If 2v8 was real, Plague would be S-tier

Hear me out on this one - Plague's power in a 2v8 mode would be an excellent support tool to leave survivors one hit, especially if they don't cleanse. If they did cleanse and the amount of fountains was adjusted for the increase in players, cleansing survivors would give Plague a seemingly endless supply of Corrupt Purge. For a lot of killers, they would want a Plague on their side.
Are there any other killers who would be insanely good in this role for 2v8? Only other one I can think of would be Oni, and that'd be him being enabled by killers who can keep a constant supply of Blood Orbs going with their power (Plague, Legion, etc.)
Legion would have a great time getting a 5th Frenzy hit more consistently.
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I think Plague is already really good but yeah, I think that would be kinda nuts. I wonder if you paired her with Sadako if the TV would get infected forcing like a condemned/sickness combo. Would be cool to see.
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I really hope they add 2v8 as a modifier. It would be awesome!
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Honestly I have hopes one day the devs implement an actual "Kill with Friends" chapter with a killer duo designed around working together. Sort of like Cho'Gall in Hero's of the Storm. In that game, two players played one character at the same time, while queuing up together for matchmaking.
Honestly at this point, the Dev's have played around with the "multiple" killers archetype already, with killers like the Twins, Nemesis, (zombies) the Knight, and (lore-wise anyway) the Legion. I would argue the legion would probably have been the best killer to implement this idea originally, but I don't think they will want to rework them anytime soon.
A duo style killer would have to be designed very carefully to keep it fair, as I imagine it would be hard to balance. I would imagine it would be a killer that requires at least 3 hits to down, or maybe only one of them can attack at a time.
It would be difficult to implement well, and also would have the drawback of being a killer that needs a second player to work (maybe an AI Killer bot would be able to assist with this) but I think this idea has potential.1 -
Plague would literally be a best support for Oni, since you either choose to cleanse and give her stronger power or you choose to play injured and give free power to Oni.
Other killers are kinda meh, you don't get that much of benefits
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Doctor with nurse will forever be an annoyance. You can't avoid the blast and you always have one breathing down your neck.
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Scratch Mirror Myers with Jumpscare Doctor. The paranoia that it’ll inflict will be delicious.
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michael (Support to m1 killers like pinhead)
skull merchant (support the chase of the other killer)
freddy (no TR)
dredge (nightfall)
doctor (madness)
wesker (infection)
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Plague, Legion, Freddy, Myers, Ghostface, Dredge, Deathslinger are all A through S tier support characters in a 2v8 mode because of either their passive effects, active effects that become much stronger and set up other killers, or global effects
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Plague and Legion definitely feel S tier. Slinger though seems really spicy and scary.
Getting speared and Tombstoned sounds horrifying.
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Legion feels still too weak to pull up a steamroll together with Plague despite her infection. On the other hand, Oni would literally not have to worry about Blood Orbs economy nor having to get first hit
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Trapper + Pig. Beartraps on the ground, beartraps on the survivors, beartraps everywhere.
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Doctor's shock would complement most of the other killers
Pinhead and Pig (Chain hunt while solving jigsaw box sounds like fun time)
Clown and Blight
2 Facecamping Bubbas shaking their head "yes" at each other
Oni and Dredge. Both build their power from an injury. Oni could move unseen during Nighfall and come at you like a raging steam locomotive from out of the darkness.
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on1 -
My bad, I had just meant those killers in general, not paired together. I sometimes get ahead of myself
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I've never really put any thought into it before, but you are right. Actually, Legion might even be stronger since getting the 5 hit down would be much more reliable. I wouldn't recommend running them together because they'd fill the same role.
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Myers and Hag/Deathslinger/Pinhead.
The fact that Myers gives map wide exposed effect rather than an insadown special attack makes him a great support killer without too much extra effort. Hag/Deathslinger/Pinhead simply work well with exposed effects given the nature of their powers.
Oni/Dredge and Legion.
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. Legion excels at injuring many survivors very quickly. Oni excels when there are many survivors injured, allowing him to gain lots of blood orbs and be enraged constantly. Dredge gains nightfall faster the more survivors are injured. While the powered up Dredge is scary. Personally, I think the real horror is the frenzied Legion that has three hits, receives killer instinct, has no terror radius, can't see him in the dark, and is approaching your location at the speed of sound is the real threat there.
Deathslinger and Deathslinger.
Hear me out. They travel as a pack and when one of them spears a survivor, they reel them in and the two of them double tap the survivor. It only takes one hit with the speargun to down a survivor and good luck dogging both of them. Then again, this would require a good bit of coordination and they would need to stay together to be most effective, so maybe this on isn't that good.
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Double Deathslinger on comms would be some wild stuff, I bet.
Myers's Evil Within might only apply to himself, but Pinhead could work nicely with him with the chains keeping a survivor in place to get either free stalk or a free down.
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knowing bhvr they would make it so you cant have duplicate killers in matches
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SkullMerchant best support cause of her drones
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As entertaining as two Bubbas would be in a match, I have to agree that no duplicate killers would probably be for the best.