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I ran FTP/BU and BGP for a few games and got found first and tunnelled for 5 matches in a row


Not really looking for a discussion, just wanted to laugh at a very unfortunate series of events

Quite honestly though? I got what I deserved, these perks are bullshit and the fact that I never got to use them honestly felt more like karma then anything else


  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 140

    yes, despite this ppl will make threads as if:

    • they face it every game
    • it's successfully pulled off in every game that they face it in

    most of the time it's nothing more than 2 wasted perk slots

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 140

    didn't notice you included BGP - what purpose does it serve in this perk combo? you had a flashlight?

    I know Ayrun ran it with BU and breakout/sabo build but doesn't seem to be the case here?

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,747

    I was also using Flashbang, but didn't feel like mentioning it because Flashbang is the only one of the four perks that isn't completely broken

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 801

    Very much this. I'm a SoloQ player and try to make FTP/BU plays. I think I'd be better off just changing my build.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,047
    edited April 16

    You'd think you'd have insulted 4 generations of their family with how much hell you'll get for using that combo. 😂

    I feel like I might as well be throwing when I use it, not because the perk combo is bad or anything, but because when I do I don't see people cranking gennies like they should be. It's like friends, we can't all be running around the map if we want to power the gates...

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,122

    To be fair, I tunnel anyone using that combo out once they show they have it.

    It gives too much time to risk letting it stay in the match more than once. This coming from a hook spreader.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,290
    edited April 16

    Ya know, for once… I can get behind this tunneling reasoning lol. Big plays mean big risks, or should. And getting tunneled is definitely a risk lol. Well played!

    Now to the killers in here!

    "Yes, but the killer shouldn't etc etc…' Enough. The killer has had non-stop buffs while survivors keep getting entire truckloads of manure dumped on their heads.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,122

    Eh, survivors have also gotten a lot of QoL basekit so I can't get behind that at the end either.

    Buckle Up+For The People would be like if killers had a combo that guarantees an instant down off hook, something like Pinhead's current addon that gives whoever is unhooked deep wounds except imagine if every killer had that loophole.

  • 100PercentBPMain
    100PercentBPMain Member Posts: 362

    If you're using Buckle up combo you really should be using Distortion

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,290

    Most of basekit survivor QoL's did try to impact things like tunneling, player info in general, etc. But I'd argue some of the changes did absolutely nothing. I'll agree both sides had ups and downs. It seems to go back and forth. We are currently on the apex wave of killers living the high life.

    And not to stir a pot, but BU+FTP is currently one of the only counters to some killers and/or playstyles. But! If the FB > Wall 'tech' isn't fixed, then this combo can go. Far to difficult and costly to pull off than it worth. Not to mention the fact killers will stop complaining about the 'IN EVERY GAME ALWAYS AND WORKS 106% OF THE TIME!' combo.

    Mmmmm…. Wendy's just arrived. Ciao for a bit, fog denizens!

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,088
    edited April 17

    Yes, I had a match earlier where my first down in the trial was negated by this combo. And I decided to do what people suggested to counter it: hardcore tunneling. Which was still a struggle, but ended with a 3K.

    It's funny when people defend it by saying "It's for countering tunneling!" but will use it the first time a survivor gets downed ever. Now you've inspired tunneling when I wasn't planning on doing it before. Good job.

    Update: Just got a second FTP+BU as part of a SWF squad.

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