When is the last time you played the game on a regular basis

Basically asking when was the last time you play lets say 5 out of 7 days in a week.
to be honest i haven't played a single game since chucky release. and i don't know why? i just stopped.
also can anyone tell me if the game has gotten more fun or less fun since that time period thx.
It's been about 6 months, although it should have been over 2 years with how ######### the game has gotten. Game is dead for me.
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I play almost every day. It really does get more and more fun for me the more I play it.
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2 Years if it's 5 out of 7 for sure.
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Blood Moon event. I've played 2 games since then.
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Prior to Chucky coming out. It wasn't like Chucky was bad or anything, and I really like both the Alan Wake and Chucky tie ins, but the bad parts of the game left unfixed just got too much for me to have fun when playing anymore. I still hope they fix the game and make it playable again, but I don't think it has reached that state yet. (It also doesn't help that most of my friends stopped playing, and friends make the stacked bad stuff bearable. Soloq exacerbates the existing problems and makes them far far worse.)
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Steam says I haven't played the game since the 2nd of april. I have gradually started playing less and less since 6.1. Only playing a lot during special events. I actually got to the point where I became legitimately fed up with the ridiculous balance decisions the devs keep making. Survivor is not fun/rewarding and killer is too easy for me. I might try the new patch for a day or two but it won't keep me around long term. I expect the new Haddonfield will remind me why I quit after I play on it a few times. They'd have to make major changes for me to ever come back and play the way I used to. Nerfing Blight is a great start but it's only one of many problems.
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Never? If it's 5 out of 7 days.
And otherwise I would have to lie to know exactly.
My steam says first September '22 but I know that was just to install it for a promo skin or something. So probably last time played anniversary '21.
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I was playing more than 80-100 hours per week (yes I have a full time job too lol) up until last week where I finally got burned out and needed a break. I am also waiting for the Ultimate Weapon changes to go live as that perk was starting to drive me insane and I was not having fun and finding myself DCing/going next too often which isn't fair on anyone else.
I have been messing around with trying different builds with just bots and will wait until the update goes live before I play live matches again.
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Never. Can't say I play any game 5 out of 7 days a week.
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...so you discuss without having any recent play time?
Lots has changed, its one thing following something and another actually experiencing it.
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Me rn reading through and taking notes
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Stop playing regularly somewhat after Xenomorph release, that power and the map made me lose interest fast.
I occasionally play killer to get rift progress but survivor gameplay has dwindled to maybe a few games every few weeks.
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Since the Blood Moon event, in order to farm points and the blood maps. Haven't had much incentive to hop on since then.
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Around September 2023 I believe.
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About 8 to 9 months ago. I used to play practically every day. Now I play maybe three days a week. Four at a push. Most times it's only for a couple of hours at most.
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That regularly? More than a year now.
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3.5 years ago
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I haven't played it for the past couple of weeks, but only because WWE 2K24 came out; not necessarily anything to do with the game. This just happens sometimes.
Before then, I'd probably play 2-3 times a week.
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I play most days, but it's normally just one or two survivor matches at a time.
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I play most days after work. My coworkers play SWF with me pretty often as well.
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It tends to go hand in hand with the rift for me. Slowly builds up over time, then hits every evening for a week or two as I’m grinding out page 4 of the challenges, and then drops off sharply when the rift’s done and other games catch my interest more.
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Generally play roughly every other day, so 3-4 days out of 7. As regularly now as ever.
Not sure why people would be on these forums if they haven't played at all in months...
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Haven't played in a couple weeks.
Game isn't going a direction I like, there's not much challenge in my preferred role and this disaster of a PTB has done nothing to assuage my concerns.
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Honestly i think this has been when the most people have stopped playing, around xenomorph chapter. i saw alot of people discussing it.
maybe its ultimate weapon. or maybe its the recent design of unfun perks and powers of killers
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I just like to check up every once and a while, i dont know if its the community or just wanting to find nostalgia.
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Do you think the fear of missing on cosmetics is the only thing getting you to play? wanting to unlock these rewards just in case one day you might enjoy the game again to truly appreciate them
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Ultimate weapon seems to be a drop off for alot of people im seeing in other threads
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Before SBMM was implemented and I'm sure I'm not the only one..as that's when the player numbers really started to tank.
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I enjoy interacting with it for only about 3 days or so a week so it doesn't get played out. That said, I'd still say I play well over 15 hours a week on average, which is a lot for a recreational activity, especially across my younger years when I was a lot more involved in the game.
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I completely stopped playing in December 2023, but i already stopped playing on a daily basis somewhere in autumn 2023.
Mostly because i started to dislike the DBD-feeling (the feeling of being powerless and getting treated unfairly, only to switch sides and repeat the cycle again) and generally it just felt not fun anymore, the old coziness was gone after the introduction of MMR, new maps and new killers. The balance just didn't felt right anymore (you needed a good surv team to have a chance of winning against a mid killer, but i regularly stomped teams when i played sweaty as killer).
And the most efficient playstyle for each side (which was becoming the norm thanks to numerous tutorials and guides and lastly, MMR) is just unfun.
But, another big reason is the constant pressure of rifts and keeping myself up-to-date with the new content, balance changes etc. Once you're out of this loop it's hard to get motivated to come back because of all the stuff you've missed and all the work you have to put into it, it's like a streak that has ended. The game also got way too complex to just play it casually for 2 matches once a week. I mean surely i could just play my old loadouts and killers but it wouldn't be fun if i don't really know whats going on with that new killer power/add on or when things just don't work like they used too. And i'm too lazy to work through all the patch notes only to be frustrated anyway.The reason why i'm still here once a month is nostalgy and the small hope that things have been drastically changed to the better.
Post edited by solidhex on2 -
Bloodmoon, and would probably return in anniversary too
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Pre patch 6.1
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I probably only played at that level when I first really got into the game. As some others have said, I tend to mix other games in with DbD, but its the game I've played the most over the last couple of years.
Not sure why people would be on these forums if they haven't played at all in months...
Yeah, that surprises me as well. There are games in the past that I was involved in the forums of and when I stopped playing them I stopped visiting the forums as well.
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I never discuss gameplay directly.
Mostly player behaviour, about how it has been from release until the time I last played in comparison to today or how gameplay and it's changes have been.
I won't assume to know anything about how the game is nowadays.
And before you ask, then why are you on this forum? To kill time and entertainment.
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Summer 2023 I started playing less and then around Nic Cage release I completely stopped - game just kept losing the fun for me and I burnt myself out playing trying to get rifts completed. I occasionally log in to get large log in rewards/enter codes in case I do return someday. Hopped on and played 3 rounds of the April Fools mode to check it out. I keep eye on forums/socials to keep up on any changes that are coming to the game - used to have a ton of fun playing and hold out hope maybe some there will be changes that will make the game fun for me again.
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You’d think so, but no, actually. It’s really just coincidental that new rift releases line up with my desire to start playing again. For now, at least.
Maybe the desire to finish off the rift is rooted in FOMO, but at that point I don’t really mind.I will admit that there have been “seasons” that were like that, but somewhere along the line my mindset shifted, ig?
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still play regularly.
But that’s mainly due to me and my partner being both invested and playing together.
we have our ups and downs with this game but still stick to it as no other game compares - still wish it was more casual friendly and not breeding so much elitism and toxicity..2 -
Many around here but not heavily playing the game still have a passion for the game, interest in proposed changes, ideas they'd still like to see made, and especially for me useful knowledge about the game to share.
There's also a couple of kindred souls around we look forward to interacting with as well, hear what they have to say.
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1 to 0 times each week of lately, got into identity v and play many other games. If I even play one time and I get 1/2 bad match=instant move to another game. Survivor is just not getting better swf or not because everyday its a complain about nerf this now nerf that now on survivor(see the popular bgp qqs for more info please). It so bad that things barely use to do anything any slight buff to a survivor perk its a target for nerf it by killer mains.
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Blood Moon, BP gain feels not worth it now compared to that and the rampant cheating and horrible PTB isn't encouraging me to come back.
I'll check out the new rift but I probably won't actually come back until Anni when I am getting as many cakes as possible.
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identity v is fun for crossovers, but knowing you will get camped everygame to death is frustrating. especially since you know the hunter will 100% lose if they don't camp
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I have not been actively playing since last summer. Patch 6.7.0 was the true downfall of survivor.
I know where you are coming from with your statement, and as someone who play survivor around 70% of the time spent in the game, I know the struggle (pun not intended). And like you said, the old "coziness" got taken out after SBMM got introduced, and the game has went downhill since then.
Don't get me wrong, but if you want to have fun in the game nowadays, the only option is to play killer.To answer the main question: I probably play once a week or so, maybe one or two games, depending on how much I want to be tunneled, or camped by a lame-ass Bubba player.
If I have friends playing, I will sometimes join as well, since playing solo survivor is just painful in its current state.3 -
About the same or less fun imo. Definitely not more since everyone and their mother tunnels, camps, and complaints about anti-tunneling, BU+FTP, Flashbangs, and survivors moving their characters with 'W'.
No better on the other side, as they have warrented complaints too. Its a big cluster ukfu atm.
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Fair enough strangely It does not bother me as much as or maybe not yet like dbd does xD. I like how if you give yourself up for others you tend to end up with more points than the hunter who camp/tunnel or the others escaping. DBD you can run the killer for all the gens and come last place lol and 0 pip.
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Last anniversary
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I'm playing regulary but don't have much time to play, maybe 2-3 times in a week. Beside RL, the actual bugs makes me playing less killer.
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Have not played since the week Singularity came out from massive massive burn out (haven’t really even been on the forums either.. last post was around then too), I played a bit during the blood moon, had some fun and did some achievement hunting for post-singularity chapter ones, and haven’t played since. To be honest, I’m still really burnt out after playing for 2.5k+ hours in such a short period of time (2020-mid 2023) on top of other things.
I don’t see myself ever regularly playing anymore ever. On the plus side though, I’m having a good time rediscovering interests I had before this game though that I’ve neglected, as this is the only game besides Zelda I liked, and been focusing on myself :)4 -
Since Chucky came out. The game just isn't fun right now for me. Im bored playing most of the killers I used to like playing(Legion, Wraith, Xeno) and matches just aren't fun. Even the Unknown didnt make me want to play the game bc their power isnt fun to me. I hate lob projectiles. Then you have this mid-chapter that is a huge disappointment in terms of content. Unless the 8th anny chapter has something amazing in it I do think I be playing that much.