Survivors should also get DC bp and objectives bonuses, change my mind.

no point in changing your mind.
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SWF would abuse it.
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By hurting themselves, yes, they would abuse it
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I hope you're joking.
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Survivors should definitely get compensation for their fellow survivors disconnecting. It's common sense.
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As a solo survivor I agree. Nothing is worse than some cocky arrogant swf who couldn’t handle getting downed leaving me and any other solos holding the bag. Especially at 5 when it’s pretty much doomed unless the killer deliberately takes it easy.
Swf would definitely abuse this. I have no doubt the very jerks who hurt solos would dc in a heartbeat to make sure someone in their little group got something before teabagging at the hatch.
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Lets encourage DCing.
When only 3 out of 10 games are without Dcs, then this cann still be "improved"
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it would be to abuse-able but im sure i cant change your mind so maby someone here can preform a brain transplant to do so
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The bonus should not apply to anyone who is in a SWF with the DCer(s), other than that I'm okay with it
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Stop with the "change my mind" posts
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Yea if killer DC's you should get a BP bonus just to make up for the loss of offerings and items.
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All say its abuse-able. How? If you dc you get nothing. So three get nothing and one gets some points? Great abuse lol
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This is what Devs said answering to a similar proposal (some moths ago).
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This is what Devs said answering to a similar proposal (some moths ago).
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This is what Devs said answering to a similar proposal.
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This is what Devs said answering to a similar proposal (some moths ago).
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This is what Devs said answering to a similar proposal (some moths ago).
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This is what Devs said answering to a similar proposal.
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Example: Friend 1 who is running a great item/add-on is about to be hooked for the last time and die, now instead of simply wanting to DC to save the item they now have a "incentive" to DC to give extra BP to their friends also.
Never doubt that people will exploit anything if they can get away with it, especially the salty/toxic people.