Can we apply this to the other Reworks?
Can we make this happen for our other Reworks that didn’t go so well. Yay Billy! Truly! However the others were…….not so hot.
sadako with 2% kill rate and 0.01% pick rate
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Sadako will probably be at the top of kill rates right now at around second place, assuming that the very old stats (with the oldest version of sadako) had her at the top, and with her only being buffed since then. Use rate however probaby around 1-2%
Blight probably didnt change much after the addon pass, addons are still incredibly strong.
The killers that received small QOL changes and buffs also probably didn't change much either.
Ofcourse though, YES!! Please give us stats regularly about every change you make to the game. It's very interesting to see what impact the changes make on the game1 -
Her current pick rate is 1.40% it use to be 2.7% not great but better than it is now. After 3 reworks you would think it would be much higher.
The kill rate is high sure but it was when it was sadako 1.0 but that doesn’t mean she’s in a good place.
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Absolutely! Agreed
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It's funny how Deathslinger pick rate increased and I am pretty sure, it is mostly for that Iron Maiden skin.
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Very true
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Nope. Most (casual) people won't drop 15$ for skin and suddenly play lot Deathslinger.
Its because of the Tome Challenges. As always with every Tome that features a killer(s) they will rise in pickrate. Always. Then they will drop down to their avarage after the Tome ends and new begins. Its boosted number in a way.
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billy was one of the most popular characters before he got nerfed. he was 3rd most popular character with 3rd highest kill-rate at one point in dbd history. his stats were something like 9% pick-rate with 75% kill-rate. this was before MMR. I am not really surprised that buffing one of most popular old characters would do that to the stats.
billy was one of 3 killers for why dbd took off as well. back when the game only had 8 killers. Huntress, Nurse and Billy were like most common killers in the game. the other killer were so demonstratively bad in comparison that barely anyone played anything else besides maybe Myer's tombstone or those Lery scratch mirror myer's builds. granted the balance of like trapper/wraith/hag/doc is much better now than in the past but the original 3 still triumph to this day. I think nurse is only killer that is A LOT less popular than before but this is in part because she is extremely punishing to play now which reduced her fun factor by a lot.
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Oh right, he had Tome challenges.
Well, I have started to play him again just for that skin… I haven't played him since his nerf, but that skin is just too good.
I have stopped again tho…