Why is the new killer and survivor not the main characters of the tome?

DH3206 Member Posts: 251


Since they announced that the new original killer and survivor will be the new main characters of the next tome, why isn't that the case with Unknown and Sable?

Now we got Zarina and Artist instead.

Best Answer

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 192
    Answer ✓

    On the one hand, it's possible that this is a result of them not knowing what to do with the Unknown, whose lore is intentionally ambiguous and thus a tome might be too much clarification. On the other, it is more likely that this is the result of community feedback that the model of new chapters immediately getting tomes sucks and is bad.

    The more first-in last-out tome model resulted in some pretty middling tomes, like those of the Knight or Singularity, which were somewhat confused or dragging. Recently, we saw a tome for Feng Min that was GREAT. Older characters usually get better tomes because the elements of their story that need to be elaborated on have been made clear over time, whereas the FILO model results in tomes that feel redundant or are just bad.


  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 251

    I think you might be right there :)