How to play against The Spirit?

Schinsly Member Posts: 176

Title. I find it impossible to play against the spirit and feel as if there is no counterplay. Any tips/advice?


  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Iron will is ur only hope. She's the strongest killer in chase. No way you'll survive long against a good one. Use spine chill and stealth.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited March 2019

    Iron Will. Don't be predictable with your movements if she's not following directly behind you (because it means she is phase walking). Avoid grass/corn if you can (you can still use corn to hide, just walk between the rows so to not disturb it though). Learn to walk if you break LOS. If she has Prayer Beads be extra careful on gens or totems. Learn to watch for grass moving or crows flying as that's a sign she is phase walking.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,545

    Look for her tall ass hair that is visible across the map because visual bugs are op

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Hillbilly? Top tier killer? Avoidable. A good Michael, Spirit or Legion? Not too avoidable, I wonder myself, go for a stealth build and look for her hair, play some KYF matches and try to learn against her.

  • captainlongshlong
    captainlongshlong Member Posts: 87

    I main Spirit at R1. She's probably the most powerful killer in the game. Nurse and Billy are good in their own right, but Spirit pips it for me.

    Everything @thesuicidefox says is right.

    Ultimately, the best way to get better against her, is to play with her. The same goes with any killer. Once you understand how they work and what their strengths/limitations are, you'll be able to counter them a lot more effectively.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Watch youtube videos as well

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381
    edited March 2019

    The best thing I can suggest is to change how you play, probably the most fun I have in this game right now is playing as and against Spirit because apart from some guesses every now and then the better player typically wins when it comes to Spirit.

    Imagine Huntress for instance - you wouldn't loop her the same way because she can punish you for it with hatchets. Spirit is no different where you wouldn't loop her the same way either, keep in mind that her power has a somewhat short duration at base (5 seconds) and that she cannot vault or go through windows & dropped pallets. Your best counters to her is to use windows to your advantage (especially if you come across a long wall jungle gym), dropped pallets (though not as much as any decent killer will generally break these if they are safe and know they can't mindgame it) and to run perks like iron will.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    For perks you can try ligthweight (messes with scratch marks) and you can try iron will to cover your injured sound.

    Dont forget that spirit cant see you while she is in the other world, you can easily mindgame her.

    I also advice learning spirit on your own, this way you can see what survivors do vs you and you learn how to play vs her aswell

  • nancyt1428
    nancyt1428 Member Posts: 66

    Don't run .... anywhere. If you're not strong at misdirection then you need to carry Urban Evasion. If you're working on a gen with someone else or around others that are running ... leave them. They are going to get you killed. The Spirit relies on scratch marks, mostly, and the sounds of injured survivors.

    Just take your time ... be patient ... be stealthy. Don't get in a hurry. Let the other survivors run her while you work on a gen and if you hear her phasing ... you need to Urban Evade away if you can or run Lightweight to cover your tracks. The build I've made to work best against Spirit is Alert, Lightweight, Urban Evade and Empathy. It helps you keep track of where she is and to escape her if she is coming your direction.

    But please remember that this build works for me, personally. Something else might work better for you, or others.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Hint: you can hear her footsteps, so you always know where she's coming from.