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Survivors Hiding, Taking Game Hostage


Seriously, you need to do something about survivors being able to take the game hostage by just hiding. It's too easy to avoid the killer, hide in lockers, switch lockers when the killer is checking one, or crouching around the map, moving to another part when they hear the terror radius. Something needs to be done so that killers aren't left wandering the map for 20 minutes trying to find the survivors. Why you haven't fixed this by now is beyond me, but now is the time.

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  • Member Posts: 787

    I think once the last 2 survivors left they should have their auras revealed every 45-60 secs.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Honestly, if they'd just change dropping and picking up items to not reset idle crows, it'd help a lot.

  • Member Posts: 192

    Yeah like, it'd be so simple and healthy for the game. Not only punishes tunneling people out but makes the game more fun for everyone unless the killer specifically wants a curb stomp match.

  • Member Posts: 2,367
    edited April 2024


    How about increasing the survivors gen repair speed by 15% when 2 people left and reavel their location via killer instinct every min for 5 seconds. so no locker hiding

    also deactivate once that gates are power

  • Member Posts: 1,480
  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited April 2024

    The most boring part of DBD happens when 2 survivors are dead and a few gens are left.

    You know, the "Hiding for hatch vs. slugging for the 4k scenario". How to fix it?

  • Member Posts: 300

    Many times. I have seen or been party to, keeping the killer in chase long enough for a gen or two to be done.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Object of obsession and a few other perks.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Easy solution: When the killer has not been in chase for 2+ minutes, one survivor with the least hook stages is revealed via killer instinct until the chase begins. It's too long to be used in a normal game but it works in every situation, survivors stop doing their objective and only hide no matter their perks.

    This is just one of the game's glaring flaws in design. Both survivors know, that they don't have a chance to win anymore (or at least that chance is very small) and doing objectives gives the killer information of their position. So they have little reason to work on gens. Especially since they have a chance at hatch as long as they aren't found before their team mate.

  • Member Posts: 322

    It is, but its a design flaw.

    I dont get why killers get babysitted in the endgame with survivor perks being deactivated, but unwinnable condition like the 2 person hiding or slug thing is bad.

    Also for some here, most of the time its the slug and find the last survivor thing. Hook and its fair game.

    Still i think it should have a comeback mechanic for the survivors aswell, free wins are boring.

    I dont see why killers should get aura reading, survivors should get something encouraged trying to escape.

  • Member Posts: 3,137

    If there's 2+ gens left and only two survs, the game is effectively over. In those situations and I'm one of the remaining survs and it's obvious my teammate isn't doing jack, I'll just jump on a gen and let nature take its course.

    Life is too short to waste time playing hide and seek in a game that wasn't designed for it.

    And the survs aren't owed a handicap because their team is getting rinsed. Much like life, sometimes hopeless situations are just that - hopeless. Acceptance is a good thing here. Just die with some dignity and move on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 216

    That's a great Idea. Once enough time has passed, they should make it that not performing a conspicuous action just causes Crows to start appearing over you. And I mean performing and completing long, uninterrupted conspicuous actions. Not just tapping a totem or other objective over and over.

  • Member Posts: 1,129
    edited April 2024

    I recall one game down to 2 man at 2 gens where a Claudette would sabo a hook and slow walk away to avoid crows until I found the other Survivor and hooked them. Said Claudette waited for the hatch and escaped with 0 hook states

    Not sure how to feel about that but the game time definitely got elongated because of the Claudette

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Something should be done to 2vs1 it's too hopeless for survivors. Maybe some kind of side objective which is actually possible to do to get hatch open. The objective could be balanced to 40% chance for survivors getting it done and the hatch would close once the first escape from it or if killer closes it and start endgame collapse both survivors auras would be releaved for 10-20s.

    AFK crows should appear now on survivors not doing any objectives. Balance should be still that killer get 3-4K most of the time. 1vs1 hatch would not have to spawn at all just straight to the endgame collapse.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Are you using any info perks?

  • Member Posts: 66

    To be honest, I do the hide and seek too occasionally. But it depends on the situation.

    If the killer played fair then I will play normally and it’s all fair game. But if he’s playing scummy and wastes my time, I don’t see why I am not allowed to waste the killer’s time too. Unlike me he will get more than enough blood points with his playstyle while literally doing the bare minimum. And with two survivors and 2-4 generators left there is no way to turn it around anymore anyways.

    While it isn’t a nice way to play, instead of suggesting things to make the game even more handheld for killers with revealing the auras of the remaining survivors, how about we think a bit over the edge of the plate and maybe give the remaining two survivors an incentive to keep on trying instead of hiding. Because with how the game works as it does right now they just don’t have any reason to.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Survivors have two seconds chances and even has keys, I don't think fixing those extremely survivor sided mechanics will be considered "handheld" in any way

  • Member Posts: 118

    That's why I'm against the UW nerf. UW helps against those hidey-hos. Is it THE solution? No, certaintly not but it is something.

  • Member Posts: 66

    I don’t see how this correlates to what I said but okay?

    Literally what do second chance perks do anymore when there are only two survivors left? You can only use them once per chase anyways and I highly doubt the other survivor is able to do 3+ gens by himself during that time.

    Also keys? They literally do nothing at all when there are two survivors left, the hatch doesn’t even spawn?

    I was more thinking about giving them bonus blood points for repairing or something so they at least get SOMETHING out of trying to continue.

  • Member Posts: 461

    Yes, you're right. I forgot that part, though it is kinda implied when survivors are only hiding.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I had a match as huntress the other night where I kill one survivor and for the rest of the game the other three just hide. I patrolled gens and couldn't find a single survivor. I looked everywhere for 10 minutes straight and just gave up. It was so boring that it drove me to just alt-f4 for the night xD

  • Member Posts: 163

    They should get crows from not doing conspicuous actions, even if they're moving.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    There's a Perk that helps find Survivors

    Whispers- when within 32M (Tier 3) it activates and the Entity whispers "yea" or "no" if you are looking toward a Survivor

    It counters hiding for the most part… I've found a lot of Survivors just by having this Perk

    It's not an aura reading Perk so Distortion won't work Hiding in Lockers won't work either

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Huh? I've never seen whisper having directional information

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Fine, but make generators take 60 seconds when theres only 2 survivors left, it's only fair in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Simple: if the survivors don't touch a gen, destroy a totem, are in a chase, after one minute (or something) then their position is revealed and keep being revealed at regular interval until the situation is remedied.

    As for all the "catch-up mechanic" and "no win situation" comments: the only hope survivors should have at that point is to either be able to manage doing a gen (not impossible, especially now that the killer can't kick more than 8 times) or find the hatch when they are the last one alive. Anything else would be as bad as giving a catch-up mechanic for the killer when he is falling behind.

  • Member Posts: 103

    The fact that the post criticizing constant hiding has doctor pfp is kinda hilarious to me. Yeah I can agree though, it can get pretty annoying. I've had times where I was patrolling for a solid 20 minutes and saw absolutely nobody. Of course this form of survivor gameplay typically only happens when there's a 3 gen, so it's equally boring and unplayable for both sides which I recognize. However, that doesn't mean that survivors can't do it otherwise. They can do it whenever they want, it just usually isn't necessary.

    This does bring an interesting discussion because it seems to be the survivor equivalent of 3 genning. Stealth isn't bad, neither is protecting gens, but once you get to a certain point of either, the other side just isn't really playing the game anymore. So how in the world arewe supposed to stop excessive stealth?

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited April 2024

    Because as many have said in regards to tunneling and other player induced situations: "Incentives don't work. Punishments do."

    At least with our community.

    Also if the survivors are down to 2 without doing enough gens that's not a "free win". The survivors already lost the match on their own, they're just dragging it out unnecessarily.

    Additionally survivors don't need a catchup safety net mechanic when they already start the match at their strongest. They don't need catchup help when they already start ahead.

  • Member Posts: 388

    Isnt it the whole point of the game to find survivors and sacrifice them?

  • Member Posts: 396


    Why should there be a comeback mechanic in this situation?

  • Member Posts: 16

    As others stated, there does need to be a universal match ender if a match has gone on too long; waiting an hour for the server to automatically close is fun and rewarding for nobody.

    I do support Killer Instinct triggering automatically at 2 minutes with no chases and would even expand it to trigger on all Survivors so that they are all equally at risk (otherwise trolls would manipulate hook trades so someone else gets found and they can grab the Hatch). At the 15 minute mark, just start EGC and block all the gens regardless of other circumstances; normal matches never last that long with current gen times, bullysquad matches would be forced to end sooner, and hide-and-seekers would have a hard cap on how long they could draw out the match in hopes of getting the Hatch.

    To anyone suggesting an existing or new perk as a fix: Killers get 4 perks VS 16 Survivor perks and they should not need to always lock certain perks to counter legitimately bad game design (detection for Blendette squads/Hatch squatters) or outright exploits (Lightborn for locker-hopper SWF rescue squads who probably also have Head-On as a back-up plan). The Killer can't know ahead of time that they're about to face bad faith players (unless they check profiles on an all-Steam lobby) and they should not be forced into limited build options.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Yes, and no. As long as survivors are progressing the game, they cannot be banned. And on the other end, if their only way for survival is to wait untill the other is caught, then its a game mechanic issue.

    Dont blame survivors for wanting to escape. Back in the day, a 2v1 could be solved by survivors finding 1 key. Either both of them met up, or 1 got out.

    In a 2v1, either survivors will need a different objective to activate the gates, or survivors need a catch up mechanic the moment there are more gens than survivors. Thats the only way you can combat hiding being a legit strat.

    Its basically how mass slugging is still a massive problem, but in theory, you have a 4 minute timer, so its "fine" (even though current rulings do consider excessive slugging as a reason to temp ban, since you could in theory slug all 4 survivors at the start of the game and they cant do anything for the rest of the game, essentially keeping them hostage for that duration as you have plenty of options to hook).

    I think slugging and hiding are both solvable with 1 update, by giving survivors basically a way to pick themselves up if they have been able to fully recover themselves (which is 36 seconds), then give them 100% crawling speedboost (again, 40 seconds of being forced to watch a bar fill is quite boring) and whenever they are near anything a survivor can interact with, they can pick themselves up. That would solve excessive slugging quite a bit. Then if there are 2 survivors left, simply give them an endgame switch inside the basement. That would give at least 1 survivor away, and survivors have reason to not hide as much since they have to reach the basement to exit.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Identity V has survivors get afk crows when not doing conspicious actions for 80 seconds, which will only be removed by doing such actions.

    Dont reward survivors for actively not trying to do their objective.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Some kind of mechanic put in place such as

    • Generator progress with 4 survivors alive is -10%
    • Generator progress with 3 survivors alive is +5%
    • Generator progress with 2 survivors alive is +20%

    Would help alleviate the tunneling problem and incentivize killers to spread hooks, and also help with the issue of 2 survivors left just hiding and wasting time as they would have an actual chance of escaping still. Just makes the game more interesting IMO.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    Last 2 survivors should get killer instinct if they don't cleanse a hex/work on gens for x% over x seconds. This would punish the survivor hiding for hatch while the person actually interacting with the game is protected.

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