Do you think Ruin should be reverted ?

OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 425
edited April 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hex: Ruin it has been one of the most popular perks since its release due to its power to delay the match a bit and help the killers not have to worry too much about generators since this perk solved the problem if you didn't like kicking generators in first place.

Since it was nerfed, this perk has never been used by killers again, which is understandable because it is not rewarding the way it was before.

I feel that the nerf was unjustifiable because it is a Hex that can have the chance of being cleansed within 10s at the beginning of the game and even so, to achieve the desired effect, the killer has to put a lot of pressure on the survivors for this perk to do it's job.

I'm so tired of the current meta of blocking generators that I would rather have the old combo of Ruin and undying back. (also because I'm one of those who doesn't like wasting time kicking generators).

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • BubMickey07
    BubMickey07 Member Posts: 312

    I really wish it would go back to the way it was because it helped players get good a great skill checks and now it's honestly not that great I haven't ran it in years and probably won't any time soon

  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 425

    I understand your point of view but I think we also have to take into consideration that the way DBD is played in competitive mode and casual mode is completely different.

    If we take into account the competitive mode in which both sides know exactly what they are doing, all the perks and strategies will be well used because we are talking about people who know how the game works 100%. Even perks that are considered weak like Forced penance have a lot of use there because the way people play is completely different from casual.

    I feel like the current Ruin isn't good enough for people who are learning the game or just want to play casually.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    @OneGoodBoyDemo A stronger Ruin would certainly benefit a casual/new killer, but would also harm casual/new survivors.

    It's really hard for casual/new survivors to learn totem spawns, especially with the growing number of new maps. I've had games where totems simply couldn't be located by 4 somewhat experienced players. That is somewhat common in the swamp maps, where totems can spawn along the edges and corners.

    200% Ruin was so good, it was worth investing 2 perk slots (along with Undying).

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    I honestly agree here. While seeing red skillchecks pretty much every game got stale fast, I still liked this version of Ruin better. Like you stated, it was a really good tool to practice great skillchecks, and it was a nice tool for killers to slow the game down a tad.
    As a wise Monto once said. "We got Hex: Ruin … … … to slow the game down, just a lil' bit"

    Now the prime reason why it got changed was due to how punishing it was for new players, so I totally see that side of the coin as well. But what if the perk worked on a token system, like Devour Hope in a way, where you needed to hook someone to gain its effects.
    I would have definitely gone with this idea, to make it worthwhile.

    Hex: Ruin - Re-balanced:

    Now gains a token for every unique survivor hooked (up to a maximum of 4), and does not apply on a totem before gaining tokens.

    • 1 token: A random dull totem gets cursed, and generators will automatically start to regress at 75% normal speed when a Survivor stops repairing.
    • 2 tokens: Generators will now regress at 100% normal speed.
    • 3 tokens: Generators will now regress at 125% normal speed.
    • 4 tokens: Skillchecks will now turn red, and good skillchecks will regress a generator by 5%. Great skillchecks will still grant 1% extra progress, and has a 40% larger success zone. Additionally, letting go of the generator will make it regress at 150% normal speed.
  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 425
    edited April 2024

    This is exactly why Hex totems exist, high risk high reward.

    the RNG factor is something that can help or harm a lot because Hexes were made to be found. They can be destroyed at the beginning of the game or they can last until the end due to their spawns, but they are still situations that can happen or not.

  • OneGoodBoyDemo
    OneGoodBoyDemo Member Posts: 425

    That is a really cool idea for someone who likes both versions.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    If you mean back to the 200% version then yes.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I just want it to break when a survivor dies.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Buff it back to 200% and let it burn out (not break) when someone dies.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    It could go up to 125% but I don’t think it should be any higher than that.

    Keep in mind when it was 200% the game was very different from how it is now. Most killers were weaker than they are now, generators were quicker, and survivors were much stronger overall (and both sides had some much stronger perks that have all been nerfed since). If it was still 200% today it would be even stronger now than it was back then, and it was very strong back then even for a hex perk.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    I'd maybe make the half jump to 150%, just to bridge the gap without it becoming meta defining again. I'd take an activation requirement too.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,352

    Ruin is very good the problem is it's only really good on the killers that can pressure survivors quickly from a distance (Billy, blight, nurse, etc). If they buff ruin even to 150% it will be still be meh on every killer, but amazing on the top 5 killers. If they bring back the anti tunnel feature maybe it can return to 150%, but that part of the perk didn't even really matter since if it bought you time to tunnel someone out it did its job and the game was over.

  • TrickstersFanatic
    TrickstersFanatic Member Posts: 10

    Yes, 100% hex ruin should be reverted, same with old legion as new legion is trash and survivors could of just git Gud

    As annoying as old legion was, he was perfectly ok and balanced

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,699

    Both DS and Ruin got a good change and a bad one in 6.1. DS got the bad nerf reverted, Ruin got the good nerf reverted. Ruin should get that flipped: back to 200% regression, and it burns out when a survivor dies.

  • HexHuntressThighs
    HexHuntressThighs Member Posts: 1,245

    It should definitely go back to 200% It currently takes a Gen 6 consecutive minutes to go from 99 to 0. Literally kicking a Gen normally regresses it faster because it removes 5% immediately. The only thing it does is let you not have to kick it. Terrible hex perk; actually almost all hex perks are awful.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,480

    We can make it to 400% and it's still nothing because survivors nor killers aren't restricted like in comp matches

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited April 2024

    Default ruin is fine, the issue is with totem spawn logic as a whole and that's the reason why totem playstyle isn't as popular as regression.

    You can have 400% regression on Ruin but if it gets cleansed within 20 seconds because it spawned next to Survivors, it won't get picked often

  • Onako
    Onako Member Posts: 66

    I always thought this "high risk, high reward" aspect of ruin was the main idea behind the entire perk. Like yeah, it has a very strong effect but it can also be dealt with really fast

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I think they un-nerfed it incorrectly.

    Instead of removing the deactivation on kill effect, they should have buffed it to about 150%.

  • powerpuffCheryl
    powerpuffCheryl Member Posts: 40
    edited April 2024

    Yeah idk, as a survivor main I always thought it was fine before. If they really wanted to nerf it 150% would've been more than fine.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2024

    Yeah that's "supposed" to be the premise behind hexes in general. They're supposed to be nearly "too strong" if left up because they run the risk of being gone in the first 20 seconds of the match. Unfortunately what most hexes have become is low to mediocre effect with still the high risk of being gone in 20 seconds.

    Either the risk needs to be toned down or the reward raised. Risk toned down would probably be the healthier option to accommodate for lower mmr players who struggle to find the hexes. Something like hexes don't light onto a totem until the first gen is completed or something like that to have them guaranteed active till at least the first gen.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    The existence of pain res means ruin must always be bad. As long as a regressing gen can be targeted by pain res, ruin can't be buffed.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,524

    If we balance things taking into account comp dbd, a lot of changes that you might heavily disagree (hell I do so too) should be done, because comp while it shows how the most skillfull players perform isnt a reflaction of the game. Example: ghostface should always play indoor maps, survivors cannot have duplicates of each perk, etc…

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 543

    On Nightlight Ruin tracks as the 21st most used killer perk, with a 4.93% usage rate.

    21 out of 118 isn't that bad. It could be buffed slightly however I think the usage rate is pretty fair? One in every 20 killers is running it on average.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    Ruin is still okay. I think it should at the very least never revert to the skillcheck version, which was dumb and had little impact against the top players (only preventing the great skill check repair bonus) while being unfairly punishing against console, weaker hardware, and newer players. I think it serves its purpose as a perk that rewards your map pressure and presence by regressing generators survivors are working on, even a little. At 200% it was a little too strong on blight and nurse and I think right now it's relatively OK. I wouldn't mind testing 150% though.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    It goes back to the newer/ casuals learning the pros and cons of each perk

    Killer: learning that the perk can be cleansed/ blessed within 10-20 seconds of the match starting

    Survivor: learning that the perk does more damage the longer the Gen is effected and having multiple Gens being effected

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Which is why not a lot of people like the inconsistency of totems. It's telling when people bring pentimento/undying for 1 or 2 other hex perks because they expect their totems to be cleansed before they even get value out of it

    No One bypasses this issue because it only spawns at the end of the game which makes it less likely to be cleansed immediately even with the aura reveal.

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 178

    Technically, it did. Just not the nerf people wanted reverted.

    It's okay though, perk's genuinely a decent choice now that you can use it in a 3v1, just have to play really well to make good use out of it.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    I am not saying to balance Perks according to the comp scene. I showed counter-examples to OP's claim that the perk brings no adequate value.