Tatariu's Legion update



  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Faster speed in the base-kit would be soooo nice. I recently tested 6m/s base-kit using a bunch of Haste perks and Survivors could still outrun Legion. It really wouldn't be overpowered I don't think!

    If you want to watch and see for yourself, here is a link to the video!

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I am on maximum render distance and I still can't find The Legion buff 🗣️🗣️

    Still zero clue why Huntress was given changes when Legion, Myers, and Freddy exist.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    lets be real for a second. mending will never become fun cause it stops survs from doing what they want and forces them to do what i want. i think it does not matter what they do to make mend more fun its gonna stay "unfun" for the survivor.

    but i honestly think that just how it needs to be. mend is what allowes legion to do what they do in the firstplace. thats why every second whe shave of mend needs to be observed cause to have a hit and run playstyle you need that build in slowdown.

    ofcourse if we make them faster (im all for that you can never be fast enough) then ofcourse mend can and should be shorter

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14


    Collision buff whennnnnnn

    PD: Thank god you've changed the Hand Wraps addon, don't get me wrong, i would love to see a new addon like that but, honestly the idea of don't get that punished by missing felt kinda No Sense to me, i don't think a 2,5 fatifue would be healthy either, but as a chase addon it works quite nice, honestly i would like it as a Vault Addon, just like waaaaay before

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Most of it seems minor enough that it’s closer to a QoL change than buff but it all looks good.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    Looks good!

  • MBF
    MBF Member Posts: 15

    Legion connoisseurs. How would yall feel if there was a system almost like Billy's overclock system? I've had this idea for a while.

    I was thinking that if you used ur power enough, got like 5-10 hits in ur power, and then a separate power meter just above the normal one turns red. You press ability button 2 when not using ur power and you get 10% haste, 10% faster break speed, 10% faster vault speed, 10% faster m1 cooldown, 10% faster pickup speed, 10% faster hook speed, and the ability to instadown all in ur m1 mode for 25 seconds? This new ability would deactivate after a successful down to prevent just winning the entire match right then and there. You could activate this ability anytime and deactivate it if you wish, but it must be refilled before it can be activated again.

    This would make legion much stronger and also would add on to the mend complaints a lot of people have. Critiques are always welcome so be honest with ur replies

  • poptarted
    poptarted Member Posts: 1

    Completely agree with you on the fantasy part. To me the entire appeal of legion is that I can be a mad man with a knife stabbing people

  • AIR134
    AIR134 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    No, this would be a better change.

    Changes I would make:
    Base kit changes: never sleep pills and mural sketch, Franks mix tape would be base kit. However, the base frenzy speed is 4.8ms and the blood point bonus is removed. Fuming mixtape would be changed to the ability to insta down a survivor on the fourth chain hit in feral frenzy. A new Frank mix tape would be added that decreases the fatigue after frenzy by one second.

  • Kaloko_935
    Kaloko_935 Member Posts: 3

    I think Legion also needs a duration change, I feel 10 seconds is a little too short, but I think a basekit change of duration is what I would want for Legion. Give Legion 12 sec of Fearl Frenzy instead of 10. For Susie's Mixtape, I would want to keep the Range but implement speed into the addon. Give it the current Mural Sketch movement speed bonus, of 0.3 m/s per chained hit. I feel these are changes I would want for Legion, but, what do you think?

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I like the idea of Susie's Mix Tape also granting bonus speed!

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14

    New Idea

    Adding SECONDARY EFFECT to every mixtape addon, i mean, a Small Buff, essentially making them more powerful than the no Mixtape Addons but also adding more personality to these, my ideas:

    Julies's: The recharge on Pallets and a 0,2 buff for the fatigue, is sooooo small so wouldn't be a problem
    Joey's: The recharge on Breakables and 6 extra meters of detection
    Susie´s: The extra detection + 0.2m/s of speed.
    Frank's: The Kick Buff and 1 extra second of duration
    and Fuming without change, since the passive ruin, even being SO impactful, can be considered as the secondary Effect, and also works for the rarity.

    Just an idea, but it would be cool the thing of having little pieces of buffs in order to amplify the power in many different ways

  • spudmay
    spudmay Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I dig this. Please buff Legion. They're a joke if you barely know how to play the game.

    They make you mend on occasion... Good. Good killer.

  • filou
    filou Member Posts: 1

    A lot of good ideas. BHVR are you listenning to us??

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 236
    edited May 4

    Legion is fine.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068
    edited May 4

    Legion is in fact NOT fine. There are plenty of improvements that can and SHOULD be made. If Huntress can get a series of buffs, then Legion is also capable of getting improvements.

    Post edited by Tatariu on
  • Slavicboar
    Slavicboar Member Posts: 2

    Love the basekit buffs and addons changes. Before, I was working on Legion inprovements in a document but never finished it. I will add it down below, feel free to use it how you want (side note, sorry in advance for choppy language, it was a sloppy unfinished document as I said):

    Helping Legion being more viable


    -Frenzy speed 6m/s (was 5,2m/s)


    -Movement speed during fatigue 2m/s (was 2,07 m/s)

    -Time to self mend 8s (was 12s)

    -Being mended by other survivor 4s (was 8s)

    -Legion no longer gains additional 0,2m/s speed for each hit (from basekit)


    -Killer instinct works even when survivors are oblivious

    -When picking up survivors during frenzy, power goes on cooldown and refills from the point it was at (Before: Made Legion lose whole power)

    -Pauses power usage during actions as: kicking destroyable doors, kicking gens & vaulting

    -Legion can see pools of blood and scratch marks during frenzy

    -Hitting survivors during frenzy who are in deep wound gives them hindered effect which makes them 0,2ms/s slower for 3s (3,8m/s speed for that duration) 

    No changes

    -Power time 10s (stays same)

    -Power cooldown 20s (stays same)

    -Fatigue 3s (stays same)

    -Vault speed 0,9s (stays the same)

    -Legion down survivor with fifth frenzy hit (stays the same)

    -Hitting survivor who suffers from deep wound make Legion lose whole power duration (stays same)

    -Missing frenzy attack make Legion lose whole power duration (stays same)



    1 33% faster recharge

    2 Adds additional 0,1m/s speed per hit

    3 5m/s frenzy (for 15s) 

    4 Hitting survivor with deep wound deffens them for 10s


    1 blind during and after mend 20s

    2 Broken effect for 20s after mend

    3 mangled/hemo effect stays for 20s after mend

    4 Stun by any means refills power

    5 Hitting survivor with deep wound make them scream and increase Legion terror radius to 48m for 10s


    1 Exhausted effect during and after mend 20s

    2 Shows aura of mending surv

    3 Vaulting pallet/window gives you 0,1m/s extra speed for 10s (can only be gained once during single frenzy duration)

    4 Feral slash destroys pallets/breakable doors

    5 Hitting survivor with deep wound gives them additional hinder effect -0,2/ms for 3s (3,6m in total)


    1 Oblivius during and after mend 20

    2 12m/s frenzy for 5s

    3 feral hit blinds surv for 1s

    4 Stund during frenzy destroys pallet


    1 During frenzy block window after valuting them 10s

    2 Iri button (stays as it is)

  • Lonetiger07
    Lonetiger07 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    I think all the basekit changes except the fatigue movement speed are valid. The only real issue I have is the addons. Ex: frenzy slashes causes blindness, oblivious. These addons sound terrible unless there is an lingering effect after they mend, otherwise they won’t do anything.

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14

    Would be so much better if the effect stays a few seconds after they mend (10 or 15 secs), specially for Legion Pin, could be quite gamechanging

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,016

    I already upvoted this but I just wanted to give kudos manually. These are very good, measured ideas for a killer that feels pretty neglected. Very well thought out and written.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 246

    Interesting changes. I'd like to see how these new pills would work out. 6m/s seems a lot, but it's reasonable for how map dependent Legion is. On the other hand it could be a bit overwhelming on smaller maps. I like new Joey's Mixtape, it has a nice synergy with Frank's. I'd like to see old Frank's here, I miss this addon even tho it was pretty useless.

  • DontPrayForMe
    DontPrayForMe Member Posts: 1

    It would be great quality of life improvments

    Bhvr plz

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14

    What if Frank's Mixtape also increases the pick up speed when picking up from FF, just like Fire up, i would say for Frenzy Vaults too, but we know that 30% from 0.9 could be a lil bit too much

  • Alex798
    Alex798 Member Posts: 2

    The only thing I wouldn't agree with is some of the add-on changes. The way new Legion Pin applies Exhaustion makes sense as it's obviously a strong effect. But doing the same for the Blindness and Obliviousness add-ons just unnecessarily kills them. I also think Mischief List should be changed, not because it's op, but because there is literally no reason to ever not bring it. Of course, if it was changed, base kit would probably need buffs. Also, as if you wouldn't bring back Cold Dirt smh my head.

  • Goose666
    Goose666 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Best Legion update yet??? Honestly this is premium tier stuff would love to see on live server

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844

    Even just these quality of life suggestions would be very welcome changes if implemented. I think if nothing else, Frank's mix-tape needs to be urgently reworked now that the 3 gen strat has been nerfed into the ground. This add-on was clearly designed with holding a 3 gen in mind and no longer has the same utility that it once did. If I had to guess, I would say it must be one of their least used add-ons now.

    So yeah, I agree that Frank's Mix-tape should be made base-kit. Maybe it could instead be reworked to take on the effect of your hand wraps add-on idea, to provide an increased vaulting speed in Frenzy. Would be sufficiently strong for a purple add-on but not too over powered in my opinion. Obviously, this would need to be tested in a PTB but I don't think Survivors would hate it.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844

    I pretty much always run Mischief List. Personally, I would make Frenzy last for 12 seconds base-kit and leave Mischief List as it is. Would definitely still be worth running for the extra 2 seconds, but it would be nice not to feel like you always have to run it.

  • lettuchia
    lettuchia Member Posts: 196

    these changes wouldnt make legion op at all but they would literally have zero effect against good survivors, so i dont get the point. why make legion even better at pubstomping exclusively when theyre already good at that?

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Same! I never take it off, it's just so darn helpful and doesn't form bad habbits.

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14

    Why exactly SWS with Broken? I know that it currently has a good place and could only use a change rarity and all stuff
    But i think that Anti-Heal Addons for Legion are actually redundant and shouldn't exist in any kind more than the Filthy Blade, since the whole point of the killer is avoiding healing manually + making them broken woudln´t fit the idea of SWS

    Old Stab Wounds STUDIES: Reduces the Deep Wound timing, fitting in the theme of "Knowing where to hit"

    Current Stab Wound STUDIES: Aura reading equals info and these are papers and stuff so it also fits

    Even your previous idea was clever and a good reward for actually looking for the 5th (I would make it when you down someone with deep wound anyways, but that's just my thing)

    I would say that i don´t think it's a bad idea but honestly, it is, here's a list of possible changes to SWS:

    a) Reduces the DW Timer by 10 secs
    b) Increases the DW depletion speed by 200%
    c) Allows The Legion to see the progress of the DW on Survivors
    d) Your idea, why not, it would be satisfying
    e) an idea that i had, reveal the aura of survivors that STARTED mending by 6 secs (Essentially half of the mending time)

    My ideas, anyways loved your will to change it, hand wraps are goated and this take on Julie's Mixtape sounds so much interesting
    : >

  • SkeletonDance
    SkeletonDance Member Posts: 306

    I would maybe also suggest to remove Legion's collision in Feral Frenzy, so survivors already affected by deep wound wouldn't be able to bodyblock survivors without deep wound.

    Give them an Iri addon effect basekit and replace that addon with new effect like for example: Vaulting a pallet or window in Feral Frenzy recharges 50% of power gauge. Triggers only once per Feral Slash chain.

    To help them with M1 chase: For each feral slash hit gives a 3% movement speed bonus for 10/13/16/20/25 after ending Feral Frenzy

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068
    edited August 8

    BHVR we are begging you to care about Legion🙏🏻

    Just look at how piss easy it is to shut his entire power down:

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    How did you get footage from my latest Legion game? JKJK

    But seriously, Legion needs some QoL updates soon, they're having trouble keeping up with all the new perks and buffs.

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14
    edited August 10

    Does Julie's Mixtape Stacks with Enduring to get a double speed stun? (100% Faster) That would be so funny ngl

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Yes it stacks, but its not an instant recovery. Stun duration would be 0.5 seconds total.

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14

    So, now we're getting back about nerfing the stackable speed? Kinda like it ngl, even if 6.0 to 6.8 (or 7.2) could be a little too much, 0.1m/s in speed was almost nothing, and the whole point of the Legion Rework was giving them a way to have a consistent power with a "Build up pressure" by increasing the speed progressively, if you go brr from start it would be a bit pointless.

    For that reason also i think the speed should be just 5.6 at base, so it feels more rewarding for chaining and it's not just the whole thing from scratch, like i've said (and also could be counted as Mural Sketch Base Kit, and put it in that way, it's sounds pretty cool.)

    Overall, except for SWS (Which i would like to hear in depth why keeping a broken status addon) i think this is the best version of the forum so far, keep cookin' brah👍️

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,098

    Bro got so bored during 2v8 queues that he made a whole Legion rework.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 217

    wow most reworks have something i don't agree with or seems unrealistic. This is all very good and seems nothing to major that they couldn't do it. Hopefully BHVR sees this.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Stack-able speed bonus: This is pretty simple! Base-Kit is my priority, and the +0.1m/s speed bonus kept Legion add-on dependent. To ensure there is zero requirement to use chain-hit add-ons, I returned the +0.2m/s speed bonus and reverted Never-Sleep Pills and Mural Sketch. I am unsure if Mischief List will remain unchanged at this time. Feedback is welcomed.

    Stab Wounds Study: A lot of the feedback I received was asking for the current status effect inducing add-ons to linger; while I temporarily changed them to do so, it directly conflicted with their new design principles.

    I wanted to make being hit by Frenzy feel more threatening, and encouraging Survivors to mend to remove the status effects was a part of that (rather than penalizing them for mending).

    Defaced Smiley Pin ensures the Oblivious build with Stylish Sunglasses works just as well, and doesn't get out of hand with the new base-kit detection. The Legion Pin is an anti-loop add-on, working best in chases for very obvious reasons.

    So to try and fit that feedback back into the design update, I brought back the Broken status effect and put it onto Stab Wounds Study, which is now not only stronger (Survivors cannot mend each other to avoid it), but also makes the add-on extremely consistent; thus making it deserving of the higher rarity and cost in the Bloodweb.

    I am not sure if Stab Wounds Study will remain as is, or if its effect will be once again changed. I did not like that there were two aura add-ons accomplishing the same thing, and I can't say I'm in love with its Broken status effect either. It might change sooner rather than later.

  • Deddoroku
    Deddoroku Member Posts: 14

    Ohhh, i get it, and i kinda agree, I really think that the chain mechanic could be more rewarding in some other way, but this is absolutely fair and logical to me (Also, i would bring back the idea lf changing NSP but just a little tiny thing, make the speed only 4.8, since the idea of this addon is making Legion slower but longer, there's no purpose on making them at Current Speed with 2 and a half Mischief List's, just add it 0.2 and that's it, even 0.4 if u wake up inspired, idk

    And about Mischief List, i think we all agree that 1 second less wouldn't hurt anyone at all, since Base kit would be 52M vs 60M, if we remove a second from ML, it would be 61.2M of distance against 66M, totally fair change Imo.

    And i'm totally convinced with SWS and i think the idea of an addon that makes it dangerous but unavoidable, and yet not lethal could be funny, but it's also true that a Broken Status addon could be problematic, specially being 60 secs per mend, maybe if lasting a little bit less, likd 45 secs, would feel more natural combined with the idea of buffing mending, 60 secs for 12 of mending and being able to mend eachother it's ""good"" but if you only need 8 seconds, and you can't just be mended by someone else, it becomes problematic

    Nice work as always 🫶🏻

  • SladeAZ
    SladeAZ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    here are all the add-on changes i'd like to see on the legion at some point in time (hopefully soon):

    • scratched ruler: decreases the recharge time of feral frenzy by 50%
    • smiley face pin: survivors are afflicted with the blindness status effect after mending a deep wound
    • defaced smiley pin: survivors are afflicted with the mangled and hemorrhage status effects after mending a deep wound
    • etched ruler: survivors are afflicted with the oblivious status effect for 60 seconds after mending a deep wound
    • julie's mix tape: if the legion is stunned by a pallet during feral frenzy, the power gauge replenishes and the pallet is instantly broken
    • joey's mix tape: after putting a survivor in the dying state with a feral slash, the legion is granted the undetectable status effect for 45 seconds and the downed survivor's aura is hidden from all other survivors
    • stolen sketch book: survivors hit by a feral slash drop their items
    • the legion pin: survivors are afflicted by the exhausted status effect for 20 seconds after mending a deep wound
    • frank's mixtape: breaking walls and damaging generators during feral frenzy is 20% faster and causes the power gauge to replenish once these actions are completed
    • stab wounds study: survivors are afflicted with the broken status effect for 60 seconds after mending a deep wound

    additionally, here are some simple, but good changes i'd like to see to the legion's base-kit:

    • during feral frenzy, the power gauge pauses when the legion performs actions (breaking walls, damaging generators, vaulting pallets and windows, opening lockers, snuffing boon totems and closing the hatch)
    • after ending or cancelling feral frenzy, the legion's movement speed during fatigue is increased to 3,0m/s

    i'm looking forward to hear your opinions on my ideas! 😊

  • Slavicboar
    Slavicboar Member Posts: 2

    When it comes to all them effects, I would prefer to have them direcly after a hit. Legion would benefit from those effects more during the chase. For example, exhausted will cancel lithe/dead hard, and
    blindne will stop perks such as windows and others.

  • Alex798
    Alex798 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 23

    In-depth changes I would make (some of these are just the same):
    •Increased Feral Frenzy movement speed to 150% (6m/s) (was 130% [5.2m/s])
    •Decreased Feral Slash movement speed bonus to 2.5% (0.1m/s) (was 5% [0.2m/s])
    •Added the ability to see Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood in Feral Frenzy
    •Increased vault speed in Feral Frenzy to 0.7 seconds (was 0.9)
    •Survivors will now be highlighted by Killer Instinct while Oblivious
    •Reduced time required to mend Deep Wounds from Feral Slashes to 8 seconds (was 8 and 12 seconds)
    •Mending progress from Feral Slashes will regress by 0.5c/s while not actively mending.

    General Changes
    Survivor’s highlighted by Killer Instinct are given a visual indicator. This does not apply if the Survivor is not in the Killer’s Terror Radius. All perks that change vault speed will not affect ‘Special Vaults’. These are:
    •Legion’s vaults during Feral Frenzy
    •Mastermind’s vaults during Virulent Bound
    •Good Guy’s scamper

    Mischief List
    •After hitting a Survivor with a Feral Slash, the Legion will gain 5% Haste for 5 seconds the next time they vault a pallet or window in Feral Frenzy. (Idk about this one tbh)

    Friendship Bracelet
    •Increases duration of lunges during Feral Frenzy by 0.2 seconds

    Never Sleep Pills
    •Decreases Feral Frenzy duration to 5 seconds
    •Increases Feral Frenzy movement speed by 10%
    •Removes the speed bonus gained from hitting a Survivor in Feral Frenzy, hitting a Survivor instead grants a 0.5 second duration increase to Feral Frenzy

    Mural Sketch
    •Increases speed bonus per hit during Feral Frenzy to 0.15 m/s (3.75%)

    Joey’s Mixtape
    •Decreases Feral Frenzy fatigue time by 0.2 seconds for every chain hit

    Frank’s Mixtape
    •Increases Feral Frenzy Vault Speed by 20%

    Filthy Blade
    •Increases time required for Survivors to mend by 2 seconds
    •Increases Deep Wound regression rate to 1.5c/s

    •Now affects Frenzy speed

    Post edited by Alex798 on