Im tired

Mechanix82 Member Posts: 184

I am so sick of the same Pain Res, Pop, Nowhere to hid3e, Lethal meta right now. I have to take a break, i cant with solo que this perk set is busted most surv have no idea how to go against these perks and to watch a survivor get hit with Pain res on a 90 percent gen to then scream get get back on it long enough to stop progression and then get the gen popped! God kill me now lol!


  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Careful they gonna tell you run distortion for lethal and when you run it they gonna cry nerf distortion cause every survivor is running it. 🙄. Its just never a win with killers survivors complains of something=they say run x perk and said survivor start running it=waaaaah its too op nerf it. Lethal and aura reading perks imo is problematic and requires no skill period. Least with the gen regress perks as annoying as they can be, If the killer cannot down a person whos good at looping they become worthless.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 225

    Maybe play killer instead?

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386

    According to Nightlight, build that you've mentioned gives killer 71.7% killrate, which is 11.7 percentage points above desired 60%, so I think that BHVR should look at this.

    Also what is worth mentioning it's that all build with PR have >60% killrate, some closer to 70%.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 386

    There should be some limits for aura reading perks or gen kicking per killer - if there is variable terror radius, speed or presence of lullaby, I think there should be also something for aura and gen regression.


    Because high mobility killers have big advantage of map pressure and control. Combine it with insta-down Hillbilly and you have Fast killer that can insta-down you for just using his power and have all survivors revealed to him at the start of the match. There were numerous matches that my Distortion insta-proced and Meg next to me was downed by chainsaw. It shouldn't be like this, it takes very little skill to down survivor that way and honestly versing that kinda playstyle is just not fair.

    Same thing with for example Blight or Wesker. They don't have to charge like Oni, they have their power instantaneously at the start of the match.

    If killer have high mobility, they should have less gen kicking power and less aura-reading ability.

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684

    It sounds tiring and I'm not even playing right now.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,342

    Well I will play devils advocate here.

    Whenever I play fun/random builds, survivors don't usualy care or are even angry sometimes you play something off meta that is not "fun/fair" for them (Lightborn, Franklins, Mad Grip, etc.). Also the game is overall harder and Survivors will not care if you are playing nice or playing meta for the most part, there are lot of lame winners who will tbag you at exits even when you are doing them favor.

    There are many Survivors and most of them also run meta. So the Killer should not play their best as well? Also what kind of perks should killer run then?

    For example, I loved STBF but it got nuked and now its unplayable on majority of killers and on the ones few is maximum of "okay" perk at best. So this pushes people playing into more classic slowdown perks. You play NOED and people hate you for it, so again, you pick standart slowdowns because what else.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,520

    Ok… so run Lightweight to soft counter LP, don't jump on the first Gen you see

    Sabo tells you where SH are

    Pop is a bit harder to counter… but running a toolbox and not using it on the first Gen you see also have a backup Gen

    Bro just run away from Killer

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,240

    The funny thing is that you counter all of these perks by simply playing the game. When the killer kicks a gen, you make distance. When they go after you, you delay them as much as possible. The better you are in chase, the longer it will take for them to activate Pain Res + Pop and the less use they will get out of them. Lethal Purser is countered in the same way. You presume the killer has it and stay on guard as the match begins to not give them free hits.

    If it's an insta down killer you start spreading out immediately, so that they don't start slugging you.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    edited April 18

    So a killer runs two slowdowns that only happen after successful hooks + two info perks, and that's a huge problem?

    This is truly the weenie hut JR of killer metas and people are framing it as unbeatable