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Is Terminus underrated?

I feel like it is. It counters Adrenaline heal, it shuts down resets for the team and forces the team to open the gates and wait it out a bit before they can even start healing. If you manage to have at least two people injured when exit gates are poweres its pretty powerfull.

You can combo this with delay exit gates perks to make them broken for like 2min+ to make saves and trades very difficult or put Blood Warden to finish the game off.

Its not A tier or strong perk on its own, but the fact when Adrenaline was in its prime and it is still very good perk... Nobody runs this perk. I mean nobody in my past 150+ Survivor matches never ever played this perk.

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  • Member Posts: 16,678

    I think it is underrated and it is decent, but not more. Personally, I dislike running Endgame-Perks as Killer, I would rather run another Perk which helps me win the game before reaching the point where all Gens are done. And if I would decide to run an Endgame-Perk for it and play with 3 Perks for the majority of the match, I would rather run NWO.

    And I think you will have to combo with with NOW when playing with Terminus, because otherwise it can just happen that the Survivors just straight up open the Exit Gates and leave instead of trying to save a hooked teammate, which they would do if they can 99 the gates and are able to heal up.

    And well, last but not least, the Perk is probably worse now with less Adrenalines around.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    the perk has won me games before so I usually run it

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    It is really not. Calling a perk terrible because its bit situational but has a good potential isn't fair.

    Terrible perk is for example something like Unrelenting or Beast of Pray where you will never get value out of it 99% of the time (not counting bonus BP).

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    i am not kidding, i would rather run unrelenting then terminus.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Terminus shines in combination with other endgame perks. If Killers were to run one backup perk for endgame, No One Escapes Death would be a better backup endgame perk because of the higher snowball potential. For Terminus to have greater value, the current EGC timer would have to be halved or a perk with that effect would have to be introduced. That would give Survivors a very short time window to group heal, save a hooked survivor and escape before the timer runs out.

    Even with the current Endgame perks, Endgame still needs something more to justify running an Endgame build because the strength of 4 Survivors before and after 5 gens have popped is frankly not that huge of a difference.

    An Endgame build is strong when there are only 3 players left going into Endgame, but bringing gen slowdown and tunneling one person out ASAP also achieves the same effect.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    It's too situational to justify a slot honestly.

    You either have to hope that someone is running Adrenaline (and already have them injured before the last gen pops) or run other end game perks just to get decent value from it and it still requires you to actually go out and injure them.

    And even then Adrenaline still gives a speed boost and latency can rarely cause Adrenaline to activate first.

    It can be good and game changing every now and then, but most games it's a wasted slot.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    It’s bad.

  • Member Posts: 7,232

    I don't think Terminus is really worth it most of the time unless you have NWO too. With NWO it lasts longer since survivors can't open the exits and so Terminus has more time to actually do something. On its own, the effect is too short to be meaningful a lot of the time. It can be impactful on its own occasionally, but in most cases I feel like there are better options and unless you are running multiple endgame perks you are probably better off just using something else that helps you win before endgame (or just using NOED if you still want to go the endgame route).

  • Member Posts: 93

    I don't see the point of running this perk instead of Noed.

    Terminus don't prevent protection hit from uninjured survivors, don't have a speed buff, is revealed instantly if someone is injured, have a timer when gates are open for some reason.

    On the other hand, Noed only down is that it can Be cleansed, but that will very likely happen after you got value from it anyway.

  • Member Posts: 4,900

    It ain't really all that. With NOED as an option it always loses to that.

    It could do with a different effect on top of what it does. Actually, all of Wesker's perks need a buff if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 1,563
    edited April 2024

    It's a key part of my "Perkless Pig" build, which I jokingly call it because of how often I get a 4K without the last generator being finished, and like a tree falling in the forest when nobody is around to hear it, if you never needed the perks, did you even equip them?

    Blood Warden, No Way Out, Remember Me, Terminus.

    Slowdown Meta on Pig? Nah. Don't need it.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    "forces the team to open the gate"

    Thats exactly why it's pretty mediocre on its own (running it together with bloodwarden is a different story).

    95% of survivors keep gates shut until the very last moment. Which gives the killer plenty of time to trade hooks if they manage to hook someone during end game. I had so many games were I only have like 3 hooks when all gens are done, and survivors trying to brute force the 4 man out again and again, until one or two players got sacrificed. That only works with "unlimited" time, if the gates or open, they have to abandon their mates eventually to get out of the trial.

    As long as the majority of survivors keep 99ing gates and screwing themselve over with it, terminus works against you (again, if you run it on its own, with other end game perks to complement its way better).

  • Member Posts: 1,563

    I mean, that's true but the best perks are the best due to synergy. Take Buckle Up for example. Is it good? Eh, Yea. Take For the People. Is it good? Eh, yeah. But add them together and you make every killer main foam at the mouth.

  • Member Posts: 820

    NoeD, despite being cleansable, provides guaranteed instadown and doesn't have a tell until after the survivor is hit, whereas Terminus relies on prior injuries. Additionally, NoeD also speeds the killer up, which pairs well with other Endgame perks like Batteries.

    Terminus isn't bad, it's just outclassed, and is one of the few Endgame perks I can't really recommend running by itself. I tend to pair it with BW, NWO, or Batteries for the best results.

    It's an alright perk, and I'm glad it's here, but I'm not crazy for it tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    Tbh it's only good on killers who reliably get injuries or against teams who rush gens while injured which is kinda rare in my matches. Not to mention, to get full value you need to pair it with other engame perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    It's been bugged multiple times and didn't even stop Adren, but when it DOES work… eh. People don't like bringing a perk JUST to counter a single perk on the other side, even if multiple survivors are running it. Yes it does also stop healing in general but people only bring it to counter Adren.

    If no one is running Adren, which will be more common now after the nerf, it doesn't really do enough to warrant bringing it AAAAND it's an endgame perk so doesn't help you for the majority of the match. Perks like that need to be really strong to make it worthwhile.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    It’s a very meh perk tbh. NoEd is better in about every way.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I just don't like running end-game perks personality. The only ones I would run but on a few select killers is No Way Out and sometimes Noed but that's about it. I honestly find end-game builds do badly in my hands and rather focus on the early to mid-game. Its a ok perk tho, not the worst by far. It's just not a perk I like running.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Adrenaline isn't even that much of a perk anyways, why bother countering it

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Terminus is underrated, but it has the same problem as Adrenaline, you have to have a match last long enough to use it. Most times both Killers and Survivors would be better served with an extra mid-game/early-game perk, and killing them before the gens pop or living long enough to pop the gens.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Terminus isn't really bad or anything, I would consider it overshadowed in its niche as an endgame perk by things like No Way Out or NOED. Only time I see it run is when people are doing a whole endgame build, and even then it's pretty niche.

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