About Trickster!


I use tricksters a lot! When I was 4.4, it was exhilarating and it was great, but now 4.6 is a fixed knife speed, and 8 blades per injury is very painful!                                                         So I want you to get the speed of the knife back to accelerating from 3 like before! Also, I want the number of injuries to be reduced from 8 to 7 at a time! Then I think I'll have a good balance!I would like you to consider it


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,412
    edited April 25

    I like 4.6 speed and main event offten a lot.

    However he still needs some improvements. The fact that memento blades (brown add-on) is must have is sad.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 246

    Personally, I would love it if he got killswitched, permanently.

    Realistically speaking, I think his main event should be harder to get, especially considering how easy he can down people, most notably on maps without high walls, where as a survivor, you have almost ZERO counterplay to him.
    A friend of mine who rarely plays killer got the easiest 4K of her life with him. The survivors had absolutely no chance.
    Trickster was always a chore to play against, but now he is unbearable, from a survivor's standpoint.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,892

    agree, memento blade being mandatory feels bad. they should bring back melodious murder for -1 on laceration meter. Trickster is good but still needs very slight QOL.