When we get a fix for the high ping killers and better matchmaker?

Suakey Member Posts: 5

90% of my matches, and im not joking, are high ping killers and low ping survivors. When is behaviour finally fixing this? Are you devs even playing your own game at this point? I want to see how you guys play against a good high ping killer.

Its a problem since 2016 and people still complaining and probably even quit the game because of this. Its just incredible that you dont care about this problem, even when your customers pay you for this, buy DLCs or even ingame currencies. Get some honor and start fixing the damn matchmaker, its just not fair to play against high ping.


  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 294

    Yeah this is number 1 problem in the game for me, and I don't understand how it's getting so little attention.

    People on this forum took a lot of time explaining how the 3% of MFT was gamebreaking because it allowed survivors to reach a pallet just in time, but they keep radio silent when the killer gets this same advantage for free just by having a bad connection (or a VPN).

    Resilience gives survivors +45 ms faster vaults, and people call that borderline OP, but a killer having 45 ms ping is viewed as totally reasonable and fair, and yet it counteracts resilience.

    I guess top players don't care because tournaments are played with low ping anyway. But this makes the ladder a joke, any match where the killer has 100+ ms requires the survivor to play a lot safer, we've seen this in the Europe vs. Asia showcase, players on both sides were getting hit like they are complete noobs, yet the game doesn't even show you the ping of the killer. I despise playing against some killers like Wesker and Huntress just because of ping.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,726

    I can't think of anyone who defends high ping killers, aside from killers who purposely make their ping high. I assume (at least in my case) the silence is more from not exactly having a solution, since the game is supposed to be solving the issue before it happens. Only thing I can think of would be a ping limit, but even that could discriminate against people who live in countries a good distance from the nearest servers.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 294
    edited April 23

    It's "discrimination" when it happens to killer players, but not to survivors? Because what you're describing is exactly what happens to survivors, and they find it totally normal, because it's how any other game works, you have bad connection so you get penalized for it, the alternative is to penalize OTHERS for your bad connection.

    As for technical solutions. For hit validation the game should be client-sided but have ~80 ms tolerance and above that it becomes partially server-sided again. Regardless the devs don't even want to show the killer's ping for some reason so it's clear to me this is an oversight of the problem and not a technical issue.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,726

    No, its discrimination when the game provider sells a game to an area without providing them with a reasonable server distance. There's a pretty big reason why very few games use ping limits.

  • Suakey
    Suakey Member Posts: 5

    Well I know CSGO is using ping limits and thats it. But I actually never really played against high ping people in cs - atleast on ranked and with the ping limiter off.

    Also if youre in EUROPE and you buy a online service game like DBD, then you always should have a decent ping - no matter where your location is in europe. Ofc this can vary from location to location, but you cant tell me there is a killer playing 100+ ms and is located in europe. The killer is either from the US or high ping abusing with a VPN or even firewall rules.

    No matter what the killer or even survivor is doing, just give me people in the lobby that are around my ping - I even will wait longer for that #########. It is just incredible how hardcore advantages you get for playing high ping as a killer.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 302

    Well for starters this game has no competitive integrity so I doubt the devs actually care. You'll never see killer ping as a result.

    Secondly they just don't want to spend money on more servers, but instead of admitting that you'll just get told that 'everyone has a right to play.'

    Furthermore, I sincerely doubt anyone who would be in charge of fixing this actually plays against lagging killers, let alone anyone outside of their internal team.

    NA East is especially bad with people from Latin America being forced to play on the region with 90+ ping making it unplayable.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 431

    90+ unplayable? Here I am at 180ms.

    I bought the game as anyone else did.

    I pay over 100$ for internet.

    Tell me why your more deserving of decent ping games than I.

    I stupidly play surivor with my high ping which is a major disadvantage. Hardly play killer when when I do, survivors will get hit but game sez it wasnt the case. I have blood all over my screen, dude screamed and he's now running away.

    Add my surivor ping to another high ping killer and you will see true misery.

    BHVR can afford more servers, smaller games have more then them.