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Void Growth Particles in MacMillan Not Rotating Locally to Match Water Tower Orientation

DESCRIPTION: Both of the 2 Void growths on the MacMillan water towers appear to be spewing void particles in an orientation that does not locally rotate with the orientation of the water tower structure; instead, they consistently blow in the default Rotation direction, while still originating from both the correct location on the larger and smaller growth pustules.
Below are screenshots taken FROM the exact same location in Suffocation Pit (1) of the water tower, with the tower rotated in every direction on different instances of the map.
Notice how the particles are blowing in the same global direction (Westerly/to the left relative to where the photos are taken) between all of the variations, and not locally rotated to match the direction of the opening of the growth
For reference, this is what the particles should look like (this photo was taken from a different POV on a different map), and they DO look like this on the variations that I don't list below:
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Go to a MacMillan map variation with a water tower spawn. This includes:
- Ironworks of Misery (1)
- Ironworks of Misery (2)
- Coal Tower (1)
- Coal Tower (2)
- Suffocation Pit (1)
- Suffocation Pit (2)
- Groaning Storehouse (1)
Shelter Woods (1) and (2), and IIRC Groaning Storehouse (2) do not spawn water towers, so they do not have the issue. (I may be wrong about Groaning Storehouse (2), though)
HOW OFTEN DOES THIS OCCUR: Every time the water tower is rotated in a direction that isn't the default 0° rotation for the map. The particles may appear normal in some instances should the opening of the growth happen to be facing the "right" direction
I have gone in and tested this on every MacMillan map in custom games, and it consistently and reliably blows in the same "global" direction on every map.
Update: I accidentally and incorrectly left in (from my early investigations, when I was still drafting this report) that this does not occur on the new second map variations of MacMillan.
This is incorrect, I’ve corrected what I’ve written.