My red hot sun level solo Q opinion in full

This is a nuclear opinion but I think it needs to be said because there are always takes that xyz perk should be left alone for solo q players or changing xyz mechanic would be the death of solo q but honestly it doesn't matter that much.
I don't think most of the solo-only survivors are needed in DBD so I don't understand why to the detriment of the rest of the game solo q players are brought up as a topic of discussion when balancing is mentioned. Honestly, I won't say "Get out of the video game grrrr" but accept that it's got to be the worst way to play the game and nothing can fix this.
If you want to play suv by yourself or have nobody to play dbd just accept that your role is going to be worse off and bite that bullet, In every other game it is just accepted that solo q is going to be rougher than in a party but in dbd we talk about making allocations for solo q and in some extreme cases less experienced killers often argue that SWF's should be penalized as if solo q is the best and "proper" way the game should be played.
Also, we don't need solo q players for the ques before anyone says anything we need more bad killers because there are so many Suvs that are long-time killers are consistently being put into stompable games with an MMR system, it's why streaks are so easy for anyone with a long playtime to go on. I'm not here to say whether an MMR system is good or bad but I will say the ONLY reason for it to exist is to protect weaker players from having to put up with stomp matches.
So whenever see someone say
"This can't happen because of solo Q" or solo Q is referenced as a reason for a change I just think it doesn't matter imo
You can account for solo players in good ways as seen by the hud changes from a while ago where you can see gen progress and whos doing what but no changes like balance changes should be made or not made because of solo Q players
And yes I do play solo q sometimes, it sucks but its not that important most people play suv with friends or play Killer when alone.
So whats something not changed due to solo'Q? I'd be down for hearing some ideas tbh. BHVR isnt doing anything so this cant hurt.
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Because solo queue makes up the fast majority of the survivor base. I'm sure someone else will have the numbers but one of the devs once put 4man swfs at like 3% of the survivor base. With trios slightly higher, and duos a bit higher than that. So saying solo queue players "aren't needed in the game" is a pretty big take. Not to mention alot of people play both roles, so if the solo survivor experience gets increasingly worse and a bunch of players leave the game, then they've potentially lost killers too.
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There are a lot of solo queue survivors playing, at least that has been my experience after 7k+ hours as one and joining many, many lobbies, lol. Been playing since 2016 and everyone I know almost exclusively plays solo (or killer) unless they stream.
I personally think BHVR has done a "pretty good job" balancing both sides/reevaluating as needed as the game goes on and I'm still having fun… just wish they'd stop breaking the game so much when they do big updates.
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Ignoring half of the entire playerbase is never really a good idea. Yes, I agree with you that Solo Q is terrible and it is supposed to be terrible. When it comes to Solo the odds are literally stacked against you, because this is the game the devs want. (with killer in power role). So survivors should acknowledge this disadvantage and realize that if they want to win more often then Solo is not the role for you. However, that doesn't mean that the people that do play Solo should just be straight up ignored or pushed aside simply because they're playing the game on its hardest mode.
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BBut solo and swf only have one difference:
- Chhosing the teammates
EEverything else is people seeing "good players choosing to play wizh good players and good comms usage" and demand those results be available for themselves without needing the the good usage.
CClockwork callouts? Make it free aura reading!
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SoloQ, with its absence of information and communication, is the intended, designed way to play survivor. Back in the day there wasn't even such thing as SWF, it was added later. And if the intended way to play were with sharing of information and communication, there would be at least a text chat in the game, or even full voice chat like in TCM. So no, SWFs actually break the intended game design, and the fact that it's so popular doesn't make it more "correct" from the game design perspective, not until they give the same communication capabilities to soloQ at least.
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The thing is people will cry "but M1 killers" and the devs are hearing that out. Meanwhile anything "but SoloQ" falls on deaf ears.
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You do not need to read the whole post its not as long as it seems I just wrote all my responses to other posts as one post
Neither can be catered for and neither of these complaints are falling on deaf ears, to be honest.
Killer is easier than it's ever been and the reason you can stack multiple effective slowdowns is not for the sake of players picking A-tier killers is for the players who refuse to play good characters and then get annoyed they are at a disadvantage. Lets be real.
Its impossible to name things that are not changed because we are not inside BHVR what I am mostly talking about is what players say when you talk about nerfing perks like windows of opportunity or adrenaline even perks like DS because it's an anti-tunnel perk it's more important for solo Q players because randoms won't body block many keep saying.
Suggest to survivors that something needs to be nerfed and you will always see a few comments saying "what about solo Q" My general answer to that is so what? There are good ways to help solo Q players the hud changes allowing you to see what your teammates are doing is great and the game is much better with them but when it comes to balancing nothing that's strong should not be nerfed because it good for solo q in the same way we are not going to buff stuff like prove thyself to be better with solo q.
Every type of player is needed but people act like solo q players will leave the game in droves and we will have an overwatch situation kinda like your post is insinuating
By overwatch situation I mean
Overwatch had 3 roles Tank, DPS, Support in overwatch 1 dps having over 10-15 minute ques at the most populated ranks while tanks have 30 seconds was the standard
I know your not talking in that extreme a way and im struggling to explain what i mean in text but I hope you can understand where im coming from.
I know we will never have the same situation because DBD will always priorities que times but hear me out
The real situation I think dbd is in is we lack mid-tier killer players and have an excess of strong killer players. It's why I think despite having a mmr system because Q times are printed lots of very strong killers are put in lobbies they will easily stomp as their is not enough mid-skill level killers to match most mid-skill level survivors and it is why these really long killer win streaks are way more common and easy than survivor win streaks even when the suvs are a 4 stack eliminating the random element.
Although its anecdotal evidence the reason i have came to this conclusion is I know a player under 400 hours and I have 2200 and I have seen him get matched with the same survivors I had earlier in the day. This is where all these posts about being bullied come from and these players just leave and therefore theirs not enough mid tier killers and it becomes easier for high tier killers to roll more games and so on.
I honestly think after a couple of hundred hours it becomes sink or swim for some killers and the sinking players leave the game while the swimmers and for the long-term health of the game
If I had to quantify it I think the priority that players should come in is
1-Mid skill level killers
2-Strong skill level survivors (to match the overinflated amount of strong killers)
3-Brand new players on both sides
4-Average level survivors
5-Strong level killers
Most solo q players are in the 4th category and ones in 2nd don't need the help