"Taking A Break" Doesnt fix DBD Burnout

I hear all the time when players are frustrated at DBD. They usually go, oh you feeling frustrated? Take a break. Play a different game. See here is the issue.
Telling people to take a break for starters, doesnt fix the issue of why youre frustrated. When you come back after your break, sure you might feel a bit better but those issues will come back. If you have to " take a break" from a game that is MEANT to be fun, then its the game thats terrible meaning taking a break can never fix that. Is like breaking up with your toxic ex and getting back with them after a month to expect something different.
I also think "taking a break" invalidates the players' frustation, making how they feel, feel meaningless. For example, if I'm tired of getting tunneled every game or getting a map that heavily favors survivor, telling folks to "take a break" make every reasonable frustraion feel meaningless. The 2 things I meantioned are things that the devs need to fix in order to make the game more bearable. I shouldn't have to "take a break" from a game because Im frustrated with a flaw that the game has.
I think DBD needs more frustrated players. DBD devs have been doing quite literally anything these past few patches and they don't contribute to the game such as the Twins Rework, Huntress Buff, and quite literally every map rework. They been making some questionable balance changes. And if players are taking a break, who is going to tell the devs about the issue thats causing them to be frustrated? Eventually, frustrated players who take constant breaks will leave the game entirely, which leads us back to the title and the beginning of this post.
It's just something people like to spout.
I believe if people have the ability to leave feedback they should as long as its not violent/harassment.
I've seen people say that most feedback is useless but the devs ignore 'good' feedback anyways. So if you can complain, complain.
Post edited by Rizzo on6 -
im actually mid dbd break and im goin through dbd withdrawals
im not joking its hard to not just boot up the game but im fending it off by beating every bioshock
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If you're not having fun, if taking a break won't change anything, the answer is obvious. Stop playing. And I don't say that to be a jerk, I say that because you're quite clearly perpetuating your own misery. It's a game; if you're not having fun, then it's failing at its purpose and you should have the good grace to walk away rather than clinging to the hope of a betterness that may never come.
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when I take some days off due to life and come back I return to the same monotony of solo q and the cycle repeats itself
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If I'm frustrated with any game, I take a break ot never return. The idea suggesting someone to take a break is "invalidating" makes little sense, because it's the only logical thing to do to cool down. If someone is getting more and more frustrated, yet continue to play, it's like doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
In any walk of life, if something gets really frustrating, it's always good to take a step back, allow yourself to decompress and come back at it fresh. Gaming is no different. Feeling it's invalidating to have that suggestion says less about the people saying it and more about the perception of the recipient.
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If the game is frustrating you enough, then taking a break is a good idea. Continuing to play while frustrated will not help you enjoy the game anymore. On top of that sometimes people just need to take longer breaks. There's plenty of games to play so it's not like DBD is your only option.
But if you still find yourself not enjoying DBD after taking an extended break then you either need to take a longer break or decide that DBD just isn't your cup of tea anymore. The game has changed over the years and what you enjoy may have also changed over the years. It's fine if what you enjoy and what DBD provides are no longer in sync.
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"Eventually, frustrated players who take constant breaks will leave the game entirely, which leads us back to the title and the beginning of this post."
That's fine if you're not having fun just leaving dbd is fine its a video game.
I know if someone's complaining about the game it doesn't mean they want to leave it or take a break look at me I always leave long negative ranty posts BUT I still enjoy DBD. There are some posts where people just talk not about the game but how they are not enjoying themselves the best thing they can do is leave or take a break. If they don't enjoy the game and they are still clocking thousands of hours and wasting their time doing something they genuinely don't enjoy it's because it's either an addiction or a job and most of these people are not streamers. It may sound harsh but it's true people need to just stop playing at that point.
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I take breaks but I have stopped playing many times with zero intention to return… yet here I am yet again.
This is the reason I say breaks rather than I am leaving the game - I have said I am done with DBD so many times but I always seem to come back. Though like other games there will be a time when this break is the final permanent break and I will never return.
I think breaks are only helpful if they are months rather than days or weeks long.
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sure but at the same time it's also feedback on the game that could change in a way that improve in a direction that burn out would be lessen i do agree with out tough
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It doesn't fix it, no. But it's the only thing within your power to control. And both taking a break or continuing to play are feedback in themselves. The latter though is unlikely to change anything because as long as you're giving your time and/or money, nothing is likely to change because at the end of the day that's what any business wants. Your time and money. Taking both away, ie taking a break (which comes with the potential of someone staying away permanently), is still feedback. It also means you value self care, which isn't a bad thing.
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Yeh, the OG poster is not saying that "take a break" is bad advice, they're saying that ultimately the issues of why people take a break needs to be addressed :) unfortunately going by the past updates I don't think much is going to improve though :/
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I took a 9 month break last year and it's heading that way again 😒😔
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Taking a break is a pretty normal part of any game. I know people who've burned out on shooters, MMOs, sims, etc.
It doesn't invalidate whether a game has flaws for not, but its just not really surprising for any game.
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Agreed. I'm currently on a 3 month break and don't have any plan to come back without meaningful changes to the game. Tunneling and camping were way out of control, it's extremely boring.
And I have much more fun in other games.
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I understand your contribution very well, but it makes little sense to blame the developers for every mistake. That's too simple. It's up to the players themselves, and everyone interprets things differently. In short, it doesn't matter what the developers do. There will always be someone who has something to complain about.
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It was moreover the issue that being told to take a break was invalidating which I took a small issue with, not that it was bad advice. It felt like anybody who may suggest taking a break in good faith may now feel guilty for supposedly invalidating another's feelings. It didn't sit right with me.
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SBMM is the worse thing to happen to this game IMO. It went from a fun party game to now a competitive sweaty game. I really miss pre-SBMM DBD. It's just not the same anymore.
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Yeh, it can be tbh. What's worse is when people say "skill issue" or "get good" it's WAY over used now.
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If a gameplay-loop is good, you don't need to take a break from it.
DBD is still unique, but forcing MMR based just on kills and escapes was a huge mistake.
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I understand "skill issue" and "git gud" are definitely invalidating and mocking. However, if somebody takes offence to someone saying maybe a break away may help them regather themself then I'd say the recipient needs to reflect on that feeling, not the person making the suggestion.