Billy needs a Overdrive Nerf

Before the billy mains start crying I main billy as well its just his overdrive that needs to be nerfed he gets it to frequently if we increase the time it takes to get overdrive we can buff its overdrive duration
No. Overdrive is fine because it lasts for a short duration.
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the problem is the 1 second buff to curve, nobody asked for this
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Billy is fine.
If killers like Nurse and Blight exist than Billy is super balanced anyway.
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Yep. Completely ruined the fun of playing against him as most loops that were 50/50 against him became "camp the pallet or die, and also die anyway if he has Thompson Mix/LoPro"
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Billy is in a good spot right now, he doesn't need to be touched truthfully.
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I don't think someone got the memo that Overdrive makes playing Billy extremely difficult for many players due to it kicking in at the worst timing.
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So true. Every time I get Overdrive, the first thing I do (by accident) is 360 with it into the nearest wall.
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Hillbilly needs a lot more then just an overdrive nerf, eg: spiked boots with Iri engraving with a 1 sec initial turn rate is down right broken on that killer, those addons shouldn’t work while Billy’s in overdrive nor the 1 sec turn rate..
The way that billy can just rev camp hooks now is ridiculous too all while still being able to build overdriveI think hillbilly is pretty much equivalent to oni that’s always in his power now and as crazy as that sounds I think it’s close to true. Billy is currently the 2nd strongest killer in the game.
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Why is that addon combination supposed to be broken? That much speed becomes basically not controllable, especially during the initial curve window... If the extra speed would not work in overdrive that would almost buff him... Because you wouldn't have to worry about the immense speed and how to control it...
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The way I see it, Overdrive was introduced to make him less addon dependent and a bit more complex. Making it harder to build up would only take away that first part. Because then you wouldn't have it when you need it most of the time, so people would need to rely on Engravings again to make up for the lack of speed (10% more base kit speed is nice but not enough around most tiles).
Billy has enough counterplay to stay as he is. Even in Overdrive. Some of his addons could use some changes though.
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Wdym best mobility + 1 hit killer is balanced? He doesn't even needs "skill" to be successful.
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I'll just throw this in:
Billy shouldn't be able to just camp in endgame with his chainsaw being constantly revved up. There is no counterplay to that. With Bubba you can at least trigger his chainsaw's cooldown, with Billy you can longer do anything. Unless you are a highly organized 4-man swf, where one can unhook after another one takes the hit, and then you can pull off a flashlight save afterwards.
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Exactly- That's what happens to the mass majority of Billy players which is why nerfing Billy would just make what these people complain about worse since that means it'll be easier for more Billy players to use the chainsaw without accidentally crashing into something due to Overdrive kicking in.
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Tombstone yes, the strength tombstone gives Myers not necessarily.
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Once you learn the timing window to curve with Iri engravings while in overdrive around loops it’s very overtuned and quite easy to do.