Seriously Devs

I feel extremely bad for the survivors on the receiving end of this screen. I hope the devs can at least acknowledge this is a problem. Is it the MM system, the nerfs/buffs, the drop in players maybe?? All I know is at this point I’m sure this falls out of the “i’ve seen it happen before” category

Here’s the message I got after playing doctor


  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    On not_QUEEN’s live personal stream, she briefly stated that the devs think that we would rather be matched with anyone, anywhere in the world (and Saturn), and of any rank, over waiting for a match with a local killer (latency < 150ms) and closer to our ranks. This is exactly how the new matchmaking system works, and how it can ensure that you get a lobby within 4-5 minutes.

    However, it doesn’t take into account that people will dodge the lobby once they see the latency is > 150ms. Nore does it care if a rank 20 killer is matched with nothing but red ranked survivors. I’m playing other games more and more, especially when this new system is live. It takes all the fun out of the game, and just wastes what little time I have to play.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I think when it comes to being matched with players who have a completely different rank, there are different opinions. Some people don't like it, some find it okay.

    When it comes to being matched with people all over the world, things look probably different. I can't imagine that anybody plays a match with 400 ping instead of just starting a new queue.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Never happens to me.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Putting people together with a big difference in rank is no big issue. Newbies should learn, if it's the hard way, so be it. Trust me, most of them will not mind it as long as we're not acting like ######### after game.

    The real issue is how often you get people in your lobbies literally from the other side of the planet. It happens to me way too often. This should be fixed.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    "BuT rAnK DoEsNt MaTteR" (-some streamers who justify deranking and stuff)

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    This is literally only beneficial if you’re a vet killer or a SWF squad though. The person who messaged me clearly doesn’t play much survivor, and to be put up against a killer like me? Very discouraging to continue playing don’t you think?

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Speshul_Kitten that’s exactly what I said in the second paragraph. It’s not fair to those who truly are low ranks, and it is not at all fun to bully them. I think the devs need to STOP their bullying agenda on all counts. Bully survivors are not fun. Bully killers, are not fun. And by bully killers, I mean rank 1 killer vs rank 20 survivors, and nothing else.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    I get low ranked teammates as well. I hope it is just a phase of a new system. Because matches like these definitely not balanced.

    I think I `d rather wait a bit longer and have more balanced matches in return.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I opened another thread earlier this day, but apparently noone is interested.

    Either the queue times are too long or the matchmaking system is broken.....

    The solution is crossplay

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @George_Soros Also a good way to get new players to quit. Seriously, getting a mudhole stomped online is not a fun way to spend your time.

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  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Warlock_2020 oh I agree, it's embarrassing to see the guy you annihilated is rank 18. And if there are enough players, it's much better to match the ones with similar ranks together.

    But in case there are not enough players, a good solution would be to SEE the ranks of my survivors in my lobby. So I'd know which one I should go easy on, and to which one should I show no mercy.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    I play survivor and it depends. Either I’m too low or too high (rank-wise) in my recent matches.

    Last match I played as a rank 10 against rank 20s including the Nurse I played against, we all ended up escaping because I kept her onto me as distraction and protecting my teammates. After the match ended I literally felt so bad and I wanted to message them saying sorry that I didn’t know they were literally a rank 20 with no perks.

    I get that this makes match making faster but to bully new players even more at this point makes me not want to play until this is resolved properly.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'd like to know the rank of everyone before I start the match... and as for new players getting bullied, well the only way in my experience I ever really get good at a game is to get bullied but that's just my personal experience I understand that getting bullied over and over may feel overwhelming for some players and they may just quit but when I get bullied it's just an indicator that I just need to learn the game and eventually get good.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Anyone else getting Halo flashbacks? Or The Last of Us flashbacks?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    That will again differ from person to person. I had plenty of games where I was decimated by a far more experienced player. I personally took it as a means to slow down my gameplay and learn the maps, the loops, the base mechanics and develop a style I enjoyed playing rather then trying to copy "tips" online. I also didn't experience any toxicity (as this was when the game was first launching PS4).

    I can easily see the argument against this too as it could be demoralizing to others. This is why I feel no easy answer exist and BHVR has to try a few methods for the matchmaking system or we will never find what works for the majority.

    I know I would rather find ANY game after X amount of time waiting then spend my whole night (short as it is) playing lobby simulator. Sure I can hope into a killer match but I enjoy playing survivor after work to relax since I can often watch a video on the side while playing.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    I remember being a rank 20 killer and there ws someone in my lobby who was rank 17 with 3 higher rank swf and one of them was rank 4 I think. I know it was a single digit. I was so.....trolled.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited March 2019

    I’ve played a lot of games with this current system and tbh it never bothered me even in my noob days, I took it as a calling to get better. Maybe others will also.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Dude you ######### rekted them

    This matchmaking hurts...

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I agree completely. I would like to know if I have a newer player in my game. I would be more likely to smack me on the but and let them lose me in a chase when they try juking, etc. I doubt it will happen because too many killers would aim for them for the easy win.

  • Duckodb12
    Duckodb12 Member Posts: 45

    Best thing they could do is do away with ranks period. It just gives people something to complain about and if they didn’t exist nobody would notice. I’m usually a rank 1 killer too and I’ve seen just as many low rank survivors who can’t half play as I have high rank ones.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    @boss here’s the “more proof” you were curious about. By the looks of it nobody is liking it, especially newbie survivors.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited March 2019

    Were they not SWF? If they play with friends that have not played since the rank reset would result in big rank discrepancies such as this.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 421

    As a killer I usually notice who is bad and who is good and I just go a bit easier on the bad ones.

    Overall though I have no clue how they think it is a good idea to combine the attitude of „a fast unfair game is better than waiting a bit longer for a fair game“ with the pip changes that heavily punish you for being thrown into an unfair match and for things outside of your control (teammates dc, killer camps).

    Especially people like me who are experienced (>1000 hours), don’t play much survivor so have little time to make up for bad games and ranking up (killer is a much better experience compared to solo survivor for me), and solo all the time due to lack of friends are the big losers of all this.

    I am seriously thinking about stopping solo play and finding me an experienced SWF, then finally rank won’t matter for me too. It would be a sad day because I prefer playing with different people, I just want more consistency in „quality“ of teammates, but this all is going into the completely wrong direction right now.