How would the meta change if all gen regresion/exhaustion perks got removed?

albertoplus Member Posts: 176
edited May 5 in General Discussions

This is something i sometimes wonder..

We have had some metas in all these years, but these two type of perks have always been there. Ruin, Pop, Pain Res, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Lithe…

How would the meta change if literally all gen regresion perks and all exhaustion perks got removed from the game? How would the gameplay change?

Would the game be funnier or not?


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,053

    Not for the better, I don't think.

    While both sides would lose some strong tools, neither side would lose their equivalent of the other side's lost options, so those things would just get dramatically stronger.

    Without regression, toolboxes become even more OP. Without Exhaustion, any chase perks become even stronger, comparatively.

    Also, losing Exhaustion specifically wouldn't be great for the game. They're an interesting design space and they allow for some slight control over what perks are paired together, like how Iron Will can't be used while Exhausted.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 497

    it would not

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 176

    I see a problem with exhaustion perks that is very similar to the gen regresion ones: no matter what to do, unless you make all of those kind of perks like, utterly terrible, they will always be there, no matter if you buff any other perks a lot.

    Sometimes i think that literally removing them would make balancing the chases/gen times a little easier.

    Right now i have the feeling that for example if gen times are balanced in general, with those gen regrestion perks they become unbalanced again, same happens with the chase time. If chase time would be balanced then having those exhaustion perks makes it unbalanced.

    Like, having those perks are "mandatory" if you wanna compete on high level.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,746

    A great deal of killers will struggle. The vast majority believe gen defense in mandatory to compete and not optional. Exhaustion perks are just a strong ways to make the killer waste more time but survivors have other perks that can waste your time. Body blocking with DS & OTR, and ftp/buckle up can waste plenty of time as well.

    overall the meta wouldn't change that much. killers will run gen blocking more ( grim, deadman, dead lock). Survivors will just continue to run windows, resilience, and a anti tunnel perk.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,218

    Gens fly faster and low tier killers will struggle.

  • PilotVolt
    PilotVolt Member Posts: 7

    "Would the game be funner?"

    Are you a Survivor? Then yes.

    Are you someone who enjoys a fair game? If you aren't, then yes again.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,238

    If I was someone who only played survivor I would take that deal any day. That would drop the kill rates massively, like 20%+. In turn you’d probably see a massive increase to tunneling/camping as there just wouldn’t be time to make chases.

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 731

    to sum it up

    No perk slot for exhaustion —> free perk slot for a gen rush perk

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684

    There would be no meta because the games would be over in 4 mins.