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Why is everyone flaming killers recently?

Livion Member Posts: 162
edited May 11 in General Discussions

I've seen a lot of hate towards the killer community lately, I know that there are baby killers but that also applies to survivor.

Maybe it's just me but in every discussion I hear

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited May 11

    Entitled players (both survivors and killers), I will not talking about them, there is nothing to talk about.

    Most survivors, currently accept the fact that they can only win 40%, the only thing they want is not being tunneled/camped, or slug for 4K.

    Alot of killers though, being a 5 skilled killer, thinking Devs should buff them to able to win against 10 skilled survivors because they think they're a 10 and can not win against 10 skilled survivors. You would never see average survivors thinking they have skilled of 10 and want the game to buff survivors so they can win against Otz.

    I mean, its not about one side should get good, its about players should know where they should be on the MMR rate, which alot of killers dont understand.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    I am never going to generalize and say "All Killers are X" (or vice versa for Survivors).


    I will say that I have found more and more players who just tunnel and camp as killers. Which is their right as a player but it just kills the experience of playing the game and is at least part of the reason why my playing of this game has dropped considerably.

    As I stated, I won't paint all killers with that broad brush but plenty of players do not hold that viewpoint and therefore will dump on all killers. I imagine a lot of the current "killers suck" discussion is coming from that place of frustration.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152
    edited May 11

    When have both sides NOT complained about each other?

    Sometimes the one side is louder, then the other.

    I will say that I have found more and more players who just tunnel and camp as killers.

    Well even when I haven't played this game in years, I can't blame them. Neither the game nor the community really give any incentive.

    The devs can't figure out how to prohibit or hard prevent those play styles without making proper compensations and therefore are too afraid to do anything drastic.

    And from my experiment years ago I have to say, survivor have never really done anything themselves to encourage the friendly/fair/"normal"/chase-oriented/whatever you wanna call it play style.

    It's 90% either silence, trash talk of varying degree or the usual GG after Ra crushing defeat for the killer. Also a bunch of "kicking when already on the ground" for the killer when it became obvious that the survivor were ahead or simply better.

    The ONLY thing that keeps killer from tunneling and camping is their own consciousness and the fact that it is objectively really boring to stay around and camp or drive someone single mindedly out of a match (except when provoked).

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 290

    It's the result of a disaster that is multiplayer gaming (i.e. people interacting with people) in general.

    • Killer is mindful of other's fun, survivors manage to fix gens and escape the match
    • They get cocky and spam crouch on the exit gates, drop flashbangs in the killer's face, and hurl insults at the killer in the endgame chat, ranging from telling them to uninstall the game to doing self-harm.
    • The killer stops trying to follow any kind of unspoken etiquette and goes all out on the next bunch of survivors, not giving themb the benefit of the doubt or trusting them to act decently (and by "decently" I mean at least having some respect to leave the game as soon as the exit gates are powered instead of standing there until the killer comes and witnesses them leave).
    • Survivors who are new to the game and happen to be in that next bunch get a bad experience and feel animosity towards killers.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 636
    edited May 11

    At a certain level, it is common to be insulted by players which were not even in your game…

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Especially with the latest patch, there has been a huge outcry from certain Killers about how BHVR is ruining the game and is out to get them.

    This has caused pushback, of course. Hence the "flaming".

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 676
    edited May 11

    I'm playing killer most of the time and most survivors are pretty nice to me at the moment. Sure there are a few that can't comprehent was tunneling is and when I just found them randomly 3 times and are pretty mean, but other than that everyone's chill.

    I'm playing a lot of survivor too at the moment and most killers are pretty nice to me.

    So I wouldn't say there's a lot of hate against anyone at the moment xD

    Post edited by EQWashu on
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