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Chapter Concept: The County of Terror (Part 3)

Countrydoge Member Posts: 9
edited May 2 in Creations

Hey, this is the third part of the chapter, I couldn't fit the whole chapter in a single post as it's over the character limit.

Cody Markson was a respected sheriff at the North Valleyview Police Department, known for his bravery and keen instincts. He had a reputation for being unflappable, someone who could keep a cool head in the most intense situations. On a night when reports came in about a possible kidnapping in an abandoned building on the outskirts of town, Cody and his partners were called to investigate. They moved through the derelict structure with caution, flashlights casting weak beams in the darkness.

The building was a maze of rusted staircases, crumbling walls, and forgotten debris. Cody decided to take the lead, instructing his team to spread out and cover different sections of the building. As he ascended a dark staircase, he felt a sense of unease. The higher he climbed, the darker it became. When he entered a room at the top, he was met with a darkness so dense that even his flashlight couldn't pierce it. He took a step forward, but instead of solid ground, he felt nothing but air beneath him.

He plummeted through the pitch-black void, falling for what seemed like an eternity. When he finally hit the ground, it was with a jarring thud that sent shockwaves through his body. Cody found himself in a vast expanse of brick walls and cold concrete tile, with no way to call for help. His radio was dead, and he was cut off from his team. He knew he had to find a way out, but the layout of this strange place seemed designed to confuse and disorient.

As Cody moved through the endless corridors, he became aware of something following him—a dark, elongated entity that stretched and distorted with each step. Its presence was a creeping shadow, silent but unmistakable in its malice. Cody's instincts kicked in, and he drew his sidearm, but the bullets passed through the entity without leaving a mark. He was forced to run, the shadowy figure relentless in its pursuit. It twisted through the corridors, closing the distance with unnatural speed.

After a frantic chase, Cody managed to lose the entity, but not without injury. In his desperate escape, he stepped into a hidden bear trap. The metal jaws snapped shut on his leg, sending searing pain up his body. Gritting his teeth, he applied a tourniquet to slow the bleeding and limped to a nearby wall, hoping to catch his breath. But the pain was overwhelming, and soon everything went black.

Cody Markson's consciousness faded as he felt his body melt into the cold concrete. His skin fused with his clothes, his clothing with the walls, and his equipment with the surrounding brickwork. His jaw sank into his neck, rendering him mute, and his eyes vanished into his skull, plunging him into eternal darkness. Trapped and immobile, he decayed slowly, a prisoner in the Entity's realm, with no way to escape. Cody, once a brave sheriff, had become a part of the very structure he had hoped to escape, his presence a grim reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

Perk: Patrol Instinct

Your keen sense of awareness allows you to anticipate survivors' movements.

  • Gain 1 Token each time you regress a Generator or destroy a Pallet . For each Token, gain a 0.5/1/1.5 % increase in movement speed.
  • Lose 1 Token each time a Survivor completes a great Skill Check .

Perk: Tactical Detainment

Your training in apprehending suspects gives you an edge in catching survivors.

  • When you hit a survivor, you gain a 3/4/5 % Haste Status Effect for 3 seconds.
  • Additionally, if a survivor is hit while running within 4/6/8 meters of a generator, that Generator is regressed by 10%.
  • When survivors are hit they suffer from the Incapacitated Status Effect for 10/14/18 seconds.

Perk: Interrogation Tactics

You know how to extract information from your prey, revealing their secrets.

  • After hooking a survivor, the Aura of other survivors within a 32/48/64 meter radius is revealed for 5 seconds.
  • If a Survivor attempts to unhook the hooked Survivor during 10 seconds after they have been hooked, they suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 20 seconds.

Weapon: Wretched Shotgun 

Wretched Shotgun is the Primary Weapon of The Marksman.

As time passed his beanbag shotgun melted and rusted until it was a completely different weapon.

Power: Beanbag Barrage

Mark is armed with a specialized beanbag shotgun, providing him with a non-lethal yet powerful means of controlling and subduing survivors.

Active Ability: Beanbag Blast

Hold the Power Button to load a single beanbag round into the shotgun.

Press the Power Button to fire a beanbag round in a straight line.

  • The shotgun has a 5 rounds capacity.
  • Survivors hit by the beanbag are briefly stunned, causing them to be unable to perform any actions for 1.5 seconds.
  • It takes 2 seconds to load a bullet.

The Beanbag Barrage has limited ammunition. The Marksman starts with 5 rounds and can find additional beanbag rounds inside Lockers .

Passive Ability: Subdued Pursuit

  • Injured survivors hit by the Beanbag Blast leave behind a visible trail for 5 seconds, allowing The Marksman to track their movements.
  • The Marksman gains a 3% Haste Status Effect for 3 seconds after a successful Beanbag Blast hit.

Stained Badge

This police badge is so damaged the letters within its surface are incomprehensible.

  • Grants +100% bonus bloodpoints for actions related to Beanbag Barrage.

Reinforced Barrel

The previous shotguns were exploding and that's probably a concern.

  • Increases the range of the Beanbag Blast by 10%.

Birdshot Rounds

Used to hunt birds, but now it's used to hunt people.

  • Increases the stun duration of Beanbag Blast by 5%.

Tactical Baton

Used by police to beat up non-compliant suspects.

  • Survivors hit by Beanbag Blast are inflicted with the Incapacitated Status Effect for 15 seconds.

Beanbag Pouch

Used to carry more shells just in case.

  • Survivors hit by Beanbag Blast leave a trail for an additional 10% longer.

Law Enforcement Manual

"Beanbag for dummies"

  • Gives The Marksman a 5% Haste Status Effect after a successful Beanbag Blast hit.

Quick-Load Mechanism

An odd mechanism made to automatically load shells effortlessly.

  • Reduces the loading process by 25%.

Cushioned Stock

This should let the shooter be more comfortable with the gun they're holding.

  • Reduces The Marksman's movement speed penalty while loading a bullet by 5%.

Tactical Lens

Used for better accuracy.

Survivors hit by Beanbag Blast leave a trail for an additional 50% longer.

Sturdy Beanbags

These things should hurt people more, but hopefully no one is going to die.

  • Increases the stun duration of Beanbag Blast by 10%.

Expanded Mag

It's quite cursed to see a shotgun with a long magazine but who am I to complain.

  • Increases the shotgun rounds capacity from 5 rounds to 7.

 Tactical Flashlight

Used at night during traffic stops or inside dark buildings.

  • Survivors hit by Beanbag Blast are inflicted with the Broken Status Effect for 60 seconds.

Law Enforcement Boots

Sturdy and ready to run. Used by every Liminal County officer.

  • Reduces The Marksman's movement speed penalty while loading a bullet by 10%.

Improved Firing Pin

This thing shoots projectiles with an immense power that people wouldn't believe until they get shot by it.

Survivors hit by Beanbag Blast leave a trail for an additional 75% longer.

Double-Load Adapter

Quick fire is essential in critical situations, so a double barrel shotgun is efficient.

  • Allows The Marksman to load and fire two beanbag rounds consecutively before the need to reload again.

Enhanced Tracking System

Small devices used to track cars, criminals and objects.

  • Subdued Pursuit lasts until the survivor is fully healed or enters a locker.

Buckshot Rounds

Small pellets inside a shell that spreads upon ignition. To clarify, it hurts to get hit by this.

  • Converts the beanbag rounds into buckshot, allowing for one shot to down a Survivor and drain one Health Stage instead of stunning them. Increases loading speed by 50%.

Ballistic Accelerator

This enhanced propulsion technology propels beanbags at increased velocities, extending the reach but reducing their impact duration.

  • Increases the range of the Beanbag Blast by 35% but decreases the stun duration by 25%.

Slug Rounds

These things blow people's heads off so be careful where this is being aimed.

  • Allows The Marksman to skip the Injured State and bring the shot Survivor to the Dying State . It also decreases the range of the Beanbag Blast by 55%.

Iridescent Bodycam

The only recording, the only evidence of what really happened with Cody, it is lost never to be found again.

  • When a survivor in the second hook stage is stunned by a beanbag round they're instead taken to the Dying State, granting the ability to kill that survivor.

Lagrand Thumb, a seasoned school resource officer, was a familiar sight at North Valleyview School. He was a towering figure, with a calm demeanor that put students and teachers at ease. On most days, he would make his rounds, checking classrooms, ensuring the hallways were secure, and chatting with the janitorial staff who worked late shifts. His reputation for being fair but firm made him a respected authority figure, someone who took his job seriously but never let it harden his heart.

It was a cool Friday evening when Lagrand settled into his night shift, expecting a quiet patrol. The school's fluorescent lights flickered faintly, casting eerie shadows across the empty hallways. As he walked, he heard a faint sound—a soft thud, like a door being forced open. The sound was followed by a sudden silence that made the hair on his neck stand on end. Lagrand paused, listening intently, and then, with a hand on his holstered pistol, he moved toward the source of the noise.

He found the door to the maintenance room kicked off its hinges, leaning awkwardly against the wall. But what caught his attention was the dense, black fog that seeped out from the room, swirling around his ankles. Lagrand felt a chill run through him. He’d seen all sorts of things in his time as an officer, but nothing like this. The fog was unnaturally cold, and it seemed to pulse with a life of its own, drawing him in. Against his instincts, he stepped through the doorway, compelled by a sense of duty and a gut feeling that something was terribly wrong.

The moment Lagrand entered the room, the world shifted. The familiar hum of the school's electrical system faded, replaced by a deep, foreboding silence. The fog grew thicker, enveloping him, and as he tried to draw his pistol for comfort, it began to melt in his hand, dissolving into a viscous liquid that dripped through his fingers. Lagrand's heart raced as he realized he was no longer in the school. Instead, he was in a nightmarish realm, a forest of towering trees and distant screams, where unseen threats lurked in the darkness.

Lagrand Thumb had no idea where he was or what had just happened. The fog seemed to have a will of its own, whispering unintelligible words as it swirled around him. As he moved through the dark forest, he knew one thing: this place was dangerous. He had to find a way out, not just for his own sake, but for the school he had sworn to protect. Lagrand's instincts as a school resource officer kicked in—he needed to explore, understand, and, most importantly, survive. The Entity's realm had claimed another soul, but Lagrand Thumb was determined to prove that he was not just another victim of the fog. He was a guardian, and he would find his way back to North Valleyview School, no matter what it took.

Perk: Hall Monitor

You're skilled at reading your environment and alerting others to danger.

When the Killer damages a Generator, Breakable Wall or Pallet while not chasing any survivors within a 32-metres radius of you, Hall Monitor activates.

  • The aura of the Killer is visible to any survivor including you from a 32/48/64 meters radius for 5 seconds.
  • Their next great Skill Checks will be 50% more effective.

Hall Monitor has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

Perk: Helping Hand

You work among children, you can’t let them down.

  • If repairing a Generator with other Survivors, their repairing speed is 5/10/15 % faster than yours.
  • If they’re using a toolbox, their toolbox gains 20/30/40 % more charges than the current charges in your toolbox.
  • Helping Hand works only once per Generator.

Perk: Boon: Crisis Intervention 

You know how to help people during an emergency.

Press and hold the Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem. Soft chimes ring out in a 24 meter range

  • Any survivors within the boon totem’s range gain a 2/4/6 % Haste Status Effect .
  • Healing speed is also increased by 8/10/12 %.
  • If the Killer snuffs this totem they suffer from 4% Hindered Status Effect for 6 seconds.

You can only bless one Totem at a time. All equipped boon perks are active on your Boon Totem.

All the parts of the chapter:

Post edited by Countrydoge on


  • DBDnerd
    DBDnerd Member Posts: 21

    The Boon is just a better Dark Theory. Hemorrhage got mass nerfed, so he need a different iri add-on, but overall it is a pretty good idea

  • Countrydoge
    Countrydoge Member Posts: 9

    redid that add-on you were talking about, i couldn't think of anything else though, so i just made so the add-on allows you to kill survivors.