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All Survivor give up first Hook

Lixadonna Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 147

Killer: GGWP

Do you think that was a GGWP when Survivor give up?


  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,156

    Also, a new Tome page opened today. If a Survivor feels it can't be achieved, they go next.

    I have also seen them go next after achieving it, giving themselves to the Killer and abandoning their team which is more disturbing.

    I had two Survivors try to offer themselves to my Freddy after they healed themselves tonight. I left them to bleed out or eat the DC penalty and lose their achievement. Unbelievable.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    This can feel sarcastic and provoking if game went miserable. But not every killer knows and need to know if game went miserable for survs.

    It's better to learn that GG is always friendly gesture this way one can achieve two goals:

    1. Be not triggered when this shows up.

    2. Takes satisfaction away from people that use it sarcastically.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828

    At this point it’s just a habit for me. At the end of every game I just say gg without even thinking.

    I wouldn’t take it personally, they might just be saying it instinctively.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Let me break it down for you. It doesn't matter that it's asymm, it's a semi-competitive game where one person can ruin the other four peoples game, every game without consequences.

    This two sentence pittance is all I can put into the argument at this point because logic is never involved on the opposing side.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 465

    It's gotten worst since they removed depip who would have thought.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited May 8

    Yeah, I think it’s a bit silly to say “gg” in a game where someone disconnects or gives up. It’s clearly not a fun game for the remaining survivors in the trial. I usually say “ggs” or “gg wp” if everyone stays in the game regardless of the outcome… but saying it after survivors give up is just silly to me. It’s not something that bothers me too much, so I guess it’s whatever

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,281

    as a killer who played a single surv game yesterday i fully agree but thats probably just because it was camping knight who tunneled at 5 gens

    i really hate it when ppl do that

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    "Always friendly"?

    The right next comment immediately showing that it's just an empty, thoughtless gesture at this point.

    If it's simply thrown out without any consideration for the other party then I would call it self satisfactory and nothing more.

    A stretched and exaggerated metaphor would be greeting everybody with "it's such a nice, sunny day, isn't it?" at a wake or funeral.

    Swinging from one end of the spectrum to the other, hm?

    (I know I will catch flag for this but I posted my opinion on this before and am not going to change it.)

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,944
    edited May 8

    Whats wrong with saying gg?

    Its better to have a good sport than to have bad ones. DBD has enough horrible people playing already. Are we really starting to lash out at people who are nice now?

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Nothing wrong with staying silent sometimes. I just don’t understand why killers will say “gg” or whatever knowing that the game was miserable for the other side (when teammates DC or give up on hook). As the killer I’ll just say “sorry your teammate(s) left” and move on. I see no reason to throw out a “GG”.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,944

    But what if the game was still ok?

    What if the game was still fun for them? The survivors continued to play well, the killer played well and despite it being a loss for the survivors it can be a fun game.

    Don't get me wrong there are people that say gg to mock others like many sore winners do in this game. I don't like these people, but how should I know their true intentions.

    When I get stomped by survivors that bring stuff way stronger than what I have and they say gg in end game, despite me getting one hook. Guess what I say. Gg. And I leave it at that.

    I take good sports over bad sports every day. They said gg. They didn't rub it in by saying "gg ez" or "bot killer/survivors".

    They ended the game with a gg to leave it at that.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    When Initiated by the loser, nothing wrong with that.

    But if it comes from the winner first or only, it simply is thoughtless and one-sided. You wouldn't go to a crushed loser in competitive sports when they are down after a match, as the winner and tell them "better luck next time".

    And I'm not talking about close matches but one sided stomps ending at 4+ gens left or with only 1-2 hooks.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    it takes like 2 seconds to type. it's not even being toxic just people saying ggwp and moving on. im shocked this even bothers people.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,944

    I got destroyed by this group yesterday.

    They wrote gg, I wrote gg and all was fine. I had a bad match and they where really stacked. They didnt rub anything in.

    I had no problem with them saying gg.

    Maybe you take the game too serious if something like this upsets you this hard.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Never compared it to a shooter game, you keep bringing up cs because you've likely played it but that's one of many semi-actually competitive games.

    3-gen SM standoff - A lack of agency due to a teamates incompetence, skill and potential a player is throwing because of the nature of the game(just like someone giving up early). I don't like SM but the killer is not the same as before.

    Nurse - Can't defend that killer is by intention completely broken.

    lagging killer - Lag like this applies to all games but mobas and some fighting games with extensive systems designed around it, servers are particularly bad in dbd though without ping limits.

    Legion- not exactly enticing game play but all comp games have very similar games all the time, killers not even strong just not too fun (boo hoo, things can be far worse in more popular games)

    Og iri head - I've been playing this game for over 3 years and just mentioned something I've never seen, what's the point?

    As a over decade long league player (a game far more popular than anything mentioned) let me tell you a scenario very possible in every game below the low ranks. You go top lane into a counter matchup because you picked after them, they happen to be a strong early game champ and due to that fact they get full control over how the waves will play out. With that in play the only thing that can change the outcome of your lane is the jungler impacting it and you forfeiting a ton resources in order to be somewhat relevant. You have 0 agency and rely on another player on your team to put themselves at a disadvantage in order for you to be able to play(WOW does that sound familiar???).

    The game has a couple things that are very frustrating to deal with, but it's doable and people shouldn't' be queueing up to the mental breaking point of "I'm just going to leave 35 seconds in because I can".

    Also dbd players are bad. The average player is so bad that even great streamers have gaslit themselves into thinking it takes 6k hours to be good player. k

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,169

    "GG" is normally just a kind gesture, it's not meant to be toxic or have any deep meaning. Sometimes I have bad matches, sometimes I have good matches, but I still say "GG" regardless since it's standard and overall respectful to do so. And if I am feeling really daring, Ill throw in a "WP" for "Well Played" at the end.

    If you are upset by that, I can just recommend moving on, since a single "GG" is nothing to be upset over.