Onryo on Game map

DyingWish92 Member Posts: 766
edited May 8 in General Discussions

So I loaded in a game as survivor on the game vs a Sadako. Within 10 seconds I find a gen and hop on it. Killer starts teleporting, 1 stack condemned, 2 stacks condemned, 3 stacks condemned, 4 stacks, 5 stacks. All before I could even get 25% of a gen done really????? This was all within like 20-30 seconds. I suppose she's using that add on where you can just spam teleport non stop. So I get off the gen, grab a tape, 6 stacks. Get to the next TV to get rid of the stacks and the killer pops out of that TV as I reach it, fully condemned. I die.

2 minute game, riveting fun gameplay. Reached a few pallets and tried to circle back to the TV to cleanse the condemned but she downed me as I was putting the tape in. That add on is basically Tombstone Piece on that map.
