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Is hunting down the survivor that hid the entire match a game no no?


Survivor hides the entire time...no saves, no doing gens, just hidden. I felt bad because I'm Human and empathetic towards my fellow players so I hunted down the hidden player, hooked them, and let the other one go.

was I wrong?

Was working with the survivor wrong?

Was feeling empathetic because I know how they feel wrong?


  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 821

    It's honestly up to you. I don't recommend working with the survivor to find the other because you risk getting that survivor to get reported if they have video evidence. Not supposed to work with killer.

    Also, there is usually a misconception about someone hiding. Just because you as a killer didn't see that survivor all game doesn't necessarily mean they did nothing the whole game. They probably did do a little of everything but they are good at stealth while doing it. Or they were just lucky to not be found. I get that a lot and dislike when killers and even fellow survivors say I did nothing when I was just so lucky to not be found and still contribute

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,364

    Was working with the survivor wrong?

    Unless the other survivor was helping you locate the remaining survivor (i.e. downing them to see auras, the survivor waving you over, etc.), you weren't working together.

    You can hunt whichever survivors you want and show mercy to whoever you want.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,189

    How do you know this survivor didn't do gens or anything but hiding?

    And yes, working with the other side CAN result a temporary ban.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,561

    If the other survivors helped then yeah, it's against the rules. If you just wanted one survivor out and ignored the others then the worst you could be accused of is tunnelling and that's not reportable.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 3,646

    Aside from game rules I think it is completely fine to go for the useless teammate, it is up to you how you play. The whole working with the killer ban reason is ridiculous anyway… by that you are technically working with survivors if you let them escape I just don't think they would report you for letting them go. The same goes for accepting their lunchbox as offering and what not. There should just be clearer rules to what is bannable, sometimes survivors just get mad because one teammate did not do anything, as they can see on the HUD and will rat that one survivor out, which I think is completely fine. Ofc the guy would be mad to basically play a 3v1 just because one guy decided to do nothing at all.