Does DBD Have Signal or Block Noise?

CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,681

I have these two settings off on my TV and wondered if someone smarter than me could advise me if I should turn on either option for a better DBD gaming experience.

I'm concerned about the "slight reduction in sharpness" disclaimer on both 🤔

I don't want to mess with the settings in a live game and potentially ruin it for my team as I try the different options.

Both options have a Low, Medium, and High setting.

Any advice is appreciated!


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,643

    Try it in a bot game maybe

  • Pizzaman
    Pizzaman Member Posts: 496

    If you don't want to test these settings in a live game, why don't you do that in the DBD tutorial?

    Also, "Reduce Signal Noise" seems for analog sources. Do you use an analog source/connection? I would assume no, because that would be highly unlikely (not impossible though).

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,101

    Both of these settings are for over the air broadcasts where information could be loss. This won't do anything for you when your system is directly connected to the TV.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,390
    edited May 8

    For the first one, the signal from your PC/console is not going to be analog, so it would be unlikely to have a positive effect. It may cause the game to appear blurrier. The second seems to be very similar, but applying to edges. The game already has anti aliasing to help smooth those sharp edges, but it's ultimately up to your preference.

    In either case, post processing effects can create input lag. It's small enough that it's usually not noticeable for video, but can be felt in some cases when it comes to gaming.

    I'd second Pizzaman's suggestion to test them out in the tutorial if you're curious!

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,681

    Hey, Peanits! I didn't even think to test them there. Thank you and @Pizzaman for the recommendation! I appreciate you popping in very much, you're always so helpful!