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Should Add-on's be taken in consideration for basekit balancing?


Real question, should Addons be taken in consideration when balancing the basekit of a killer.

Good example being Myers, Very "Bad" Killer however the addons border on some of the most busted in the game, only staying in due to a grandfather clause. Myers on its own is a d Tier killer, but with Add-ons shoot up to A, or even S tier. Not everyone runs that addon however.

My question is this, should Add-on's be considered when it comes to make base kit changes?


  • GeneralSkien
    GeneralSkien Member Posts: 107

    I do have a feeling they aren't buffing myers do to the sheer strength of the tombstone addon's but thats just my theory, some killers, like in high MMR need certain Add-on's to even compete

    Myers with Tombstone

    Knight with map

    Legion with Iri button (He has a really bad chase power without it)

    What I guess I want to say is, should a killer be balanced if they are only good with add-ons

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 8,847

    Myers as a whole needs a lot of work. He's the only killer in the game that can lose his power if the game goes on long enough. We're likely not seeing Myers addon changes until Myers gets looked at and so far that hasn't been a huge priority for BHVR.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,129

    Addons should introduce new ways to play the killer instead of being pick x because it makes the killer playable or pick y because it's makes them very strong

  • Unusedkillername
    Unusedkillername Member Posts: 121


    Honestly, I think the Hags 115 move speed with no TP or scratch mirror Myers is the type of things addons should be aiming to do even if they may be useless against good players or gimmicky and can create monstrosities like Burger King Myers back in the day. The whole point of addons is to give each killer more variety. Stuff like Stalk faster or Infect players faster or applying random effects on hits are so underwhelming and don't change how you play the killer 9/10 times.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,160

    Killers should be fully functional without addons. If an addon becomes a necessity instead of an option, then that's an issue.

    However, bad killers should not be balanced by overpowered addons and vice versa. All killers should have a variety of useful addons, that don't break them. If the killer is too strong to have good addons, then maybe their base kit needs some adjustments.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,360

    Presuming the game as it is: yes, they have to take addons into consideration.

    Ideally addons wouldn't be powerups, but variations like mentioned already. As an example, I think Wesker's Uroboros Vial is an example of a bad addons - its just free power with no downsides. Pig's addons are how I think addons should be designed, they have pros and cons to taking them.

    Myers Tombstones does fall into the latter category conceptually - you trade in slower progression for a more powerful effect. It also though just leads to pretty boring games and an all or nothing effect.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,030

    No. The killer should be balanced well at base and addons should be there to create new play styles or enhance areas you’d prefer. Unfortunately we have the current issue where many, many killers are reliant on addons that should be in their base design.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,614

    pretty sure the reason why a lot of killer are reliant on add-on's is because survivor dislike many of the killer designs. So it is like a lot of killer are self-nerfed but in order to make killer not unplayable bad, the dev put add-on's to make them playable. sometimes though, they don't even put an add-on, so they're just plain bad. Stuff like freddy snares slowing him down. deathslinger having a slow scope, no add-on to fix or 32 meter tr which is gated by an add-on that forces you to scope entire game. stuff like that.

    as freddy or slinger loved by survivors when they were stronger? Nope. that is why they're bad.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,030

    Yup, unfortunately. They feel unnecessarily held back and we're stuck using addons/perks to fix it.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,022

    I don’t think he needs a lot of work. Just some changes.

    1. Scratched Mirror should be buffed a little to allow him to walk faster. I’d be happy if they’d increase his movement speed while not in chase and out of the Survivors view in order to help him move around larger and outdoor maps.
    2. He should be able to kill Survivors on death hook as a base-kit ability. This could be restricted to having to hook each survivor at least once before they can be killed in order to reduce tunneling. Tombstone should be a completely new effect.
    3. Slightly reduce the sound of his breathing while increasing it for Survivors who can be killed.

    I dunno what else they can do without completely changing him, which I don’t want or think is necessary.