Perk Variety

sonata93 Member Posts: 414
edited April 25 in General Discussions

Despite the 100’s of different, unique perks in this game we see the same perks in rotation all the time for both killers and survivors.

Now I know it’s obvious: a survivor isn’t going to run Premonition or This Is Not Happening over Lithe or OTR. And killers certainly won’t run Thwack! Or Bloodhound over Pain Res or Lethal… but I feel work diversity is pretty low at the moment and makes the game feel predictable. There’s a clear “meta”, which makes sense because most people “play to win”, but this becomes stale and unimaginative after facing the same loudouts for months on end.

What if we had another perk overhaul like we did a couple years ago? Give some lesser used perks some much needed love. Or what if daily perk challenges were introduced for BP bonuses like “Down a survivor in the basement using Territorial Imperative” or “Unhook another survivor in the EGC whilst equipped with No One Left Behind”… bad examples but you get the gist.

I guess this is just a bit of a rant from a player who’s a little weary seeing the same load out again and again. What do you guys think ? Any thoughts/comments? 😊


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,643
    edited April 25

    I like the idea of incorporating perks into dailies. The dailies need an overhaul anyway as far as I'm concerned. I was supportive of the meta overhaul in update 6.1 but as time has gone by I don't think they should bother anymore. It just leads to new metas and new complaints. It'd be no different from last time if they did it again. Not to mention we got like 9 months of the gen kick meta after 6.1. That update was about breaking up the survivor meta but all it did was wind up creating an even worse killer meta.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 434

    The habit of killing old perks and bringing new perks meta through "meta shakeup" results in extremely small set of perks being used all the time even though it's rotating, ultimately they has to go for pure "buff" instead of "overhaul" or "shakeup", otherwise variety will stays as bad as now

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 193

    I think another perk overhaul would be good, but I almost wonder if it would be a waste. We don't have enough room for perks to expand into, I feel, without trying to take a hacksaw to things so they can be scourge hooks and invocations(hangman's trick here's to you). A new status effect or two might help with that.