Is 30% escape rate normal now in solo q?

I've been tracking nearly 100 games now and my escape rate is 30.5%. It feels impossible to escape if a killer is trying to win and when it happens it just feels like luck or they weren't trying.
Mine is the same, though I havent kept stats over the last couple months but I doubt much has changed. That's with mostly non-meta perks too as I try to avoid meta perks for the sake of variety.
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Yes but expect it to drop even lower from here as more killer buffs and map nerfs arrive with future patches.
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I don’t keep track but yeah mine is probably around 25-33%.
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It's normal.
If Killer decides the match isn't going their way they just camp and tunnel. Soloq never stands a chance.
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I decided to track my survivor games officially as a solo survivor last night. hook first chase or DC's,
I measured 12 consecutive games, but 2 games had a DC on first hook and another killed themselves on first hook 30 seconds into the match, so I discarded those results. My own survival rate was 40% across 10 games, but overall escape rate for my whole team was 50%.I think this is fairly reasonable, my own escape rate could be higher if I prioritised myself, but I don't consider escape rates as the same thing as win rates.
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30% is definitely normal. DC s easily make the 40% average win rate way lower
after otz did his 300 games solo q run and only got a 40% excape rate i decided to do my own.! after weeks i got to 198 games and stop it there (to frustrated). I got over 15 hatch escapes which i won't factor into the score because it a draw mmr wise. A magic hole opening up in the ground after the team got destroy never felt like a win anyway.
rerecord was 75-123. 37.88% excape rate
My conclusion is matchmaking decide your fate rather than your own skill. You being a good looper feel irrelevant because a chase can be drop and a weak link can be focus. Maybe after the DS buff that might change but probably not. Tested many different builds and by FAR gen rushing builds had the best win rates. I think it also clear that most survivors don't play killer much. Teammates will constantly ask for heals under hooks, constantly double gens (not always a bad thing), and constantly focus the wrong gens. I just don't see the appeal of playing a mode that almost guarantee you losses. DBD is excellent for giving new players the horror vibe but for more experience survivors who wanna play more competitively it pretty bad. I find killer way more enjoyable
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I've only recently started tracking my escape rate on nightlight so it's not quite representative of my experience yet but so far I personally have an escape rate of 36% - and the matches I've been in overall (so taking both me and the other survivors into account) it's 29.5%
in '22 after the big update I had an escape rate between 35% and 37%. Pre June '22 it was around 45%. - All soloQ. Back then I didn't track on NL but manually.
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45% is more where it should be at, where the killer gets between 2 and 3 kills. today's escape rates are atrocious, and the most prevalent kill count being 4 on the killer side.
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My experience:
40% of games are matchmaking losses where your only hope is hatch because one or two teammates are completely dysfunctional relative to the killer.
Another 40% of games are matchmaking wins where the killer is way out of their depth and d/cs half the time.
The remaining 20% are actual toss ups that could go either way.
We need more of the 20% and fewer contrived wins and losses, even it means waiting in queue another 30 seconds (the horror).
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yeah! way to many matches are decided 1 to 2 minutes in. i think Behavior hesitant on increasing the queue time because players was complaining when survivor queue was long before . Of course this was all pre 6.1
At the bare minimum the matchmaking should stop pairing players with 70 hours in game against 1500 hours players. It just st setting people up to fail
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Solo que is completely dependant on your team mates sadly the amount of poor looping, bad decision making, lack off efficiency bad timing, unhelpfulness in solo que is probably the worst i have seen it. This is without taking into account the people who insta give up on hook, dc, hide all game or team with the killer.
However if you get 3 good team mates you're likey to win seems hard to find amiddle ground
bad team mates an it's hell or good team mate an the killer gets nothing an sometimes dcs or goes afk1 -
Nightlight says everyone has over a 40% escape rate.
Try to queue up with people with the 44% or higher like Laurie, Nancy or Cheryl.
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Devs aim for for 60% kill rate, and SQ escape was around 40% when they last reported back in January.
There might be something, probably related to your playstyle impacting your escape rate.
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The stats were released for survivors of 40% escape rate in SoloQ…30.5% of course is based off your skill. (As mentioned)
Is 30.5% normal for soloq? No. It’s not normal.7 -
If I'm not mistaken didn't those stats exclude games with DCs and not count hatch escapes. If so that explains why they are on the higher end compared to some players. Currently tracking my stats rn and am running just slightly over a 35% escape rate excluding games with DCs. Even if escape rates were low at least give us games where it feels like we have a chance. I cant count how many games it just feels impossible to escape.
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Mine is 45-50% as solo. I depends on MMR I think and your own skill. Bad teammates will kill any player in this game. If survivors focus on gens there should be 2-4 escapes but so many solos in lower MMR seem to be scared of gens.
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I have around 55% escape rate from what I've tracked.
30% seems kind of low, but given how bad match making can be I don't think it's that uncommon.
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The most games I tracked in a row was 421 with an average of just over 30% escape rate, but observing the results on a weekly basis was interesting too. I had some weeks where my escape rate dropped as low as 10% and some where it was 40% plus.
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My current stats according to Nightlight (I am not a subscriber, so only last 60 days) are 27.6% escapes as survivor and 41.03% escapes when I am playing as killer.
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maybe you need to track your teammate also?
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Did you track how many survivors in total escaped? That is more important IMO than your own escape rate.
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I don't know what you are asking.
Yes, that's lower than the norm.
See what killers are giving you trouble and play them. You'll reach a point where survivors will wipe the floor with you. Then you can learn what they do and do it in your games.
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For approx 120 games I did, then stopped. This post is about individual escape rates though.
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30 seconds is a cute number, you'd need another 30 minutes to make that happen
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No, that's about the real normal.
BHVR throws out any games with DC's, so I imagine 30% is probably right around where the average is.
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My conclusion is matchmaking decide your fate rather than your own skill.
I have been trying to wrap my head around this exact feeling for quite some time now.
I don't know if it is Patrick's comments in a developer stream years ago that tore down the veil of matchmaking for me, or if DBD's matchmaking system is just fundamentally different than other PvP games, but any influence I previously believed I had over the outcome of a trial has been completed decimated.
The realization that all this time there has been a false sense of player agency has completely shattered my trust in online gaming.
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The only other game with comparable playerbase numbers that even hits 30 minute queues in ranked is Overwatch at the GM or Masters level for specific roles. I don't know where people get the idea that DbD's playerbase can't support functional matchmaking.
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"The realization that all this time there has been a false sense of player agency has completely shattered my trust in online gaming."
Really i gotta see that stream. I feel like it just a dbd thing tho honestly. Your carrying potential outside of looping is just very low as a single survivor. The killer must be willing to over committ to chasing which is terrible. You don't wanna rely on your opposition making terrible decisions to be able to carry. Nurse blight billy (plenty other killers as well) can all dominate off of skill, a good 4 man swf can dominate off of gen efficiency, coordination, or perk synergies (they also tend to be good loopers). Still tho even in a swf a individual capability to carry by themselves is extremely low. Like what can you do as a Survivor to carry with your own skill that don't rely on specific scenario! like being in the right spot for a flashlight save that can be easily avoided by a wall?
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Overwatch has a larger player base than DBD. They have similar numbers on Steam but the vast majority of PC use
Although I suppose it would even out since DBD is across all platforms. So I agree that it wouldn’t affect queue times that much.
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Hi again! Wanna continue?
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I'm managing a shade over 40% escapes in mine, so it's hitting target for me. I was higher, but I've been a bit off-form recently.
There's a lot to factor which is beyond your control though, so matching that with how experienced and skilled a player you are may make escapes irratic at times.
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Remember people:
Personal stats aren't equal to average stats.
One can have a 0% escape rate so long as another has a 80% escape rate so the average comes down to 40%.
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It might affect queue times at the extreme ends of the bell curve, but there are things they could do to mitigate that too. For instance, I'm in the midwest US and get ~60ms to NA East and 100ms to NA West. I can play survivor on either server as long as I know in the lobby which ping to prep for. It's not a huge deal for me. They could possibly lock killers onto their home servers but allow survivors to float between 2 close servers when ping allows.
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Because experience I guess
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If you are getting 30% you are doing better than most. This game used to be about a 50/50 shot at escaping. But the devs have trashed survivor side so bad that it is probably around 10% for most solo folks. A huge swath of PC players have just been run off in general and console is new enough to the game they don't really know that is was not always like this.
(Full disclosure though after 6yrs I have a very low threshold for BS. So I bounce if it gets to trashy, thus lowering my win rate not because I am bad at DbD but I just can not abide some people's cheap game play.)
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So SWFs including duo having like 90% escape rate? that'd be ridiculous really
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Lol, for starters no survivors have a 90% escape rate. And duo's are definitely not running up out of every match. Since every single killer has an at or above 60% kill rate there is no way survivors are running around in here with a 90% escape rate, your math is not mathing bro. If this is personal experience you are referencing, I suppose watch the tutorial and get some practice in.
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So why do you think most solo que players, which can easily be more than 50% of entire survivor playerbase, can have 10% escape rates
it really doesn't makes sense really, pick one between "majority having really bad rate" and "SWFs are also losing", it's impossible to have both
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Solo survivors make up like 80%+ of the player base, and less than 5% were shown to be 4-man SWfs. The rest is divided between 2 and 3 man teams. So there is no need to be crying about coordinated teams winning when they are by far the exception and not the rule. Every killer who doesn't 4k 100% of the time loves to run up in here complaining that "all they get are SWFs" but that is not even remotely close to reality.
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No one is crying or complaining or anything, it's literally just stating you are being ridiculous with your numbers
If half of 80% has 10% escape rate, that is 40% of all survivors having 10% escape rate, and if that's the case rest of 60% playerbase MUST have 50%+ escape rate to even achieve 70% killrate statistics
And if it's lower than half, calling them "most" will be an overstatement, so pick one: most having 10% while rest having ridiculously high escape rate, or most having reasonable rate
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30-35% is probably the real average when you account for games with DCs. All I know is that it must be significant if they keep excluding matches with a DC from the stats. Anything below that feels too low. It's too low regardless and I don't think this is type of balancing is sustainable long term if you are trying to grow the game. Look at how fast the numbers are dropping after the bloodpoint event ended. I think there is a clear lack of interest in the base game currently. Numbers can only be propped up with events for so long.
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I have tracked some more matches since then and I start to notice a pattern. - I play normally and once I drop below an escape rate of 30% two things happen: I get matched with very decent survs (1.5k hours or more, high prestiges, contribute actively and know what they're doing etc.) and we, as a lobby (all SoloQ usually) get matched with a way below avrg killer (comapred to the previous killers). This usually results in a 3-4E (if there's someone unlucky enough to get downed near the end the killer usually just camps out that surv and depending on the situation no rescue is really possible) and the killer asking us if we were 4man swf. This happens 1-2 times (escape rate is back to 30-something percent then) and then it's back to another 7-10 3-4k.
I used to believe killers tend to get backfilled a lot / it's matchmaking time that screws them. But at this point I think it's by design. [Yes, this is all just my personal theory and all that - but at this point it do be quite predictable. To the point where I go "ah, escape rate says 28%, time to get matched with "good" survs and "bad" killers." - Et voila, it either happens that match or the match afte that.]
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Yes. 40% escape rate is normal when DCs are excluded. 30% is likely including DCs.
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Was there a time number DIDN'T drop significantly after the events?
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DDamnnn that high! what region? how often do u get good teammates? i got a bunch of questions honestly. Tell me your dolphin secrets
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30% is an extremely high escape rate for solo queue. Most matches your teammates won't even attempt to do generators.
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They don't count it even if just 1 person DC's?
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Australia. From what I can tell, tunnelling is not as common here as it is in American servers which may be the reason.
That number was from a few weeks ago though as I hadn't played in the game in awhile and the size was only 20 games. I did play 12 solo queue games since that comment and escaped 7 times, so 58%. But please remember this was only out of 12 games so it's not representative of much haha.
I do often have shockingly bad teammates and that does drag you down. Pretty much every loss is due to teammates playing poorly rather than the killer outplaying us.
Main thing that helped me though is running Kindred and Deja Vu.
Kindred gives so much information that playing without it is like playing a different game
- It lets you know if you need to go for a save or stay on your gen
- It lets you know which gens your teammates are on so you can finish them if they get chased off at any point. Really easy to do now with the HUD
- Tells you exactly where the killer is and where they are going after a hook AND when they chase someone
- Most importantly - it gives your teammates all of this when you are hooked. They probably won't use it super efficiently but it does really encourage them to focus gens because they aren't all rushing for the hook
Deja Vu is really good because it helps minimise the time in between repairing gens where you can't locate them. Also helps you to know where NOT to lead the killer by avoiding the most important gens that teammates might be on.
I also use Sprint Burst and Vigil which helps make up for my average looping skills.
Also utilise the HUD as much as possible. With Kindred and some game sense you can get a rough estimate of the killer and teammates locations even when no ones is on the hook for Kindred to activate.
Most importantly though - do gens. If you are on a gen as much as possible and not standing around doing nothing you'll be surprised how fast the game can go.
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agree! especially the last part. Do gens as much possible is usually the right call. Also, it absolutely no reason to ever take kinderd off in solo q! like ever. I just ran it for so long i got sick of using it and wanted to try others things. SB and vigil you say? I'll try it out. Tunneling happen about every 3 matches when i play (NA west) so i don't like taking off certain perks like bond and overcome. Find myself having to body block late game often when someone on death hook.
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Tunnelling must be less common in Australia because out of those 12 games only 2 tunnelled, and 1 was justified because I ran into them haha.