7.62 Killer Tier List

Interested to hear opinions
if this was ptb right now. Twins would be number 2 in S tier
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It should be S, A, B, C, D, F, and the last rank “why bother” lol
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if you play against my dredge you would revise this mid game while on hook
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If this was ptb right now i'd have twins above nurse tbh, and blight would b at the bottom of s tier below billy.
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Hahahah don't you dare hold that remnant at my hook.
On a serious note though, where would you place dredge?
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He is kinda weak. Not horrible, not the worst killer mind you, but weak againts any decent Survivor team and you rely on locker spawn and good addons.
For me he is High C tier (I have S,A,B,C,D).
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no way? Were they that strong? How? I know they can down incredibly fast but nurse can ignore every loop and window?
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I’d probably put Deathslinger & Clown in B tier and move Hag up to A tier, pretty accurate
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I feel like an argument can be made for putting Plague top of A+ tier
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I'd put Billy as one of the top A-tier killers but not S-tier. I think Plague is better than Chucky too because she has the addon power on her side with a base kit that is already very strong. In order for the top A-tier killers I'd probably go: Artist, Plague, Billy (he is very strong but he has no combination of addons that reaches Plague's level), Chucky.
Deathslinger is in no way better than Oni though, is he? His time management (shooting, hitting, reloading, catching up, shooting, hitting reloading) is just horrible. On top of that there are so many loops where you can get a hit but you'll never get the down with Slinger's power as long as the pallet is still up. I'd say he is a solid B-tier killer.
Seeing Clown in A-tier just looks wrong to me. He is still fundamentally the same killer with pretty much the same weaknesses. His time efficiency became a lot better because he doesn't need to reload as often but other than that, he isn't that much stronger. I'd put him in B-tier between Bubba and Nemesis.
Lastly, I'd put Sharp Hand Joe in the lowest tier. He is a sad mess. Addon dependent, undertuned, predictable, overcompensated regarding counters and overall just not very good. Myers and Trapper both have the ability to play nasty and get better results that way but Freddy? He has nothing. For the most part he is a pure M1 killer with no power. You hook someone, they wake up. You interrupt them on a gen, they wake up, if they miss a skill check, you hit them and they're still awake thanks to the micro sleep immunity from the alarm clocks. On top of that, he has only 2 really good addons (Paintbrush should not even exist as an addon but be base kit anyway).
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Yea the biggest problem is locker spawns being really bad, fix locker spawns and he'd go up a tier or so. He's really strong on maps like midwhich and probably like B to A tier on midwhich alone but other than that not great.
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I can see that argument,
Ultimately what makes artist and chucky better imo is they are more consistent and less map reliant, they will always have fast chases and always have alot of pressure. Plague can be a little less consistent and is slightly more counterable but still really really strong.
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They can theortically down faster than nurse because victor moves at such a fast speed.
At the start of the match you can find survviors incredibly quickly and injure everyone like instantly.
Twins also doesnt care about exhasutions or you using distance to waste a bit of time because victor is just so fast.
Only a few specific pallets like shack can maybe waste a little bit of time but usually not, otherwise loops and pallets are completely useless but unlike nurse, walls and distance is also useless.
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Unknown - S for Fun.
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I think people are still figuring out billy but hes got everything the other S tier killers have.
The main thing that used to hold billy back was his chase wasn't very good and he was very difficult, both of these things now are basically not true anymore.
His chase is now insanely strong because he can basicalyl hit you at most loops, zone you incredibly easy with his really short cooldown and he also has an insta down so he can cut chase lengths in half. He's also alot more forgiving now and it's easier to redirect his chainsaw whilst flicking or charging, the fact he can 180 now or flick 90 one way 90 back is absolutely bonkers.
Like other S tier killers, he basically has minimal weakness compared to A tier killers who usually have more noticable weaknesses. Also i think him with the lopro chains is akin to old mother daughter ring spirit, it puts him blight levels of powerful if not stronger.
Chucky im not too sure about havn't seen him a whole lot or played him alot against the best players so maybe.
I might be a little biased like from a comp perspective but the reason i have slinger and clown so high and oni lower is because slinger and clown are killers who basically get better the better the surviors they play against. You have to play these killers very well and mistakes can be very punishing but when they are played well they basically down people so fast they put surviors on a ticking time bomb, and slinger gets alot of zone, 3gen control as well as he's good at playing around unhooks.
Oni is really strong don't get me wrong but you can be significantly disadvantagd if you can't get an m1 fast, and the best surviors will basicalyl abuse bloodlust breaker pallets like shack to make it take quite a while to get an m1 unless they make a mistake or you make an outplay. In an average game he's def better but against the best survivors i think slinger and clown are more reliable.
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Billy has a few weaknesses that S-tier killers usually don't have. He cannot readjust. The smallest imperfection leads to him missing and the survivor either getting to another loop or positioning themself better. He is also very weak against loop chaining. You don't get into a position to hit them with chainsaw and revving slows you down, so that they make distance on you. I have about 900 hours (a bit more than that) on him and though he has become really powerful he still has some weaknesses he cannot play around and more counterplay than any S-tier killer.
A lot of the weaknesses Oni has, Deathslinger has as well. So I don't agree with his placement. But it's your tier list and tier lists are always a bit subjective, so we can agree to disagree.
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essentially ptb twins a 6m/s killer with perma stbfl.
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I'd def put Chucky and Clown lower.
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Wesker Should be just above or Just below Artist. Oni Should be above artist for sure.
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Chucky above Unknown? I just don't see it.
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nemesis is C+ at the best
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I like how in every tier list ever the Knight is consistently the most mid mid-tier to have ever mid-tiered.
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billy #2, blight #3, and spirit #4 (A+)
for ptb blight is A+ above spirit
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Myers is not that bad. He's not good, but outside of organized comp matches he's decidedly not bottom 2, he's just out of bottom 5 at worst
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Yea blight definitely either bottom of S or top of A+ afer the changes, we will see how much it impacts playing loops as to whether it makes him closer to artist or closer to billy/spirit.
I would put billy above spirit however I think that at the very very top level against surviors who know how to play against both killers i think spirit gets a slight edge, just because spirit is always goign to have more reliable chases and also is a killer who doesn't really care how good you are at survivor that much.
This is excluding lopros however, lopros billy is completely broken, maybe better than daughter ring spirit, but otherwise billy is more addon reliant than spirti is, particuarly on engraving.
Average games though billy is better i'd agree.
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He's not that bad but I think every other killer is just better, back in the day actually he used to be considered an A tier killer, i think this showcases the power creep in the game tbh because yea he's not unplayable but every other killer is just better, like legion and ghostface are better at what myers does and freddy has more map pressure and a slightly better chase power available.
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How is Legion better at what Myers does? imo they're nothing alike
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I agree with almost everything but chucky, demo, clown and singularity.
I think singularity is kinda weak compared to where the community thinks he is, I think clown is just mid tier he seems more at home with the B tier bunch than As tbh, I think chucky is a little overrated because his anti loop but i think getting some pressure going against good surivers can be rough, and i think demo is just a bad killer imo better than the worst but he is where you put wraith for me.
On a side note I like to see slinger getting the credit I think he deserves. I kinda think he's a little underrated by the community i remember seeing a thread where people seemed to be in agreement he was the worst ranged killer but i think hes way better than trickster.
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billy is very oppressive even without his best addons. He can be anywhere on the map in seconds and his cooldown doesn’t really exist with an instadown threat. You are not safe at really any loop against him you just let him eat your pallets so the game doesn’t instantly end.
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Myers has to spend and waste alot of time just to become a killer let alone be able to insta down for a little bit. Legion gets to injure people for free which is making them 1 shot anyway.
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Oh yea dont get me wrong i think the killer is super op and you definitely aren't safe at any loop if hes got iri graving in particular. The zoning capabilities are just ridiculous. I just think at the very highest level like against comp teams and stuff spirit has a very slight edge because the killer is more reliable, you can have more rough games on billy than spirit and the best teams once they get better at playing against new billy will have slightly more options against him than spirit,
Very subject to change though like i think the killers are very close and there's a good chance i'd move him above spirit in the near future.
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I would've placed slinger above huntress before the huntress buffs honestly, his value comes from being really good at the killer and being very consistent. It's alot easier to get better results on other ranged killers.
What makes you think singularity is worse?
Yea honestly clown could go to top of B+ which might be more suiting, I'm not entirely sure but i just think the clown buffs really pushed him over the edge in terms of being ridiculously stupid in chase especially with the right set up (like playing brutal rapid clown)
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EMPs when used against singularity turn the game into a slog but it becomes one in the survivor favor. I have had played against stacks that get EMPs before anything else then if you commit to a chase you will get 3 EMP drive-bys every chase and then the only solution i have to that is to 3 gen and force them to burn all the resources in the area even then i think when suvs use the tools that are given to invalidate his power to their maximum potential the game goes so much further in their favour than on other equivalent killers like alien because they can use it every time its needed and there's not much you can do about it.
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Chucky should be a tier lower and Skull Merchant should be in A tier instead of Clown. Also Oni should definitely be above Deathslinger at least (and maybe even Huntress).
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Clown is a lot better now no question but B-tier rather than A-tier. And yes Dredge is dredgeful so he should be this low.
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brother what is this abomination
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This list is insane.
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Yea clown could maybe go down hard to say atm i just think his chase is ridiculously better than any b tier killer.
Dredge wouldn't be so bad if locker spawns were fixed. Simply add a maximum locker spawn distance when playing dredge like 16m or something.
Dredge on midwhich for example is B - A tier forsure.