Indoor Maps vs Outdoor Maps

Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
edited April 2024 in General Discussions

It's quite a common thing to hear that many people dislike indoor maps compared to outdoor maps. I personally, on both sides, prefer indoor maps. I personally think they're more interesting as the game play loop feels more varied by the layout whereas most outdoors maps have the same tiles and loops with a different splash of paint to where they generally speaking all play exactly the same. To me this makes the indoor maps give each match a more unique experience than the average map does.

Now on to my next point. Healthy design. This is where I think most people take issue with indoor maps as they think they're typically more unhealthy design. I actually feel the complete opposite of this.

I'll give a few points to support this:

  1. Significantly more line of sight blocking. This prevents the killer from being seen a mile away and encouraging hold w game play which is boring for everyone and unhealthy for the game. We want to encourage interaction and who can play loops better.
  2. Outdoor maps benefit swf more than solo queue since it's easier to relay information on outdoor maps that the killer is headed a teammates direction since they have many more eyes constantly on the killer. This is harder to relay specifically on an indoor map since they can't pinpoint as exactly where he's headed. Most the community agrees we don't want things that benefit swf more than solo.
  3. "Most" the killers that benefit significantly from indoor maps are "generally speaking" the weaker killers to begin with, whereas most the killers who have more trouble on indoor maps are already the stronger ones. Exceptions, but speaking in generalities here. Maps that help the worst killers and lower the already very high ones is good design. This helps balance things out.
  4. I already referenced this previously, but for the health of the game people want matches to feel unique and more different from one another. This is another reason so many people want different game modes. Most outdoor maps feel like the same match on repeat. Indoor maps create more variety between games.
  5. Now this will probably be one of the most controversial points, but I think the loops on indoor maps are much better balanced than the jungle gyms we typically see on outdoor maps. On average I think many of them are more likely to be actually playable when the pallet is thrown rather than a forced break. Before someone even brings it up, no I'm not referencing some of the extremely unsafe pallets that require a stun on maps like Hawkins. I agree those are bad. Also before it gets brought up on this topic, I'm not referencing the loops on The Game. Those are very badly designed loops with almost all being god pallets or forced breaks.

Now one negative I agree about indoor maps is how they can unfairly hurt some ranged killers. That's a totally fair point. I just think "in general" they are overall more healthy with everything else.

I just don't see a rational argument for indoor maps being more unhealthy than outdoor maps as we tend to hear a lot, other than the argument of I dislike them because they're rougher on my specific killer.

What are y'alls thoughts? If you do think they're objectively more unhealthy I'd love to hear why.

I'd love to see much more indoor maps added to the game myself for enjoyment but also because I think they're healthier for the game.

Post edited by Blueberry on


  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    I prefer indoor maps way more because of how static they are. This is probably worse for killer but for looping being able to plan so far ahead because you know what loops are close is great.

    Doing SWF callouts on RPD is very nice, and WoO isn't even needed on that map. Still remains one of my favorite maps in the game.

    The only indoor map I dislike is Leyry's mainly because I don't like how noisy the center is and I hate that there are rng trap vaults that bring you straight to the Basement.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    OnryoBerry haha

    Dredge and Onryo are probably my mains these days. I couldn't get the hang of singularity.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Please no more indoor maps, it guts Huntress completely and is not fair for the people who main her. It removes 75% of her power. I like the way indoor maps look and if she kept the PTB movement speed buff it would’ve been fine but she didn’t get to keep it so we should never get another indoor map again honestly.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    RPD and Midwitch are the most garbage indoor maps( I use to love rpd until they nerf it) leries is 50 50 because depending on the killer(like boring scratch myers) then I hate it. Piggies ofc I love it.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    Me as a billy player:I hate these with every fiber of my being.

    Me as a stealth killer:just make every map one. Lol.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    As a stealth killer player, they're perfect, and I actually do get a little happy when I see one, especially as Ghostface.

    As a Ranged or Chase centric killer? No. Noooooooooooo

  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 425
    edited April 2024

    I actually quite like the indoor maps due to their visuals and more variety of different loops compared to the same tiles in outdoor maps.

    I think the reason people don't like indoor maps so much is because most of them are licensed, which can make it difficult for BHVR to balance the maps without changing the essence of it too much.

    I really wish we had more original indoor maps like lery's because BHVR wouldn't be so limited in creativity.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah Singularity I think is actually one of those low key high tier killers that fly under the radar but are way better than people think. I think he can compete against some strong swf groups. Problem is that he is very hard to play, but if you can get the hang of it he's awesome. I actually love his play style (I like heavy macro killers, hence Dredge/Onryo) but I just can't get good with him. The camera jumps are just so disorienting to me and it feels very clunky. Not necessarily buffs, but I think he could really use with some QoL changes that just make him smoother and a bit easier to play. Although Photo base kit please, that addons too required.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Hopefully they never make another indoor map again honestly.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Indoor maps remove a lot of the basic tracking via scratch marks in the distance and crows. It reinforces hiding as well because with the aspect of not being able to have somewhat of an idea where people are you cannot really corner down the survivor and make it easier to search for a hiding survivor, whereas on an indoor map they can be everywhere.

    The tracking goes both ways though, finding all the gens to prevent 3 genning yourselves In a solo match is going to be rather rough whereas on outdoor maps it is way more manageable.

    Sure the line of sight blockers make it so you don't necessarily see the killer and hold w away but you can just hide and checking everywhere just costs too much. On outdoor maps you can somewhat cut them off when holding w, on an indoor map there are too many ways the survivor could go to use this effectively, because basically if you guess wrong the survivor got so much distance you can basically abandon chase and go for someone else.

    Outdoor maps offer stealth killers a way of using patching to sneak up, I like doing that, sure it s annoying when people call out your position but on indoor maps it is way too easy to do so, makes it quite boring and all the cool chase powers don't work there.

    Now to the map specific parts.

    Gideon is pallet heaven, spawns 25 of them and they are all God pallets, so unless you play a killer that can deal with them you re going to constantly switch targets and kick pallets until you can start playing the game.

    Hawkins has an infinite in the lab room, probably also 25 pallets but 4-5 of them are somewhat safe and the rest are so unsafe that either you get a stun or you get hit. This makes it so basically every killer just uses m1 and not their power as this is more reliable. So if you want to play something else than m1 this map is going to be terrible. When you are unlucky with open doors you first need to walk around the entire huge room, basically giving the survivor way more time to either finish their objective or get a huge headstsrt if they realise.

    Lerys is able to spawn some of the most ridiculous window lineups, is probably the easiest to hide on. The pallets are mostly okayish but it still suffers the same issues as every other indoor map. With some rooms having weird door placement you might know exactly where to got but figure out how first.

    Midwich is the biggest hold w in the game and when a good team located the killer and just holds w around the corridors you are never getting a hit in a reasonable time, sure the loops themselves are rather weak and the map is really small, but for low mobility killers it is also super annoying to get to places, you cannot go for the courtyard except when being at 2 specific points of the map, so you need to walk around the entire thing otherwise, similar eith going up or down. Basically leading to you knowing exactly where a Gen is, but taking another 20 seconds to go there, leaving them enough time to get to God knows where.

    RPD combines some of the worst aspects of indoor maps together, the aspect of hold w design, for example in the main hall or the whole stairway long table vault stuff, as well as easy to hide, mostly decent pallets, hard to get places despite exactly knowing where you need to get and somewhat negating killers powers, no mobility killer except for Wraith and maybe Blight can properly traverse the map because you get stuck on everything.

    Other than that is just personal preference, if you have walls all around you as survivor you cannot really look into the map and figure out where the killer is based on spotting him or the teammate in chase in the distance, it is just a guessing game of getting lucky if he is walking around below you or maybe chasing someone without chase close by or not. I never had a fun match on an indoor map as I think they are all unpleasant not only but also because they limit basic tools both parties have.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Too many of the indoor maps are outright unplayable for certain killers

  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    Ive personally never had an issue with indoor vs outdoor as most of the maps are alright to play in but alot of the indoor maps feel survivor sided

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited April 2024

    Different maps suit different killers. Just as Huntress is gimped on indoor maps, M1 stealth killers are gimped on open maps.

    When we have about 25 outdoor maps and 4 indoor maps, it's pretty entitled to think you should continued to have the upper hand while stealth killers should suffer. We need way more indoor maps to balance those scales.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    We should remove indoor maps, so stealth killers can get proper balancing without "but indoor maps" complaint

    There, we got a best way to fix the issue

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited April 2024

    So turn all outdoor maps into pseudo indoor maps by absolutely filling them with LoS blockers? Because that's the only way.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    or whatever any other method that works without interfering other killers

    We really don't have to be so strict in doing things. what we need is lot more of imagination and all that ridiculous things

    Hell, just scrap the idea of stealth killers? they aren't even working in indoor maps, they can jumpscare here and there but that's pretty meh

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited April 2024

    How about we just delete all of your favourite aspects of the game to keep me happy instead?

    Do you even think before you hit post?

    How does someone read "different killers have different strengths" and come to the conclusion of "well deleting anything that's different will solve that issue"?

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    I don't really have favorite aspect par se, anything that massively changes the game is more or less welcome

    Indoor maps are generally just bad for plenty of killers, but it's not like outdoor maps are all that great either

  • BooomTetris
    BooomTetris Member Posts: 58

    As Killer i hate indoor maps (especially Lerrys), as Survivor the other way around.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Is Midwich not the most hold W map in the game though? It’s easily in my games (especially if I’m not playing a ranged or projectile killer) the most I have to just hold forward as killer and rely on bloodlust to catch up.

    The map practically begs you to run straight with its long corridors, 2 god pallets on the bottom floor, and practical 2 god windows that spawn randomly, chained with 2 pallets typically on either side of those said windows. The classroom spawns give you nothing to work with and just make you run forward as well as survivor.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    In theory if you just look at the map, yes. However, I find it doesn't in practice. I find this is inhibited a lot by being an indoor map. "Most" the time they're in the rooms on the sides as you come down the hallways and aren't sure which direction you're coming from, same level, lower level, they don't know. The circumstances you do just see them in the hallway is typically half way down, which in that scenario you're close enough that isn't much of a "hold w" scenario that it isn't a big deal. Most the "hold w" we talk about is like cross map outside the TR even distances that are an issue. In the rare case you are looking at them on the complete far opposite end of the hallway you don't chase these. It's the same as dropping chase as soon as you see them heading for a very strong structure you know you can't afford to commit time to. The point being that these long hallways are negated mostly by it being an indoor map where they usually don't know where you're at till you're already close enough that it "usually" isn't a hold w scenario.

    I will say though that if those hallways look like a hold w problem, that should show how much of a hold w problem we have on every outdoor map because that exact distance of the hallway or even further is what you have on "most" the outdoor maps. That's how far you can see the killer coming on most outdoor maps and illustrates how much of an issue many outdoor maps are in design. Except those maps because they're outdoor removes the ability to start the chases up closer through confusion of the killers exact location that you do get on indoor maps, which solves this problem.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    I see your point but the difference though is that on outdoor maps, you can cut them off, push them towards the edge, or zone them towards the direction you want the chase to go. All much harder if not impossible to do on a map like Midwich.

    Midwich can also be an absolute pain to traverse as a non mobility killer as there’s only two locations to reach upstairs with outside breaking 2 walls.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "the difference though is that on outdoor maps, you can cut them off,
    push them towards the edge, or zone them towards the direction you want
    the chase to go. All much harder if not impossible to do on a map like
    Midwich. "

    That is a great point. I would probably argue though that the time spent herding them into that direction for chase itself is a lot of hold w to begin with. So you wasted a lot of hold w time getting them there and they go down easy because you got them in a dead zone with no counter player. Boring for both sides. I'd say that's bad design as well.

    "Midwich can also be an absolute pain to traverse as a non mobility
    killer as there’s only two locations to reach upstairs with outside
    breaking 2 walls. "

    That is a fair point as well. However, I'd argue you could say this is an issue for m1 killers on almost any map, outdoor ones included. This is an issue of m1 killers we agree on, but this is an m1 killer issue, not a Midwhich issue.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Very fair, and you’re definitely correct on both points. It seems that I may just enjoy the slight bit more of agency and decision making that you get with getting to determine where to take the chase on outdoor maps compared to indoor maps. Hold W is definitely a universal problem in the game.

    Also want to point out that I do think that indoor maps are a healthy departure from the typical gameplay and can elevate certain killers and playstyles that struggle on the typical outdoor map.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    This is why I get so confused by so many popular streamers/youtubers that consistently complain about indoor maps when I think they are objectively healthier design for all the reasons mentioned. I've yet to have them or anyone who agrees with those points actually give me some tangible points to support this.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Pre-rework Léry's will always be my favorite map in the game, so I am biased towards indoor maps. They aren't bad, they just force you to play a bit differently.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245
    edited April 2024

    No stealth killers are not “gimped” by outdoor maps. Meyers is the only one since he doesn’t crouch and is slow/ tall. Ghostface ruined this game for Huntress because how much map clutter they added for him and other stealth killers tbh. And Huntress does worse on indoor maps than stealth killers on outdoor maps AND we have SEVEN indoor maps now that Gawkins is back.They could’ve solved the problem by making her faster but chose not to. So we better not get another indoor map ever again unless they make her faster.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    • Can see stealth killer approaching from half the map away
    • Not gimped

    Honestly, huntress games are among my least favourite. They always run a full aura build and hit you from a distance without ever starting chase. Even on the odd chance they don't proxy the hook or the exit gates from a nearby hill, you end up with terrible BP scores.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    I'm curious about what you're proposing here. Is it that we rework every single stealth killer in the game even when some of them are the most enjoyed and played characters out there, or is it that we just outright delete Wraith, Myers, Chucky, GF, etc. along with all perks that give Undetectable?

    I'm genuinely just stumped as to how anyone would even go about making this change, let alone justify it.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Pig is 4’’1” so no you can’t see her half a map away. Ghostface is like two feet tall when crouching and is impossible to expose and pull out of Nightshroud. Not to mention 70% of all the clutter on every map that is literally head height. I’m sure you would rather them run full aura then full slowdown anyways so it’s not that big of a deal. Huntress’s would also be more likely to bother with actual chases if they weren’t 110/77 when holding. Besides there are 3 stealth killers in the game compared to 9 ranged killers who suffer on indoor maps, 2 chainsaw killers who suffer on indoor maps and 3 movement speed killers who suffer on indoor maps.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    "Besides there are 3 stealth killers in the game"

    Killers whose main ability is stealth: Wraith, Chucky, Myers, Ghostface.

    Killers With Significant Stealth Abilities: Pig, Dredge, Xeno, Sadako, Freddy, Spirit.

    That's almost a third of the roster.

    Even ignoring the secondary list of killers your count is wrong, not to mention the massive list of add-ons based around stealth, including on Huntress. It's one of the most common killer designs and tons of other characters have undetectable or oblivious perks.

    Less LoS = Easier Stealth and that isn't a debate, the less you can see someone, the stealthier you are. Therefore, more LoS = Harder Stealth because the more you can see someone, the easier it is to find them.

    Ghostface as a killer relies on appearing at the wrong place at the wrong time for survivors, and snagging an easy down when they don't realize he's there. If somebody sees his floating threads while he fails to make it around a rock in time on an outdoor map, It doesn't matter if he doesn't get knocked out of Nightshroud, because they'll have booked it to Timbuktu by the time he realizes and stands up. With certain pathing on indoor maps, this scenario simply can't occur, because they can't see you until you're already stalking them. See what I mean?

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    I like indoor maps and hope we get some more.

    If the vampire theory is correct i hope we get a real castle map.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I was just thinking about those speculations going around. Really worried a castle map will be like a "courtyard around a semi main building" type map, again. I really want it to be an actual indoors castle map if the speculations are true, that would be so cool.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Freddy is not stealth even remotely he has a lullaby that actively gives him away, Xeno isnt stealth at all either as the turrets detect him from up to 40 meters away, spirit is invisible when phasing so while she can be stealth LoS doesnt matter nearly as much. Chucky is 1 foot tall tall wall or chest height LoS is irrelevant because he is hard to see regardless. Wraith again is literally invisible past 24 meters and moves so fast that LoS almost doesn't matter. Dredge isnt even close to stealth with how loud he is, lockers are the only stealth aspect and even then people use them to teleport and thats it. So ill say there are 5 stealth killers. Stealth based add ons are irrelevant to the characters default playstyle. Huntress is NOT stealth and can NEVER be stealth. Her 50 meter lullaby prevents it completely.

    There are far more killers hindered by indoor maps than helped, so no there should never be another indoor map again. They could've fixed it but didn't so might as well just make it fair by having only outdoor maps with an insane amount of clutter. Or make it to where certain killers can never play certain maps.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    I don't mind indoor maps and I think they're great for DBD as long as they aren't designed like the original RPD, which simply had no place for DBD because of its gigantic size while also being two stories at the same time. Midwich is fine because it's much smaller in size (and it's in fact one of my favorite maps).

    There will always be killers that excel on certain maps, and killers that are miserable on certain maps, and that's totally fine. Though I absolutely despise Singularity on indoor maps, who is borderline powerless on some of them.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,192

    I love the theming and atmosphere of the indoor maps.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    Freddy's Lullaby is Basekit Oblivious it is stealth 100% if you know how to approach. Xeno gets a shorter TR in Crawler Mode and can traverse the map through tunnels and even detect survivor inside it with undetectable, that's stealth. Spirit LoS does matter because you can hold power longer and wait until you're closer to start chase, leading to more effective ambushes. LoS does matter with Chucky because if he's running from one object to another, he's visible. I don't see what part of that you don't understand.

    Moving from rock to rock? You can be seen as you move if the survivor is swinging camera around and looking for you, which any good one will be once they realize you're a stealth killer. Moving from wall to wall? You're behind a wall, I don't need to explain what that does for you. Wraith LoS in the distance is absolutely useful, especially if he hasn't seen you. What if you're waiting in a locker for head on? If it's an indoor map, you won't see him coming.

    Nightfall and screaming can disorient Survivors if they're inexperienced, it isn't much but it's useful at times for Dredge, especially on indoor maps with multiple floors, like the Game. Regardless, he is designed as a stealth killer, which of your own admission overrules how he's actually played, since apparently stealth add-ons don't count because how a killer is initially conceived matters more than the game given options available to them? Is that your argument?

    Huntress has a stealth addon, idk what to tell you. Default killer design is irrelevant, because most killers are encouraged in some way to try stealth builds. Stealth is part of the games design and is present across most of the cast in some form. How many killers have an Addon that turn them into Ranged killers? How present is your niche in the rest of the cast? What if we don't get any more ranged killers for awhile and the ratio changes? Will you advocate for maps no longer designed with ranged killers in mind?

    This whole reply comes across as a really bad faith way to say "The Killers I like deserve priority in design because they're more common" which again isn't even true by the nature of how this game augments killers with add-ons. You mentioned in a post of mine some time ago that you play Huntress 90% of the time, correct? And when you aren't playing her, you're playing Artist/Trickster/PHead? All also ranged killers, no?

    You seem pretty convinced and I'd rather not go in circles with this argument, so I'll end with this question.

    Do you think your experience with Stealth Killers is somehow more than everybody else in this thread, and more than enough to tell them that everything they've explained to you is wrong?

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    I do play Huntress the majority and only switched to other ranged killers casually because they aren’t punished as much for using powers. I have 500 hours on Michael alone, over 100 on wraith and spirit, and only about 30 on Ghostface. My experience with stealth killers isn’t nearly a lot but it is more than enough to know stealth killers don’t suffer as much as ranged killers do when it comes to certain maps considering the stealth killers have secondary abilities that help when stealth is hard.

    Meyers and Ghostie insta down removing half of the chase in most situations, Pig has bear traps that slow down the game, Dredge can teleport and has anti loop along with nightfall to confuse survivors as well. What does slinger have? What does Huntress have? What does Trickster have? They have nothing but just their standard power. PP head has cages and artist has anti loop but still these so called “stealth” killers have extra aspects to their powers to help them out on poor maps. Spirit/ Wraith move insanely fast and are hard to see as well.

    Wesker, Blight, Billy, Bubba, Artist, Huntress, Trickster, Slinger, Oni, Cenobite, Singularity and Skull Merchant are all held back by indoor maps for different reasons. That’s 12 killers out of 35 who are hindered by indoor maps. Even Dredge can be held back by indoor maps. And no Huntress having a wooden fox does not make her a stealth killer. If you care about winning at all you would never even attempt to use stealth on her. And in no way can dredge be stealth because how loud he is. You can literally hear him before you see him, you can hear ghosties robes but only when he is really close. And while yes you are oblivious when asleep against Freddy having a huge lullaby immediately makes him not stealthy. Ghostface doesn’t have a lullaby, Meyers doesn’t have a lullaby and nor does wraith. True stealth killers have nothing that gives away their position except for the player seeing them

    And every map is filled with so much clutter hardly any maps are bad for stealth killers. The farm maps are basically the worst ones for them with a handful of others here and there. Either they make Slinger/ Huntress 115 and both faster while Ads and holding which would literally solve the indoor map problem completely for the 2 who are affected by it most or they can never make an indoor map again which will help out the other killers I mentioned.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    "True Stealth."

    Where's the description for that? Is that some developer designation for killers? What makes a "true" stealth killer and who has the right to make that decree? You mentioned Ghostface makes noise with his cloak flapping, and then said all true stealth killers make zero noise and have zero indicator of their presence aside from LoS, which seems like you going against your own argument of stealth killers not changing between indoor and outdoor maps, but I digress. So does that mean Skull Merchant is closer to a truth stealth killer than he is? She makes no noise with her Undetectable.

    Stealth is a property of game design applied to killers when the developers want to give the player the ability to mask their location. Freddy's Lullaby does that, it is, in fact, the purpose of the trait. It's a stealth ability, because what else is it? When the devs gave it to him compared to a regular terror radius, what was their intention? To make him stealthier.

    I won't deny that stealth killers often have other abilities, but also consider where most of these characters are on a tier list before saying Chase and Ranged Killers are the ones with strength issues. Pig has been considered mediocre since forever, only now getting substantial buffs. Dredge is usually B tier for most people, on account of his addon dependency and rather ironically, his map dependency. Spirit is arguably top 3 I admit. Ghostface, despite his popularity, often put in low B to C tier. Chucky is good, that's another one. Michael and Freddy, the only two killers some people have the gall to say are worse than Trapper. So that's Chucky and Spirit that are generally considered powerful, and I feel compelled to shout-out Myer's tombstone and whatnot, despite the fact that ig we aren't mentioning add-ons in this discussion.

    Huntress, Unknown, Plague, PHead, Pinhead, Artist? I rarely see these outside of A. What does that leave on the okay to poor scale for ranged killers? Trickster and DS are often times with Ghostface in C or B, and Clown is usually C and occasionally D. Those are pretty good numbers, all things considered. That said, I do think something should be done for these killers on indoor maps, I even made a post about it earlier. But arguing that somehow Stealth killers are the ones who hold the power among the cast? Nah, I can't see it.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    Never said stealth killers are strong, nor did I say Huntress is bad at all. But I’ll say Huntress is low A Tier (I agree with otzdarva putting her that low in A) but when she gets an indoor map I would say it makes her D Tier on those maps. Same with Slinger to a degree. 110 killers, slower when aiming, having to reload, can generally go for long range shots and so on. All I’m saying is indoor maps are worse for more killers than outdoor maps period. A ranged killer is at a bigger disadvantage on an indoor map than a stealth killer on an outdoor map. ESPECIALLY with some of them being 110 AND having to reload and one in particular having to literally drop chase to reload.

    And while yes they gave Freddy a lullaby to make him more stealthy, does it work? The awnser is no not at all. It’s literally the same as a terror radius to be honest. A “true” stealth killer is Any killer that can remove their terror radius at will without perks or add ons. And they would have to remove their lullaby as well or else that’s not very stealthy is it? Survivors have no idea where the killer is at besides visually seeing them. Ghosties robes and Meyers breathing are things that give them away when it’s already far too late and nothing can be done about it.

    It literally cannot be denied that indoor maps are worse for more killers than outdoor maps. Outdoor maps would consistently benefit the most amount of killers. if something happened where we got 30 new stealth killers then they should help them by making the odds of them spawning on indoor maps higher or something. No matter how you slice it, it’s not fair to consistently add maps that hurt other killers severely without doing something to help. And that’s exactly what they were trying to do to make Huntress faster; but it got removed because people don’t want a low A Tier killer to go to high A Tier. Like it was the end of the world.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820
    edited April 2024

    So now, all Stealth Killers are One's that can give themselves Undetectable without add-ons? Okay, then the following "true" stealth killers are:

    Wraith, Myers, Pig, Spirit, Ghostface, Twins, Sadako, Skull Merchant, Singularity, Xenomorph, and Chucky. Twins and Singularity are both completely undetectable when not being controlled by the player, if you're wondering what includes them in your parameters. That's 11/35, a character under a third of the roster.

    No, it cannot be denied M1 stealth killers are hampered less by outdoor maps than ranged killers are on indoor maps, but that wasn't the argument, was it? You said Stealth killers are in no way gimped by being on outdoor maps. You've since made arguments yourself that combat that point, saying that "true" stealth killers can only be detected by being seen by a player, which obviously makes them better on maps where they're harder to be seen, i.e. indoor maps. Is that something you still standby, and do you believe there are still so few Stealth Killers that they should be effectively ignored by the map design?

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470

    I prefer indoor maps on both sides as they typically have stronger loops and stealth/trap killers do better on them

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    As a stealth enjoyer I absolutely love indoor maps. RPD was the first indoor map I fully learned in this game. As survivor, it makes the game more tense too and I can appreciate that.

    Open maps feel… Anticlimactic? Being able to see the killer way off in the distance while doing a gen knowing if he's coming or not kinda kills that tense feeling for me. Though, I will say, open maps are required for killers like Blight, Wesker and Billy for fast movements.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Anything that makes stealth killers work in outdoor maps

    At least try to make them invisible past whatever distance? I don't really care how, just that it feels stupid to have killers that only works in specific maps

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I strongly disagree on point #2. indoor maps benefit SWF more than soloq. This is because the ability track TR is significant worse on indoor maps then outdoor maps. with outdoor maps, i can tell how close killer is and what direction they're coming from. On indoor maps, that is way harder. It is almost guessing game for soloq to play indoor maps.

    Gideon's a prime example of that. it is double story map where tracking killer is really difficult on soloq. in a 4 man swf, survivor can always work on opposite floor that killer is at. It means that if swf coordinate correctly, you will rarely ever get interrupted on a gen or get opening hits purely because your never on the correct floor to do so.

    Midwich is like this as well.

    RPD is one of most notorious maps for hold-w and pre-running. You can legit win entire game as swf by just pre-running on like 60% of killer cast. the killer has no options other than to follow narrow path ahead of him.

    Lery and Hawkin are disliked maps because most killer powers are not good in congested line of sight blockers. Nurse, huntress…. pinhead, singlurarity, billy, blight, oni and so on.

    The only part that I like about indoor maps is lack of jungle gyms, shack and Long-wall tiles. Unfortunately, the god pallets replace those tiles, so it is not like survivor don't have easy loops to run.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I think the whole fun thing about playing stealth killers is planing your route ahead and use the Los blockers to not be seen by the target you are approaching, on indoor maps you don't even have to think, because there are walls everywhere anyway.

    I don't see a reason to make a killer invisible beyond a certain range.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I far prefer outside maps purely because I think they have far better ambience and more of a horror vibe. Though I hate what they did to Coldwind and I wish they would return this real to night time…

    That being said, one of my fav maps is RPD as I run balanced a lot which can be very strong on this map. Plus for killer I feel once you clear the few god pallets the map is actually not that bad.

    I despise Hawkins though, never understood why people liked this map from the moment it came out.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    Whatever, if that's the case just do something else, it's not like I'm so inclined in specific ideas or anything

    As long as they become more than A tier without relying on indoor maps, it'll work

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    More than a tier? You want an s tier stealth killer? Why even? Going against stealth killers tends to be quite miserable if they play it correctly, why would you want them to be that far up? XD