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Does Behavior not want anyone playing the weaker killers?

Member Posts: 148

Honest question. It feels like they don't want anyone playing killer at all. The recent nerfs don't do anything to bother best killers. And the lower one struggle as it is and struggling in the game isn't fun at all. They never make any changes or any attempts to balance or update or do anything to help them. They consistently update the same 8 perks which honestly makes me feel like they fogot the others exist.

While I totally understand that it can be difficult to balance a game with as much in it in DbD. The methods they are using now is not working and to be frank, I think the only shake up thats needed is with the team that works on balance. Be it to move on other projects or given the help and support they deesprately need. Especially considering they drag their feet on some of the most broken things in the past (for either side) and YEARS in some cases. Where better devs at least do it in a month or less.

I am not asking the game to be competetive. I am just asking that I can have some variety and not have to sweat extremely hard to preform at a decent level.

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  • Member Posts: 1,245

    If you like playing weak killers you’re going to have to find another way to have fun besides winning. It takes forever for things to change because they work on 4 chapters at once. Honestly the existence of Blight and Nurse kinda ruin the balance potential for all the other killers. That’s how it goes unfortunately.

  • Member Posts: 148

    I mean they can throw in AI and I bet the playerbase would love that. Then it can play exactly to everyones liking. No more camping or tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    they're buffing killers every single patch by putting base-kit add-on's. killer lacks perk updates now mostly. they're constantly nerfing stale gen defence meta but not invent new perks for killers to use. the new perk that they do invent for killer are plagued with drawbacks.

  • Member Posts: 9,428

    When they buff a weak killer the survivor perception of them being weak while being beaten hurts the ego more than getting beaten by a perceived strong killer. Thus survivors will complain more, getting the changes reverted or more likely worse than they were before the buff.

    To more of the point, perks should not be basis of a killer's strength. The killer's strength is with their base kit and respective addons.

  • Member Posts: 148

    Sure. But once every 4 months or so is way too slow. Also, kicking the only crutches those killers have out from under them in the meantime isn't helping. So the weaker killers should deal with being even worse till when they are able to eventually get around to it?

  • Member Posts: 6,150

    They've said numerous times they have limited bandwidth per update. That's why it can seem slow.

  • Member Posts: 808

    Old perks still havent gotten buffs in 7 years - message by brutal strength gang

  • Member Posts: 426

    Plenty of "weaker killers" are and have always been among the most played ones. Just look at the last official stats. They've constantly been buffing even A tier killers nowadays as well by the way… The real question should rather be when are they finally going to stop making us feel like we're handicapping ourselves whenever we're using a killer that's not named Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 979

    I mean didn't Hillbilly get a some 10% increase in killrate putting him closer to the desired 60/40.

    Pig got a more useful dash.

    Huntress, Trickster and Deathslinger all had their basekits imrpoved.

  • Member Posts: 1,384
    edited May 2024

    They don't need to balance the game around the weakest killers. This is the problem with the new Haddonfield rework. It feels like it was made with an M1 only trapper in mind. It makes playing against the higher tier killers feel awful. It makes way more sense to just buff the weaker ones.

  • Member Posts: 148
  • Member Posts: 148

    A lot of those stats are extremely old at this point. I should say that this is in response to the slow down perk nerfs.
    The weaker ones needed these perks to compete. Could see a dip in those killers now.

  • Member Posts: 426

    What do you mean "old"? BHVR released two top 10 killer pickrates in 2024 alone.

  • Member Posts: 5,960

    Most killers are quite alright and we have seen many individual killer buffs lately. I mean this year alone, they buffed Clown, Trickster, Doctor, Hillbilly, Huntress and now Bubba and Deathslinger as well. Pig is a bit of a weird case. Yeah, they technically buffed her but they also nerfed her. So I would argue that she hasn't become much stronger.

    The nerf of 4 meta perks without compensation will not go over well. But it seems the devs always have to make these mistakes before they notice the issues. You don't create perk variety by nerfing 4 out 10 meta perks. Nerfing 1 perk is fine, if there are enough alternatives but 4 at the same time? That's not a good idea. The alternative is for killers to switch to a different meta. Like hardcore slugging.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I main Trapper and Myers. And the only slowdown I would ever use is Pentimento + Plaything. Delete all Gen slowdowns would not affect me at all.

  • Member Posts: 148
    edited May 2024

    Sure but you are completely missing my point. They are picked now because they are held up by the gen slow down perks. Not to mention that pick rates are also so off base in terms of stats because you have to pay for the other killers. Which is why all the base ones are in the top 10.

    Even if you want to get into Kill rates, those are meaningless because they cover ALL MMR. They are not gonna be good numbers because the bulk of it is new people or people who are just bad at the game. Id love to see them release what the rates are at different brackets. Can't be that difficult to release two more images. Just make one for high, mid, and low. And I gaurantee you are gonna see different rates.

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