Otz is fed up with the Knight

Almost 2 years since the Knight released and he and his guards are still terrible from the plethora of bugs (Stun in power) to the mandatory addons (Call to arms, dried horsemeat, map of the realm) Knight needs some buffs and fixes
Yeah he feels forgotten. He's needed improvements for a long time now.
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True. I really like Knight because he has a cool design and his power enables some cool tricks and playstyles. But all these awful bugs (stun while in power, Guards get stuck randomly, Guards follow a weird path ect) and beeing depending on addonsjust sucks. It doesn't make fun. The sad part is that making his necessary addons basekit would take one minute but the devs still don't do it. Also some of his addons need either a buff or rework because they are awful.
My biggest hope is the anniversary stream because maybe there the developers will say when Knight gets his Quality of life changes he needs.
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He really suffers from main character syndrome.
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Knight AI got worse after killswitch that I just gave him up. His worse AI drove me to Skull Merchant.
Thank god that Unknown came out because between Knight and Pinhead I was feeling rather disillusioned
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I dont blame him. I have tried to play knight so many times just to quit after one match bc how clucky and buggy his power is. The one thing that drives me up a wall is using a guard to break a pallet in the middle of the chase. I have to spend time backing up or pos myself just to be able to enter my power and by the time I do all that the survivor is gone. I always hated you cant just highlight a wall or pallet and just press the button to command the gruad to break it without having to enter the orb and then command it to break it. So annoying…
If only the devs didnt waste so much time on what was a failed Twins rework and used that time to fix killers like Knight.
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It's such a shame the Knight is probably one of the best visually designed killers imo and gets treated horribly being kept in such a poor state. A neglected child gets more love from their awful parents than what BVHR has for the Knight.
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Playing against a Knight feels like playing against someone who is too lazy to spend any time learning the game's skill expression, so I feel no remorse for this Killer.
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Yeah, same. I used to play 60-70% of my killer matches on him some days, but now i don't even touch him. They disabled him on 1,5 months just to fix bug with multiple guards and nothing else, and i just gave up after that. It's just ridiculous.
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This video is also a good example of how good non-meta killer's perks. Insane value across whole match from non-meta gimmicky build, all 4 perks did amazing job. Have no idea why there's only 4 slowdown every game. Get good killahs!!!
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he's basically a repeat of old legion but not as big a failure. if you try to play him the ways devs intended (strategically), you end up hurting yourself because a guard hunt time is at most 10 seconds thanks to the stupid banner. if the guard doesn't spot anyone then you have no power for that entire patrol duration. the correct playstyle is to not think and simply brute force the loops which is exactly what old legion did (not just the moonwalk nonsense, i mean literally just waiting for power cooldown and getting free hits).
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I think they've run into a situation where the budget and staff remain finite but the releases keep coming, which means the same number of staff that used to maintain 16 killers is now maintaining 30+. It'll collapse under its own weight eventually.
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I’ve been keeping an eye on their careers site since they opened the Rotterdam department. They’ve been hiring new folks fairly often (for DbD specifically), to the point that there’s no open positions last time i checked.
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Knight could be so much fun to play. I love the multitasking you can pull off as him.
Sadly he is punished so much by being completely reliant on map of the realm and multiple bugs.
Desperately in need of some polishing. GET THAT ARMOR CLEAN!
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You are not doing any multitasking with Knight. You dont control the Guards.
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The Knight can apply pressure in two places at once with relative ease, can pressure survivors even after dropping chase, and can break pallets and generators without needing to totally divert himself in such a direction. It's through his guards, but they are an extension of him. That is called multitasking.
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Me too Otz
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I mean if you put a guard on a survivor and start kicking a gen. Technically you are doing 2 things at once. Same for the inverse. You chase a survivor a drop carni on a gen. Or just chase 2 survivors at once.
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The AI going all wonky when the Survivor drops a pallet while being chased by the Guard is pretty silly ngl.
Even fixing just that would make him feel better to play.
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I forget which content creator it was, but they made an ironic Knight "montage" where every clip was them standing still as a guard hit a survivor, or they downed survivors standing still in a pincer maneuver.
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It’s not about your feelings or what you “feel” regardless your lack of remorse.
It’s about what’s balanced and fair. He’s very buggy and it’s not right. He needs to get fixed.
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Knight can wait his turn. There's killers who are far more deserving of some attention.
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I'll never understand why everyone says Knight NEEDS map of the realm. I'm aware of what it does, but I've always felt its a crutch to be used when your starting as KNight, but should be taken off when you get better then him.
As a Knight Main, my addons of choice are Call to Arms and Dried Horsemeat, and I'd sooner take a bullet to the head then use anything else. They're just that damn good0 -
i run the same too but map of the realm is such a difference maker for short vision guards like the big guy and assassin it should be basekit along with the others mandatory addons
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I wouldn't mind it being basekit, but I still feel Map of the Realm is just not needed to plkay the Knight as his full potential. That being said, whoever likes using it, more power to you. It's just not my cup of tea. I value Dried Horsemeat much more, as it makes your guards get free hits far more often.
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Sure as long those other killers don't end up like the failure that was the Twins rework where the devs wasted two years only to fail so hard that they had to throw all the changes away and settle for some small QoL changes that could have been do years ago. Personally, I do not want to wait two years for a killer I don't care about gets a failed rework while killers I do like have to wait on the sidelines. Honestly, BHVR needs to cut back on new killers for one year, and look at the killers they have now. We have a few that all need some love and attention.
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BHVR will prioritize fixing and improving content that people enjoy and will continue coming back to the game for.
So I'd say my feelings on the matter are fairly relevant to the discussion.0 -
This looks more like he has no idea how to use Knight. His guards are ideally to help him chase and zone. He only wants to use him for breaking pallets which is bizarre.
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Im gonna take your word for it. Im not that experienced as him. I feel like even when i place a guard right on top of a survivor or directly ahead of them, the range just doesnt fit to tag them. Am I doing something wrong?
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I still don't understand why he was killswitched for so long and still had all bugs and still no map of the realm as basekit? What was the point? When will they fix him?
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Well, feelings and facts are two different things.
“Feelings” are not really relevant in this particular situation. The Knight may not be a major priority for them, but that doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t be fixed… it would make the experience better for the player playing him as well as for the survivor. The killer matters too
He’s still a character that the developers took 11 months to create. Of course they are going to fix him at some point.
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Of course they are going to fix him at some point.
I most certainly hope so.
I'm not saying they shouldn't fix his issues. I'm just acknowledging that the company has limited bandwidth, and I want to express my opinion about where they should focus their time and energy.
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That's actually not true at all, they were just working on the Twins
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…and it took how long?
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This isn't the first Twins change
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That’s 💯 valid and I would agree.
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You are a saint!
I tried it out and it actually works!
Thank you!!!
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It was supposed to be the first meaningful change.
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I agree I think he should hes definitely is on the list of killers who need changes bad nemesis is another one iv been saying to bro has legit zero good addons and his power either feels pretty good or horrible due to lack of tier 2 earlier or inconsistent tentacle strikes overall I think knight for sure needs changes and hoping some these killers get QOL changes cause it's getting ridiculous how they killers have been out for years and it's taking so long actually give them tweeks
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Solution, enduring. so stop squabbling you infinitesimal worm (don't mean it personally it's just a cool singularity voice line)
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My build is as follows...
Addons: Dried Horsemeat, to increase the chance of getting an injure with a guard, Call to Arms, to better sneak up on survivors on gens.
Perks: Lethal Pressure, to guarantee early pressure and synergize with my other perks; BBQ and Chilli, to know where to go whenever a get a hook; Discordance, to know which gens to head towards to get two chases at once, and Nowhere to Hide, to kick a gen and potentially find a hiding survivor (which happens a lot) so I can either start a chase or send a gaurd to do the heavy lifting.
Your goal is to be in two chases at once as often as possible, one with a guard while the other as the knight at the same time, with a secondary goal of chasing one survivor and using that guard to create a pincer attack, putting that survivor in an unwinnable situation where the guard and the knight are coming at them from two opposing directions at once
Give it a try. It may change your opinion on The Knight
Lastly, I understand why people like Map of the Realm, but I value the two addons i always use MUCH more
Sincerely yours....
Sandt, The Knight Main
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I already tried it and it worked just fine. Thank you for your insightful comment. I really do view knight quit differently now.