It has been 2 weeks...

Venusa Member Posts: 1,462

It has been 2 weeks since one of the buggiest patches got released and we got no fix patches whatsoever and I'm concerned.

I'm hoping we'll get one next week but what's all this silence? All we got is a road map. I'm sorry but cosmetics and a road map doesn't excite anybody if the game is in an atrocious state.

Normally, a fix patch after a week of release is always expected and even a second one if needed but this time even though the game is riddled with bugs and almost unplayable, nobody seems to be in a hurry to fix them at all.

The only issue acknowledged and fixed was strobing which was literally a health hazard.

Why are the standards so low for a game that deserves more? Why does everything take such a long time?

I'm sorry if I sound impatient or entitled but I think I'm entitled to be able to play a live service game that I paid a lot of money for without having to worry about bugs and glitches ruining my experience.


  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 842

    Now they already made it clear they wanted to prioritize fixing the strobes of light over the bugs which you just have to try to understand. We obviously would've had a hotfix days ago and have the new modifier mode earlier, but I'd rather them focus on preventing ppl from possibly getting seizures from their game than fixing bugs which would hurt them more in the long run. I'm confident we will have a hotfix in a few days tho. And possibly even another on the week of ptb.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,426

    The only issue acknowledged and fixed was strobing which was literally a health hazard.

    Why are the standards so low for a game that deserves more?

    you could have worded this better/not directly after one another…

    They prioritized the right issue first

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,462
    edited May 5

    No, I'm not implying something like "Why did they only fix this?"…

    As I said, it was literally a health hazard. I don't even acknowledge that as a bug, it's unacceptable. It's dangerous and it shouldn't even have happened and should be top priority.

    But fixing that issue doesn't mean to halt all other progress. Right? Does BHVR only have 2 employees? Is that all they could do in 2 weeks?

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 225

    This is nothing new. It has always taken BHVR forever to fix anything. The reason is really quite simple - they don't have to fix anything quickly. There is no competition for this game and they aren't losing significant numbers of players - so what's the incentive for them fix things quickly? The only thing that will drive urgency is if large numbers of players leave and BHVR's revenues start to drop. It's a strategy that has worked for them up until this point. It's similar to internet providers that have monopolies in certain service areas - they can provide the worst customer service possible because the customers have no other good options to switch to. The money will keep flowing in no matter what unless a better option becomes available.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,081

    Just a reminder: bhvr basically switched the game engine with the update. Yes, it's still Unreal Engine - but it's no longer UE4 but UE5 - which is, in many ways, a very different beast.

    Add to that an issue that has exceptionally high priority and another release schedule and you have a lot of work to do. You can't just tell the team to just do 95hrs/week for a month to get stuff fixed asap. That's neither how humans, nor how work and overtime related laws work.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 842

    Yea. I didnt go in expecting less bugs from the update to UE5. I expected more bugs because of it. But i understand its going to come with more bugs and more work to be able to at least minimize these bugs with hotfixes. Its just unfortunate that the community is getting more impatient when bhvr prioritized fixing a health hazard over bugs.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,462

    Are we only allowed to have one bug fix every 2 weeks? Why are you guys so limited about it? I don't understand this argument.

    Why is not having a concussion when playing a game suppose to be our standard? Should we get no more bug fixes now that this is fixed?

    Why can't I express my disappointment about the slow progress of bug fixing just because one thing got fixed? I added my acknowledgment of the strobing fix only because I knew some people could say "but they fixed this thing!" and that's it.

    The discussion isn't about if strobing should've been fixed or not at all. I don't know why y'all are twisting it this hard.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 842

    I believe someone mentioned it already here. But keep in mind these devs are still people with lives of their own, and its alot of work and time scheduling for these patches to release for ALL platforms. My assumption is that they had to postpone the hotfix patch 1 last week in order to fix the health hazard with a 7.7.0a patch which im sure they had to hurry to get approval for other console platforms to get it which takes time to get approved anyways.

    I understand ppl are disappointed and can express that but at the end of the day its gonna take time. And usually im with you on expressing my disappointment when I see bugs and they take too long to do anything. But im giving them an exception here because yea. I rather rubberband and have some bugs in my games if it meant that they focused on prioritizing fixng a health hazard and prevent seizures to their customers. I can be a lil more patient.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,355
    edited May 5

    They plan out their in-between updates with various bug fixes like weeks ahead of time, and as others have mentioned the strobing problem no doubt forced back many things they already had in the works. Now throw in an Engine upgrade. Lots to deal with.

    And I think we all need to keep in mind each patch has to be reviewed & certified by Nintendo and Sony and Microsoft separately, plus have a cost to them as well. If it was just Steam for instance, they prolly could put out three updates a week if they cared to. But it's not.

    Plus the devs notoriously do not believe in Crunch either. That's one of the reasons BHVR consistently scores high as an employer.!

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684
    edited May 5

    "We can't give any info on that right now. Keep posted and we'll let you know soon."

    -BHVR archives.

  • Yharwick
    Yharwick Member Posts: 372

    Meh I get it's a lot to work on but I honestly believe people are giving BHVR too much leeway here. This is a company that released a killer 5 years ago and only just now fixed a "bug" that existed since release. That took years to balance a huntress add on which was about as complicated as limiting the number of hatchets to 1 and it goes on and on with twins, blast mine, several killers being kill switched a year, etc. Nobody is saying they need to work more hours but it is a completely legitimate criticism to say the quality just isn't there with this game and I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for better.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,462

    Thank you for understanding my point of view. I don't know why people think I'm saying that they should work 80 hours a week. It's all about quality standards.

    It's confusing to me why this player base has such low standards. I think they were conditioned by lack of quality or they don't play any other live service games that don't take years to implement the smallest QoL feature or fix bugs.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,846
    edited May 6

    It’s been two weeks since we got to see,
    An engine update and a buncha bugs.
    Five days since I logged in,
    Ran the game like a PowerPoint show.
    Three days since we fried our eyes,
    Getting flashbanged by flashing lights.
    Yesterday it occurred to me,
    That I’ve been playing too much Dead by Daylight.

    … Sorry. I just had to do it. The first part of this post just really reminded me of it.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,279

    Well…. Im not playing until this gets fixed. Sorry, not sorry.

  • sausage11
    sausage11 Member Posts: 68

    Rubberbanding is still insane for me. Especially playing survivor. I dont know how some people say it got better for them, for me it got worse. Reinstalled the game 2 times now, updates graphic drivers and bios + checked my internet connection (my ping is around 40-50 ms all the time, so doubt its my internet causing this)

    For reference how bad it is for me:

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 302

    People do this with any dev team that's 'transparent.'

    Parasocial relationships are an interesting thing but are very damaging for the consumer and I wish people understood that.

    To me, the developers deserve to be treated with respect and grace, but the current state of the game is unacceptable and they need to acknowledge it as such and give us at least a superficial glimpse into what they intend to do about it.

    But much like the silence that happened during the Anniversary latency I suspect they'll be silent about this too and just release a low effort fix and keep it trucking.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,081

    That is a different kinda thing and I do think it's lacking and an update on what's going on and where their priorities are atm is much needed. — I just don't really expect it to go any faster because of it.

    Could bhvr use a couple more employees specifically for bug fixing so that it - generally - doesn't take as long? Sure. - But since they haven't for the past nearly eight years I don't think they're interested in that. Doesn't really have to do with "transparency" or parasocial relationships. I just don't think it's reasonable to expect them to be faster than usual when the issues are bigger and probably more complex (cause new engine).

    So while they sort out their bugs I go play sth else.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,428

    rejoice then cause a hotfix patch just came out a couple hours ago.

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 247

    How it was a health hazard? I mean you say this like 110% percent of players have epilepsy. And I think nowdays basicly every single game has a warning about it, and if it not good for you then stop playing.

    With that mindset all the other bugs can be health hazard since anybody can a hearthattack from example from a Myers.

    And the problem is not that they are focused on that bug first - sure, even if you have no epilepsy it can be annoying as hell. The problem is that altogether it took 2 weeks meanwhile they have more then 2 people for it. And for thet 2 weeks none of the problematic perks/items/maps get killswitched which is outworldly.

    So while they sort out their bugs I go play sth else.

    For sure. But to be honest then why I would give any money for a company where they cannot do the most simple thing and rollback until they fix those gamebraking and health issues. Or at least killswitch those things?

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    its a health hazard… because it causes seizures? The possibility that someone could have a seizure and die is 100% top of the priority list.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,462

    No offense but I found the first part of your comment quite funny.

    You don't have to be personally diagnosed with an illness to acknowledge that it might be hazardous to others. Also you comparing it to people dying over Myers is so unserious LOL.

    I agree with the rest of what you said though which is what the discussion is about.