Plague is overrated
Hold W Killer againts power, loop basic M1 Killer without power. Yes, she can make you exposed but good Survivors don't care.
Ezi to gen rush, ezi to loop without power.
plague chase people? Every plague i go against put someone on the hook, go get there power, and proxy camp the hook. 90% of the time
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otz rates her highly because iri seal+devotee amulet. 60 second of corrupt purge 5 times per match with deadlock is strong.
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Oh yea in that case I can see her being strong.
But I am talking about not running her best addons.
I am strugguling with her even running like Apple addons which are considered pretty nice. Survivors in my games don't care about being injured, they will loop you to Oblivion unless you get your power in chase and that is limited and they can also juke it offten or hide behind objects.
Also I hate how you hit them with your power, they even do their scream or cough sound "ehh ehh!" and nothing happends like what the hell.
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that is why i run double infection increase add-on's to instantly break people. Most people cleanse in my games. I only run a single off-meta perk which is monitor&abuse on her. for some reason, it makes survivors cleanse.
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Even in comp she does fairly well because of her corrupted fountain uses... I don't think she is overrated and probably in the top 10 or at least 15 of best killers in the game, Plague is really strong. Especially when you have 3 fountains from the start.
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Dying light and thanatophonia.
Game over.
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Gotta say I never really rated Thana, as a survivor I never think 'oh no the killer has Thana' it is more of a roll of the eyes when I get yet another Thana Legion as it just means a drawn out tedious match most of the time
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It's to force suvs to cleanse or tank the 20%. Think of it like this you give the plague corrupt or you are suffering pentimento effect.
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Plague mains:
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Basekit with no perks or add-ons: She's pretty bad and is easily stomped by any window vault or pallet.
Add-ons and perks: Unstoppable monster that can stack so much slowdown and force Survivors between the bad decision of all being Exposed or handing over her machinegun just so they have that extra health state and slightly less slowdown.
Bamboozle alone makes Survivors have to drop the pallet early on any standard "window and a pallet" loop, and increasing her infection rate makes her almost as good as OG "backsaw Billy".
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Have you considered running add-ons? And maybe some perks? (Perks that actually do something, so literally anything besides Thana/DL)
Plague can be evil if you want her to.
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I think it's more that survivors don't have the patience/coordination to play around her effectively and she has very scary proxy camping potential if she has good pools with duration. There are also some maps that funnel survivors in a way that makes saving very difficult.