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Tunneling is good for the game and for survivors



  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    This is a beautiful take on why its awful, honestly. I'm living proof of your survivor reason. I'm just not Really good at video games, and I really never have been. Doesn't mean that I don't like them, I like to play them to have fun. People that are really bad at something and will never be good at it exist, but that doesn't mean that they still can't do it for the love of simply doing it. I've been playing DBD for almost 3 years now, and I can say with full confidence that I'm still really bad at it and I can't loop to save my life. That said, I've tried to learn how to be a medic And gen rush to offset my bad looping skills to make me at least somewhat useful in game to the other survivors. Taking someone like me out in the game early on and leaving my last 3 teammates witg 5 generators to do isnt fair at all. They're also Making this argument as if the game is perfect, Failing to take into consideration uncooperative randoms/randoms that throw every pallet, all of the different killers, their unique Means of harm and any sweaty perks they may have. You cant loop Nurse same way you loop Clown etc. Unless you literally have no life and play the game nonstop, It's pretty much impossible to know exactly how to loop every single killer with their different skill sets and randomized perks, imo.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Disagree. Tunneling forces you to improve your chase to get good. Sure. But the amount of hours and practice needed to dedicate to the game to actually counteract tunneling is not at all healthy for the game. You need EVERYONE on your team to have a significantly higher experience level than the killer to counteract it, being just better than the killer is not enough, especially depending on who the killer is and what perks they bring. It is not a healthy experience for new or casual players who want to play the game to have fun and go through the entire gameplay loop (do gens, help your team, stealth around, run away, get caught, etc) to get constantly killed and focused out while being told they should just "get good". People playing a game should not be expected to have a significantly higher amount of skill than their opponent in order to not be subjected to unfun gameplay (and tunneling gameplay, even against good teams, is still unfun for the other survivors who have to spend most of that time cranking gens)

  • Member Posts: 68

    yes, i definitely worded that poorly. i meant like, well, idk how to explain it without using those words

  • Member Posts: 418

    Well there are two scenarios: the one you said where survivors get better to prove a point against tunnelling killers, or alternatively, they’re relatively new to the game and think “wow this game sucks and is unfair”. The burden shouldn’t lie on new survivors to “get good”; the burden should lie in the game rules and balancing. You could take an alternative look at what you’ve said and say tunnelling actually works the opposite way… new survivors could be disincentivised to bother learning the game and feel disheartened and uninterested in a game where “winning” feels unattainable.

  • Member Posts: 47
    edited April 2024

    I disagree. First off, how does this improve the killers skills in the game to play one strategy. If this is your theory, then survivors will get good while the killer is still playing the same boring gameplay as the match before and before and will after which leads to stale gaming and tbh it would be better if gamers are playing games where there is actually different scenarios. So if we want to decrease the amount of survivors then sure, let's keep playing the same strategy instead of showing skill sets.

    I have seen survivors deleting games, dcing, killing on hook, etc... it's really just a lame way to play plain and simple and takes 0 skill

    Post edited by IcallBS on
  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Here's what I think tunneling is a strategy that killers can use, being a good survivor could be a counter but perks are much better to counter this sort of thing (like off the record, ds, dead hard) as the perks I just mentioned provide a sense of leeway while looping especially while in solo q

  • Member Posts: 29

    Crazy to have an argument on why tunneling is good or healthy. It's incredibly unenjoyable for most survivors to begin with (I don't know one survivor that finds it fun to be tunneled). Plus, with the way that the points system works for survivor, there's really zero incentive to prolong being in a single drawn-out chase unless you're throwing every pallet (not advised) and maybe getting some stuns out of it to maximize points. As the person being tunneled, you're not going to get a pip and would face losing one prior to the pip changes. Thankfully, the pip changes make it so people just give up on hook if killers are that unskilled and have to tunnel someone out and move on to the next. Now nobody really gets points. Lose-lose.

    This OP also puts everyone into one box. Each player has a different skill set and way of learning. Just because being tunneled worked for you doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone. I'd argue you're one of the very few that "benefits" from it. Learn looping strategies by watching videos, streams, or playing killer. The latter is what made me better at looping.

    The game really needs to disincentivize tunneling, not incentivize it.

  • Member Posts: 869
    edited April 2024

    I have to completely disagree. I'd argue that tunneling is one of the top 2 reasons why most new players just stop playing the game in general. It isn't a play style. Tunneling is just the devs way of not having to balance their game better. They say its a valid strategy so they can continue to fool themselves and anyone else who actually believes that BS. The less work they have to do to the "core experience of DBD" (make all maps the same size and so on) the better in their eyes. Laziness has plagued this game for a LONNNNNNNG time.

    I hate to say it but DBD is a prime example of what I imagine is a much lower level of quality standards than many other games as popular as DBD could get away with. Bare minimum effort is the vibe I have when looking at this game. It shows in every aspect.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Is tunneling good for the game? I would not say so, even as a Killer main, it sucks being a Survivor and just getting tunneled out. However, tunneling is a major part of the game and is a common yet effective playstyle Killers use because it adds a lot of pressure. And Survivors who don't want to be tunneled can run anti-tunneling perks like Off the Record, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, or even Borrowed Time to assist other Survivors from being tunneled. And of course, get good at looping. Tunneling is an effective strategy, but it doesn't guarantee a win at all if Survivors just do gens fast. Gens get done too fast, but on the Survivor end they take forever. If only there was a perk that benefited Survivors for every dead Survivor, oh wait, Sole Survivor. What if Sole Survivor was reworked to be an anti-tunnel perk, in which for every dead Survivor, you gain a flat 25% faster repair speed, instead of a 75% faster repair speed when everyone is dead. This way if someone gets tunneled out of the game and only 1 gen gets completed, 3 Survivors can get a 75% faster repair speed if they all have the perk. Of course it won't be as much as an entire Survivor because a Survivor works at 100% repair speed by default, so it would still be good to have every Survivor alive. But this way the game isn't immediately over when a Survivor dies straight away. Only problem, it would be a licensed perk, and that may feel like the game is pay to win, but the same could be said for Decisive Strike. I don't think this perk rework for Sole Survivor would even be remotely OP because again, it requires Survivors to die, so I don't think it even be a pay to win issue, it would only assist in players already losing the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Those levels are largely exaggerated or mostly come from people who play at 10PM-2AM.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact that for the past few years they have nerfed maps + loops. Meaning that it has only made it EASIER for killers to play this way.

    It doesn't make sense that survivors "get better" while killers keep getting their hand held via making it easier to tunnel.

    Using phrases like "Tunneling is healthy for the game" is boderline cringe. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 21,210


    Most evidence supports tunneling being present, in some capacity, in every game.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Yeah but to the degree some people make it out to be…. People like Scott Jund have even done experiments and found out that the amount of tunneling is NOWHERE near the exaggeration people have portrayed.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Scott's experiment was flawed but still showed tunneling likely occurred in most matches.

    I may not GET tunneled every match, but I do SEE tunneling almost every match.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Should a skill level of 5 survivor can make 3 consecutive chases long enough for all Gens completed and escape against a skill level of 5 killer? No they're not, that would be op on survivor side. Its so wrong to have 2 sides "with the same level" but a single survivor can make a chase that long.

    Then, a skill level of 8 survivor should able to make 5 Gens chase against skill level of 5 killer. It leads to a question, why only survivors have to be far better than killer to able win?

    I can not see how "homing to the same injured survivor" should requires that survivor to have Ayrun's level of skill. When the killer themselves refuse to improve.

  • Member Posts: 79

    It would make sense if that was actually true but in reality it just makes survivors angry and not want to play. Admittedly most survivors would rather give up and continue to make the same mistakes not actually getting better because the killers playing in a scumbag way. Survivors won't get better and does nothing for the killer as well so I don't think it's good for the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Finding and tunnel the weak link is the most efficient play, because even bad survivors will do gens.

    In my solo exp most killers will avoid me, even i'm on another plattform and never bring items to make them go for me.

    But you can't force a killer to chase you. So most of the time another solo gets tunneled and i die later anyway.

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