Should Red Twine add-on (tracking Killers belongings) be changed


Red Twine is an add-on for Maps that unlocks the ability to track Killer belongings. Since BHVR is trying to move away from perks and items countering specific killers, I find it odd that the Red Twine add-on still tracks Hag's traps, Freddy's snares and dream pallets, and Trapper's bear traps.

This combined with the Crystal Bead add-on (sharing the Map's aura reading with all survivors) can potentially be a huge counter to these Killers. I feel like it's mostly not a problem only because this add-on is not used often and encountering it while playing one of these Killers is even more rare. Still, Maps have been unchanged for a very long time, and I feel like this is something they've kind of forgotten about.

Trapper's case feels the worst in my opinion, maybe since I play Trapper a lot, but Hag and Freddy can at least conjure up and recycle their powers on the spot. If you play Trapper and are unlucky enough to have someone in your lobby bring a Map for their totem archive or boon build, they can just find and remove your setup, especially if you go for more out of the way, hidden traps.


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,043

    Yes, but also, few people use Maps and comparably few people play the affected killers, so I don't think it's super high priority.

    I'd say that Maps need an overhaul (I made a post about that myself a little while ago) and that changing the Red Twine should be a part of that. I don't see it as a high enough priority to push a nerf on its own, though.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 434

    I think they should go the other way and add back in light burn for everything except wraith

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,729
  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,473
    edited April 27

    That addon should just track totems and hooks and all the other killer-related stuff should be removed

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,179

    They claim these things then make blastmine/ds counter plague mixed messages from the devs

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 312

    It should definitely be reworked to only track totems