Unfun Survivor Perks / Strategies

So, a bit ago, I made a thread about unfun killers, and people's opinions on who they hate facing. Well, for funsies, for the killers out there - what survivor perks and strategies do you absolutely hate facing?
Personally - I hate gen rushing and most blinding strats. And Dead Hard. God, I hate Dead Hard.
I don't like flashlights. I run Lightborn every match, no exceptions.
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Background Player is the most annoying perk in the game, without question. I know it makes developing perks more difficult, but you have to play the "what if multiple people in the trial have the perk" game with any survivor perk concept.
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Only thing that honestly bothers me is when survivors go full "Gloveworld Bus". If you've ever seen SpongeBob, you know exactly what I mean.
Prior to the Haddonfield rework, playing m1 killers against this was literally impossible. They just refuse to leave houses until you commit to chase. The second anyone gets a heartbeat, they run immediately to a house.
These matches are basically guaranteed losses on a few killers.
I see 4x Background Player a lot, and surprisingly see Breakdown Breakout squads a fair amount but I'd rather deal with those unhookable survivors over that boring hold W play style. These people always catch me when I'm not on a killer to deal with that. Like where's my boi Unknown to lob UVXs when I need him
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Ty for this thread. Got my popcorn and happy drink. You're awesome. :)
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dont really got a perk combo in mind that i hate going against but i kinda dislike how committed some survivors are to taunting you. Example ill get smack by a god pallet and they won't even run immediately. They just sit there and stare at you.... like "hey stupid how u get stun there lol". Same thing when u swing at window and miss! they run right back up to the window and just look at you. Sometimes shaking there heads which admittedly can be funny. Fast vaulting windows/pallets repeatedly after u had to drop chase. Don't get me started on flashlight clickers! I get it you really want to proc that DS but leave me alone please
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BGP makes every survivor feel like a pogchamp and it's extremely demoralizing to fight this stupid perk every game
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boil over trollers
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I love when survivors vault spam and click and run up to you because they want to be chased so bad.
I never chase those guys cause chances are if they want to be chased they know what they do so I rather take chase with someone that don't.
Those guys often get super mad in chat when I don't chase then until everyone else is dead
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All hail to our Lord and Savior Lightborn 😎
Edit: @topic, I hate any form of excessive taunting and full on denial builds. The kind of squads that want to deny the killer at every opportunity, like blinds, body blocking, hook sabo, head-on and so on.
Part of what made me a Lightborn apostle. (Franklizns if I feel malicious)
Also part of why I quit. You want to play try hard and hardcore deny me because you know you can while I want to play casual? Play with yourself, I am going to break doors and dropped pallets.
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yeah they always get piss when u don't chase them. I will never understand why they make their attentions so obvious.
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So, I do mainly play survivor myself, but for the most part, I run a healer build, without exhaustion or meta-perks (yes, yes. I am a support player in other games). Not nearly as annoying as those who run Background Player, with beamers and flashbangs.
Aside from that, I rarely get these kind of "annoying" survivors on my team when I play that role myself.On to the topic: I do play killer occasionally, and when I do, I often run into 4-man SWF's full of Russian teens with the sole intent of making the killer's life a living hell. These survivors will often run 4 flashlights, Background player, DS, Dead Hard and whatever perk they can utilize for gen-rushing. Two will have the role of occupying the killer as much as possible, while the other two churn out gens, left and right. This is by far the most annoying types of survivors to face against, since most of them probably has several 1000's of hours invested in the game.
In short, 4-man SWF's are the worst and most unfun survivors to face.
- Though, I love bringing out my trusty Lightborn when I see a full lobby of beamers.Another unfun type of survivor is the "run to the corner of the map and hide" type.
Not that I really care about the outcome of the match when playing killer, since you earn points so much easier as killer anyways.
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Oh god, those survivors that dedicate themselves to be the most annoying people on the planet. Clickies, t-bagging, spamming noise notifications, you name it. I once had a Steve (naturally) spam fast vault for literally the entire EGC when I, a Dredge on Hawkins, didn't manage to get a single kill. Relatedly, for the love of everything holy please leave when the gates are already open. You achieve nothing except waste the killer's time.
To be a bit more on topic, BGP is obviously an annoying perk that never should have gotten buffed, but I find most of the things I take issue with most are items like flashlights, mostly because blinds give me headaches and I can rarely if ever avoid them, which is why I prestiged Billy ASAP to get Lightborn on everybody.
There's also the meta on both sides that I absolutely detest, though that goes for every game I've ever played with a meta so make of that what you will.
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It's been a long time since I got a heal teched but it really shouldn't be a thing.
BRP has no place in game.
Distortion is an overtunned remnant for what it is from a different game.
I don't play killer much these days so nothing else comes to mind right now.
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Hot take: I always hated Lithe, even before dash DH was removed. It's not broken or anything and it's fine as it is but I always found it irritating how a survivor easily escaped a chase from me simply because they pressed spacebar at a window and held W afterwards. That said at least Lithe is more outplayable and predictable than dash DH.
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As a survivor main for me the biggest issue on the survivor side at present is Background Player, the perk is broken and incredibly unfair. Especially when combined with the fact you can blind with flashbangs even when the killers face is planted into a wall
Exhaustion perks are always going to cause some degree of frustration but are all in a lot better place these days, particularly DH.
As far as toxicity with clicky click, bagging and not leaving when the match is over etc, I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that some people are simply immature and suck to deal with and this isn't going to change.
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Background Player.
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Survivors using anti tunnel perks offensively when I'm not tunneling them it's just annoying and ridiculous
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There aren't many things survivors do which actually annoy me, honestly.
I actually enjoy playing against "bully" squads. The more survivors want to interact with me, the better.
So I guess conversely, the games when I have the least fun is when the survivors don't want to interact with me. People who stealth a lot and make ultra-safe plays like pre-dropping pallets make the game not that much fun.
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For me the things I hate most from survivors are: -
- Boil Over - Rarely works, just annoying to face in general.
- For The People & Buckle Up - It's flat obnoxious.
- Background Player - Annoying when survivors are on comms and ensuring they go down in the open to leave you unable to do anything.
- Distortion - Don't mind on its own, but ratting and leaving teammates to die on hook uncontested is a real pet peeve.
To my mind, any of these is a guilt free "All Bets Are Off" scenario. You get camped or tunneled after hitting the killer with these, kinda on you.
I don't camp or tunnel myself as a rule, but giving hatch or gate at the end is instantly revoked when hit with these perks, and prodded enough with these things, I'll eventually make a point of ensuring that player dies at all costs.
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Coordination on comms providing a ton of free perks and info to the survivor team
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Not much annoys me in this game on killer.
The one exception - people that give up / throw matches because they want to go next, so they throw themselves at you… then hit you with the DS and still want to die. That one makes me slug them on the floor, both as retribution for wasting my time while expecting me to respect theirs, and for ruining a good game for all three of their teammates.
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Quad Flashies with flashbang and background player for all 4 survivors. lightborn feels mean because I've been on the survivor side and it hurts to want to try a build or strat and have 1 perk kill the entire match. so I run Fire Up. it makes your pick up speed faster so background player and flashies are increasingly harder to time for survivors.
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your posts are awesome :) love getting to hear other's opinions so that I can be either less toxic or prove things aren't toxic or don't have to be. Also Background player doesn't need a nerf, I just think it needs more counterplay or people running the current counterplay more. OOOOOOH like a killer perk that exhausts survivors when you down someone similar to the hinder on forced hesitation. Or better yet, make forced hesitation exhaust as well as hinder.
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Buckle up + ftp
That combo can rot in hell
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"what if multiple people in the trial have the perk" game with any survivor perk concept.
i think this concept has killed a lot of perks. It makes them paranoid in making any survivor perk good where a perk like "Better than New" becomes "What if all 4 survivor use this and get gen speed/vault bonuses". Looks too strong, "Let's make it super safe."
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on1 -
My least favorite perk is arrogance.