why was huntress movement speed reverted if other ranged killers are faster?

huntress moves at 77 percent movement
deathslinger moves at 93.5
trickster moves at 96.5
the difference between slinger and trickster is small but compared to huntress she is way slower. the buff they were gonna give her was gonna be awesome but baby surviviors were butthurt.
the movement speed is for attempting a hatchet throw around loops and rocks, so you cant use your power, and to top it all off she moves at 110.
if huntress cant have her movement back then make her 115, what is the big deal?
blight is super speed and moves at 115, artist can snipe across the map and deny loops 115
so why can trickster be 115 but not huntress and slinger?
or if neither of these get approve then why not increase the wind up time? 3 seconds for a fully charge is a long time thats 18 meters of distance survivors make just to have a fast hatchet. i know there are addons for this but it should be base kit
Because one hatchet injures you and has unlimited range. Deathslinger has 15m range and trickster requires multiple hits to injure you. Her windup time was reduced, her movement speed while holding was increased and they gave her some haste add-ons when landing a hatchet. She's good and especially sinister on a seasoned player.
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All of this
Deathslinger hits don't instantly damage
If deathslinger can not connect on a melee hit on an injured survivor (dropped pallet, body block), he can't down the survivor.
Trickster hits can be recovered
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Cause unlike death slinger she can down with her power if the person is on the other side of a loop that you wont get a lunge in time and trickster requires multiple hits for an injure state.
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but you cant use the hatchets over tall loops and ur too slow to use m1 and slow drastically when pulling out hatchets. so ur force to either eat the stun or bloodlusting
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But she could get the Survivor before making it to the loop…
Or she could force the survivor to take a wider turn forcing them to either throw the pallet early…
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Slinger has 18m range.
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trickster needs many hits and a lot of time to perform said injure. huntress needs los for like 3 seconds to get an injure. Buffing huntress m/s on holding hatchets makes her so strong at zoning.
Deathslinger used to not have high m/s in ADS mode. they only buffed his ADS m/s mode because they reduced his scoping speed. needlessly to say, it is not very good compensation buff.
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Trickster has to hit you 8 times.
Slinger can't hit over pallets and has limited range.
The hitboxes of their weapons are a LOT smaller than Huntress' hatchets.
That's why. They reverted it because it led to a lose-lose situation for the survivor whenever the Huntress pulled up her hatchet. If they drop the pallet, they got hit. If they didn't she lost no distance and just hit them anyway. It was too much.
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You left one ranged killer off your list. Everyone always forgets about my poor Carmina. I wouldn't have it any other way, but still.
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Nemesis, Pyramid Head, Xenomorph?????
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Technically artist got mentioned in the first post though ^^
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A dev responded to me on my “survivors kill themselves on hook” post and said it’s purely feedback for why they changed her back. Too many people complaining made them revert it. There is no reason for her to be so slow, I’ve made several videos proving why her being that slow makes zero sense.
Indoor/ cluttered maps affect her more than any other ranged killer. One of two killers Having to leave chase and find a locker to reload. Being forced to M1 at 30% of the loops in the game. There is a reason why Shiny Pin has an insanely high pick rate and it will be like that permanently because she is unbearable without it. I could go on for ages but it doesn’t matter because survivors would rather go against Nurse, Chucky, Wesker and Blight over and over instead of a slightly stronger Huntress who has more counter play than any of the other killers I listed. I would’ve rather had the speed than the extra hatchets.2 -
huntress can already down survivors 10x faster than nurse, imagine a 4,6 version of her lmao
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Eeehm... That kind of overdoes it and makes your argument really ridiculous when you crank up the numbers like that dude.
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You say all this, yet she's the strongest ranged killer in the game. I dunno, I feel you just got burnt by a good huntress. Maybe not. But maybe.
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And yet she's literally still stronger than both Deathslinger and Trickster lmao, she's not the one that needs help out of these 3 by far.
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Slinger is like 15m and can't even down you if the tile is strong enough just force you to mend. Huntress with hatchet holding speed lets her perma zone you at every single filler and makes her zoning way too good especially if they just walk with rose root.
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In the last stats posted by BHVR Huntress literally had the second highest pick rate in the game after Chucky and that was even before her buffs, she's not suffering from being an unpopular pick at all lol.
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Yeah (I also went to high school and learned about stuff like that) but it has the opposite effect here as intended... Besides the point where it is only true on paper that she can down people faster than nurse.
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Arguably trickster might be stronger than her, at least before the buffs to huntress.
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an extra 3m on a mediocre killer 😮 vs near infinite huntress range
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I know lol I never said she wasn’t popular, she’s just outdated and people won’t admit it. Slowest killer in the game when holding a hatchet. Slower than Nurse. On TOP of being 110. And having the THIRD LOWEST kill rate in the game at TOP 5% MMR.
Crazy to me the Pyramid head can hit people through walls and moves at 110 while using RoJ, Plague being 110 while holding Corrupt Purge, Artist being 115 and having unbeatable anti loop and so on. I could rant about it forever tbh. She’s not bad by any means but she definitely needed a QoL change for her speed
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I don't care about the difference in effectiveness... Just get your numbers right.
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AMEN! THIS is what i am trying to say, those changes were definitely deserved, it was just those content creators overblowing everything like always, and it was ptb, we never tried it live to see if there definitely was a difference.
in the open sure huntress is strong but in indoor maps and tall tight loops shes loses alot of lethality and time, and plus the hatchets have a long time to charge. it should be reverted and re-added to the game
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Her movement speed while holding wasn't increased the change was reverted.
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Corrupt Purge literally needs to be stronger than hatchets cause of how much more restrictive Plague's power is compared to Huntress', if it were weaker than them Plague would be incredibly underpowered.
Pyramid Head only has barely above 10 meters of range when using his best (and quite literally his only useful) add-ons which is also literally a telegraphed attack to survivors before it hits them, zoning for days is literally the only thing this man's got in a chase against good survivors.
Artist 100% needs nerfs (as I've already said in a post) but cause of how unpopular she is nobody else cares about her.
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Trickster is in a weird limbo cause for as often as his power feels very oppressive it can feel like a total waste of time instead of simply M1ing the survivors, but tbh I'm not sure if even a God Huntress would be able to gag Hens' SWF the way a God Trickster did it, so you may not be off with your reasoning.
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Plague is very strong without corrupt purge as she is a 115 killer who can essentially insta down everyone, and insta downs from range with corrupt as long as survivors are broken which they almost always will be. PP heads attack is LESS telegraphed than Huntress as it doesn’t have a map wide full power sound, nor does he vocalize his attacks, and RoJ moves much faster and goes under objects/ through walls. Not to mention he is the god of tunneling and denying survivor perks lol.
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Why does a killer with a healthy pick-rate and win-rate across all MMR's need buffs?
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Firstly she has the THIRD LOWEST kill rate / win rate across all MMRS according to Bhvrs stats. So I would ask you. If a lot of people say a killer is fine but yet the stats show they lose constantly why wouldn't you change something? It's across all MMRS too and the very few times you see her used in tournaments and comp, she loses VERY badly.
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Pyramid Head's range literally has a red line in the ground that shows survivors exactly where it's gonna hit them so arguing that it's less telegraphed than Huntress' hatchets is literally embarrassing lol. Also it only has like 10,5 meters of range when using his 2 best add-ons that you're gonna use every single game cause all of his other add-ons are literal garbage. Also in exchange for denying survivors' meta perks he denies killers' meta perks as well aka Pain Res, Pop, Grim Embrace, Dead Man's Switch, etc., so a quick tunneling with the cages can result in an even quicker gen rush to compensate for it.
And I'm not even gonna start on what you said about Plague cause if a 115% killer who can instant down everyone was truly that strong than Myers would be considered top tier.
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PoTD moves 3x faster than a hatchet, pp head doesn’t vocalize his attack and nor does he have a map wide sound of it hitting full power and nor does he have a 3 second wind up time. The power goes through walls as well and the red line is almost completely indicate if he aimed right in the first place. NOT TO MENTION he is WAAAAY better at zoning than Huntress and receives almost zero penalty for canceling his M2 or missing PoTD. And yes perma tier 3 Meyers is very strong so it’s fair to compare to plague but just imagine perma tier 3 Meyers having a 12 meter lunge and that is essentially plague. Case closed.
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I know this might be a hard pill to swallow, but there's a reason Huntress is essentially the 5th best killer on everyone's list while pyramid head is down further quite a bit: flip Huntress and pyramid head around with everything you said and that's your answer, because everything you said was wrong.
The thing about being able to hit through walls only matters if pyramid head can see them via an aura read perk, and even then it's still a gamble. Most of the time he just straight up misses in those cases.
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A hard pill to swallow is how wrong you are lol. Not only does Otzdarva put Pyramid Head higher than her on his tier list but almost every other content creator does too lmao. The only thing Huntress can do better out of what I listed is zone from further away that’s it. As for hitting people through walls I would say that’s just a skill issue on your part because it’s actually not that hard to do, it’s just that an aura read perks takes out any doubt . He literally counters 30+ strong survivor perks, counters pallet saves, allows for easy tunneling and killing a survivor on the spot. He’s also better at using M1 perks, stealth perks, exposed perks, oblivious perks, and blindness perks. Sure his add ons are trash but he is definitely better.
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I'd play against a great pyramid head over a great huntress any day of the week. Especially with her 2 additional hatchets buff.
If you're talking about otz's 7.4.0 tierlist, she is legitimately the one below pyramid head lol. That is also coming up on 3 patches old.
As for skill issue sure, I dodge most pyramid head m2s through walls where he can't see me, as it's very obvious what pyramid heads try to do. I'd suggest to not even attempt those and to try to recover distance on the survivor.
As for tunneling and camping, huntress excels if not performs better than pyramid head. The only thing he has going for him is the mori on death hook, but that requires a survivor to be tormented.
If you have people looping a tile and are willingly getting tormented, that is a skill issue. Pyramid head is a hold w to counter killer until you either get to a strong loop with line of sight blockers or have nowhere else to go. That's where huntress excels. She can take those health states from distance where pyramid head can only hold w to catch up.
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One below is still far different then you saying he is waaaay below her. Even with her buffs now; their spots don’t change. Pyramid head doesn’t need to recover distance, he moves at 110% when using PoTD compared to Huntress moving 77% so he has literally zero punishment for holding his power, and his recovery after a missed attack is only one second. You can’t just W key away from every loop against pp head either because his trails last for 180 seconds. So all he has to do is drop a small trail on the pallet and you won’t have a choice of he is smart. While yes Huntress is a better camper, Phramid Head is BY FAR a MUCH better tunneler. Allowing you to instantly down a survivor right out of a cage. People complain about Mori offerings and he essentially has it base kit. Him being able to hit through walls of all heights is insane because he doesn’t have to worry about the insane amount of clutter on maps and his attack being blocked by any objects. The literal only things she does better are long range health states which even then is sometimes impossible because 7 indoor maps and 30+ maps with an insane amount of clutter. And the speed of taking health states on grouped up survivors. Oh and camping. That’s literally it. Pyramid head is better everywhere else in every way.
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Huntress had been his top 5 pick for years. I don't know what prompted him to drop her 5 spots and below pyramid head, but she has always been A tier on his lists.
You also don't understand what I had said. Pyramid head's terror radius is 32 meters. Huntress' is 20 meters. Sure she has a lullaby, but you'll hear that the entire game, so you really don't know if she is coming to your gen or not. A survivor starting to run the second pyramid head's terror radius plays gives them 12 additional meters over huntress'. A survivor holding w 32 meters away is way worse than a survivor holding w 20 meters away. Besides, her hatchets cover that distance, pyramid head's power cannot. Also unless huntress is holding her hatchet for a long time, the 77% movement speed is faster if she aims and then throws like good huntresses do, because pyramid head stops in place for at least a second and has to regain his momentum when he powers, huntress is only 77% for maybe a second or two, only losing at most 3 meters, where he loses at least 4 meters.
His trails lasting 180 seconds doesn't matter if he cannot get a down. If he has effectively chased every survivor around the map without so much as a health state, let alone a survivor getting tormented, he's essentially lost the game.
Like I said, if you're getting hit through walls by pyramid head, that's a skill issue. Hitting through an animation lock like vaulting a window? Sure, but huntress can do that too.
Your comment on better tunneler is moot because if he decides to proxy camp the cage, he's also already lost the game if the survivors know what they're doing.
Also people haven't complained about moris in years, ever since they nerfed them to their current power level. Who's this secret group of people you're talking about?
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Your terror radius point is irrelevant because i can tell you after over a thousand hours of Huntress a lot of survivors will start running before they hear your terror radius because when they hear your lullaby they will constantly be looking around and on high alert. So having a 50m lullaby is a huge negative. Yes pyramid head holds still for literally less than a second so that part is also irrelevant. And contrary to your belief better Huntress's hold their hatchets longer, becasue they h-ave to watch for patterns or make adjustments to not miss. Also they have to hold it for 3 seconds minimum otherwise it travels much slower and can be dodged easy af. I could literally make an hour long video about how to play her. Not the same with pp head. And she is down so low on Otz's tier list because survivors have gotten much stronger hook perks since then, along with ever worsening maps when it comes to clutter and being indoors.
And im saying If YOU cant hit a survivor through a wall without aura reads then that's a skill issue lol. Its not very hard to do and i.ve ran into several pyramid heads that can do it easily since his hitbox is so big. People are still complaining about moris everywhere, just look at any video related to them and the comments will be full of them. 3 Minutes of trails is an insane amount of time and can allow you to easily torment survivors and trust me Pyramid head does NOT struggle to get downs lol. Him being a better tunneler is not moot at all and its actually embarrassing that you dismiss that out right. Considering its one of the most complained about things in the game and he is by far the best at it. It doesnt matter if survivors stick to gens if they end up in a 3v1 in the first 2 minutes of the match because all of the ant tunnel perks dont work against him lol.
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Have you considered you're playing against under 100 hour players that run when they hear the huntress' lullaby? If every survivor ran off generators the second they heard it, you'd 4k every game. Over 1000 hours means nothing when hours played does not equate to skill. People can have thousands of hours in league of legends but be stuck in bronze 4.
Your second point about holding hatchets shows exactly why hours does not equal skill. A survivor has to bob and weave when a huntress holds a hatchet, or they're an easy target. You know what they're losing by doing that? That's right! Distance! If a survivor runs in a straight line and huntress holds the hatchet for 3 seconds, she only loses just under 4 meters worth of distance. Pyramid head loses that minimum regardless of how long he holds his power. If a survivor tries to dodge a huntress hatchet like a good player does, they lose way more distance, and are essentially forced into a loop with high enough terrain to block a hatchet.
It is much easier to hold w against a pyramid head than a huntress, and that's just a fact.
It is completely moot because if you want to tunnel 1 person out of the game, congrats 5 gens are done in the 3 minutes it took you to do so if the survivor holds on. Yes, camping is one of the most complained about things right now, but if pyramid head was so much better at it, you'd think there'd be an increase in his play rate, but there isn't.
Huntress is way easier to play and her skill ceiling is much higher as well.
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Well I think this conversation is over because I’m almost certain you don’t play either killer at all. And I’m certain you don’t play killer at all either. It is very easy with almost any killer to tunnel a survivor out with 3-4 gens left. You also seem to think that there are no objects on any maps at all because a survivor gains far more distance than 4 meters when they weave in and out of trees, rocks and walls.
Also I don’t have to consider the hours of the survivors I’m playing against because I’m on steam and even though I only have a few thousand hours, in the vast majority of games I match against survivors with 6,000 plus hours. Very rarely does it drop below 3,000 hours.
I would highly recommend trying both killers. And play them both enough to go against good survivors so you can shed your bias and realize the strengths and weaknesses of both killers. I have played both extensively and can say with certainty that PP head has far less drawbacks.
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I do play killer enough and I do play both enough to understand their mechanics. I can say with certainty that I'd rather play huntress over pyramid head.
Again, hours does not equal skill.
Surely my bias as a survivor main who is practically impartial in this regard pales in comparison to that of someone with huntress in their username.
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My name is irrelevant look past your own bias and realize your experience on her is no where near mine and I am a much better authority on her skill cap. And if you want to ignore that then go ahead because Otzdarva agrees with me in this regard too.
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You never did say who complains about moris still.
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He doesn't need a map wide sound on a max 10,5 meters range attack which is already telegraphed plenty on the ground on where exactly is gonna hit survivors even through walls.
Otz only put Huntress literally one spot lower than Pyramid Head and that was before her buffs. I guess if he decides to put Huntress above Pyramid Head in his next tier list then we're gonna end all discussions about it cause his opinion is the only one that matters apparently.
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No but his opinion is worth infinitely more than yours lol. Besides I disagree with Otz on several things about Huntress anyways and honestly, he isnt an authority on her considering Huntress mains with 10,000 plus hours on her alone disagree with him about her too.
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Hot take its time they refine hatchets hitboxes