Demogorgon or Dredge

blastea Member Posts: 17

Trying to decide on my next buy since I'm getting back into killer. Stuck between Demo and Dredge. I like the theme of Dredge a lot along with the Nightfall mechanic and I really don't care about stranger things at all but I think Demo looks more fun and easier to pick up. Any Demo or Dredge players that could give some pointers? They both look very fun but I don't really want to play multiple killers. Which is the most rewarding/rarer/liked killer? I also don't mean this discussion to say one is bad and one is good, just simply weighing the pros and cons. Cheers!


  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 224

    I think the key difference is how you want to play/ how you are playing.

    Dredge requires you to mindgame a lot. Placing the remnant at the right position, teleporting back to it at the right time, playing pallets and gyms. It is my favourite killer but I have to admit I stopped playing dredge because the powers are useless more then half of the time due to bad locker placement and a lack of strength. You will always feel like you are missing one add on slot for dredge because while not being weak it is not a killer for long chases. It has nothing basekit (outside nightfall) which will give you an advantage so commiting to a chase is almost never a good idea with this killer. Dredge is very dependant on survivors being injured so the hit and run playstile is more common. (You gain nightfall progress for downing and hooking too but you will need more time because there is no m2 attack).

    Demo on the other hand can give you the advantage you need with his m2 attack. He is the more stealthier killer (because dredge has directional audio all the time even when undetectable). Demo does not emit any terroradius after its teleport. So you can surprise survivors more easily (becaus you can decide where to place your teleport destination) and follow up with an m2.

    xeno (veteran comp player) managed to kill all survivors of a comp team with 5 gens left. I truly believe something like this cannot be pulled off with dredge.

    So to sum it up. Do you rather play a hit and run playstile with lots of mindgames or do you prefer to surprise survivors offguard and be able to pull of some sneaky downs with the m2?

    Both killers have up's and down's but it depends on your playstyle a lot

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,287

    They're both similar in terms of difficulty, Demo is more mechanically-difficult, and for Dredge you need to be more aware of the macro game, where everyone is etc.

    Dredge is probably slightly stronger I would say, but again not by a huge amount.

    Perks, well you may already have Demo's perks from back when they were global perks, but if not then Surge is really good on most killers and Mindbreaker is fairly decent and the only anti-exhaustion perk worth running. Cruel Limits used to be garbage but after it's big buff is… not -that- bad anymore.

    Dredge perks aren't that great, Septic Touch is terrible, Dissolution can be good on certain killers but it alerts the survivor when it's in play which makes it much harder to get value from. Darkness Revealed can be good, especially on Huntress or Trickster, but is heavily map dependent. On Midwich it is amazing, on most maps, especially Swamp and Farm, you'll barely get any value from it.

    Actually Dredge in general is probably the most map dependent killer in the game. Some maps just don't have ANY lockers in like half the map, and multiple gens that you simply can't defend with him. Still I find him the more fun of the two, and that's what ultimately matters.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,065
    edited May 5

    I find Dredge to be the funner of the two, and hands down has the best cosmetics of the two (and most killers) with still more to come. Dredge feels smoother to control imo, teleports aren't as disorienting, and he has a lot better map pressure with his preset teleports.

    Demo, while he has arguably better chase potential, he just feels clunky in some areas. Camera movement can be annoying when traveling, and Demo could really just use a QOL update to make it not feel soo…dated and kinda boring.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,462

    I find Demo to be more fun! I always end up doing something I don't want to when playing Dredge because the controls are weird to my brain.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,223

    Personally I'd go with Demo, Dredge is way too map dependent with locker spawns

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,279

    Both can feel very lack luster and i have to say, hard as it is, dredge feels better right now. Demos shred just isnt viable at many round tiles, where Dredge can actually get a hit with the remnant. Dredge remnant mindgames are also a sight too behold. Especially at big tiles and structures. Really fun.

    Booth are ok. In terms of perks, Demo is way better.

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 399
    edited May 5

    I would say that Demo would be more worthwhile to get than Dredge because of the fact that Dredge relies a lot on RNG(with locker spawns) a lot, commonly relies a lot on perks from other killers to perform extremely well(such as Friends Til The End from Chucky), his power requires a lot of thinking to use from the killer's end plus smart survivors can just hold W from him if they see him holding his arm out(showing that he's channeling his power), and even though he's technically a stealth killer due to his Nightfall his stealth isn't very good due to just simply how loud he is. The only real positive to Dredge really imo is the fact that it's EXTREMELY easy to locate survivors during Nightfall.

    Demo on the other hand doesn't really suffer from those kinds of issues and the only real downside of Demo is that, unlike other killers with fast travel abilities(apart from Hag), he has to set up his portals and, just like with Xeno, he has to go on top of a portal to teleport. That essentially makes him a bit of a middle-ground between Hag and Xeno.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 313

    dredge is the only killer that can apply IRL blindness to console players.

  • blastea
    blastea Member Posts: 17

    Little update, after playing both after a few hours I ended up liking neither lol, just not my cup of tea I don't think.

  • E5150
    E5150 Member Posts: 74

    Both are among my favorite killers, but i feel Dredge is so weak compared to Demo. Demo can end chases very fast with good shreds, teleport where he wants (isn't at the lockers mercy) and is in general much more fun when you hit survivors with a long range shred.

    Dredge destroys weaker survivors, but as soon as you find a competent team, he struggles. His antiloop is mediocre, his teleport is completely inconsistent, he can't stealth. I feel he needs some QoL changes so he can truly shine.

    Demo perks are also much more useful IMHO.

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684

    I'd go with Dredge tbh. Neither are great but Demo is boring for me.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846
    edited May 6

    As a Demogorgon main… and a Dredge enjoyer… it depends.

    Demo has more useful perks. They are also a licensed character; which means you could unlock the Dredge for free without being forced to spend money, but with Demo you’ll always be forced to spend money on them.

    Dredge has more interactive and synergies/anti-synergies with his power which overall makes him far more interesting to play since perks interact with them differently compared to other Killers. None of this is to say that Demogorgon is boring but a lot of Demo’s tools have been gutted over the years and a majority of Shred spots have been ruined thanks to Invisible Walls.

  • Aceislife
    Aceislife Member Posts: 225

    I like both killers, however almost every time I play Dredge I get absolutely stomped. I like his appearance though. I like Demos appearance too, and Demo is a seriously capable killer in a chase.