - gen regresses further,
- or start repairing gen.
In meantime killer opens the locker and I scream, so he goes straight to me and pops that gen to regress it for -5% and another -30% of current progression.
I will gladly hear how I can counter this meta :)
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Calling PR and Pop the healthiest meta we've been in is definitely an opinion held only by killers who think pressing m1 twice on maps, that are now just glorified dead zones, requires any modicum of skill. Just because you're doing 1/12th of your main objective by hooking a survivor, doesn't mean you should be gifted a free 22.5 seecond AND another 25 second reversion of survivor progress. By that logic, killers shouldn't complain about flashbang denying pickups because survivors have to progress their main objective 1/10th (regression perks notwithstanding so it really ends up being 1/12th after 4 PRs), but guess what, There's a 5 page thread about just that from the past week.
In fact, in that thread, I went over how all the perks I listed give killers rewards for essentially doing nothing. So yes, killers are in fact carried by those perks.
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It just doesn't makes sense to call a perk that require hooking as "free"
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In before they just tell you to have your teammates last longer in chase against a 2000+ hour blight lol
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These perks are too rewarding for just hooking a survivor, in game that - lets write this again - gens take longer time, maps are smaller, loops are weaker and a lot of aura reading perks for doing nothing (unless you write that "hurr durr it's not nothing, killer must open the locker to reveal your aura!!!!") were introduced.
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How about corrupt? How about lethal pursuer? That's about as free as it gets. Also, doing essentially nothing (1/12th of your main objective) does not constitute almost 50 seconds of free regression the killer gets. Assuming the chase did not last 50 seconds, the killer is getting more time back for free than they should be given. If a chase was 30 seconds, a killer gets an additional 20 seconds back.
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This is why i try to keep things causual, game is 5 billion times more enjoyable than to have to sweat
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
For real, I like to play from time to time against Freddy, Plaything-Pentimento combo or some weird and unexpected perks, I still don't have guaranteed escape because my 3-man SWF isn't without flaws, but at least those games are fun and there is hope till the end of the match. Those matches just feel different.
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i DO get games that feel perfectly balanced though, where both sides fight tooth and nail with no side being the clear winner.
Sadly i can count those on 1 hand :(