Please do somehting about people giving up on the hook for no reason

It can be any killer any map. These players have no intention of even playing the game so why do they keep quing up. I stream every night but so many games are ruined by team mates who instantly give up. Sometimes its several games in a row 2-3 people will give up many just runing straight up to the killer to be hit an hooked.
Even when we are completly destorying the killer someone will give up on first hook.
Like the killer will have 1 or 2 hooks someone goes on first hook there is 1 gen left we are clearly winning an they just instantly give up.
We have all had games were things may look bad then you do 1 good chase againsg the killer an the killers likely 4k turns into a 0k Bad stats don't always depict the outcome. Some killer games you might lose 3 gens realluy quickly but the survivors might make a mistake an you make a come back. DBD is one of those games were 1 thing can completely change the momentum of the game for ethier side so it's always good to try
Kinda shocked that people admit they allow killer sto tunnel them so they can just give up that is lireally the worst thing you could do as you are not only not helping yourself your encouraging killers to it more to you an to others.
You need to make effort to win in any kind of game you can't expect to win by doing nothing.
As killer, you probably have no idea what the other survivors do when you are chasing someone. As a survivor, you have 1.000 reasons to do not keep a sportmanlike behaviour when no rushgen is done after the 2nd.minute in game. I mean: spending 2 minutes touching mutually themselves, hiding in the locker, searching chests, Roleplay in the bushes, farming each others…
A common match can be over after 6 minutes…6 -
I just had a game against Plague where she immediately got her power and downed 2 survivors within seconds, and then she found me after hooking both of them, and the first survivor hooked killed themselves on hook
Now, did they give up at 5 gens? Yes.
Was it for no reason? No, that game started absurdly bad and the chances of us escaping were minimal
Do I care? No, I also gave up, because I rather move on with the next match as soon as possible31 -
i would prefer instead that the killer has a way to quit the game prematurely for any reason just like survivors can. the perfect balance. if the killer doesnt want to play the game anymore he should open exit gates at any moment not just after 5 gens. this is also a counter to survivors giving up because you dont have to be stuck to play out a boring guaranteed win and you also give the rest of the survivors an escape for the inconvenience.
19 -
Why the killer though? Is their objective to kill the survivors
2 -
it's also the objective of survivors to do gens and escape?
14 -
I think people do intend to play the game when they initially queue up, but sometimes matches can go horribly wrong really quick. Or maybe a Survivor can have a horrible chase to start with. But we don't know, because 99% of the time, we can't see what's happening with them, so it's wrong to assume that they're giving up for "no reason."
11 -
Yes, thats why I am questioning the decision up to the killer
0 -
because nobody likes to play matches that are already decided from the beginning
this is why loading with less than 4 survivors was changed to stop the game from loading
there's also a human player behind the killer who most likely doesn't want to waste time in an easy autopilot game just because survivor(s) didn't want to play
17 -
Agreed Killer should be able to open gates very early to start egc and tap out only fair since survivor can give up scot free
12 -
its been proven many times survivor give up instantly when its a killer they dont like or they become first down
10 -
That being said its Time giving up on hook be removed
13 -
Parity. Neither should have a sanctioned way to bypass the DC penalty or both should. It shouldn't be a privilege exclusive to either side.
9 -
I agree with your first sentence completely
Thats why I argue that survivor players are giving up because they realize they can't win, the match is already decided
Its the same idea on both sides
3 -
they then can go afk
they can throw the match
they can just walk around and do nothing
Sure, some of these things can be a bannable offense, but playing the game badly on purpose is not. Good luck trying to prove they are throwing the game.
And all of that just to stay in a game that is unwinnable. I rather go next asap
I much much much MUCH prefer having 300 games in a row with a survivor giving up at 5 gens than not having my games saved by a self unhook
11 -
So you don't mind if the killer gives up after 3 gens pop without a hook? Yeah it sounds like a bad start but if you and the first guy tried you never know the outcome. I've seen bad starts where half make it out the gate in the end.
7 -
You have frustrations with other survivors not enjoying the game? Let me easily explain why, killers will hate this post because they know most of it is true but I'll be straight to the point with it.
Survivors have had the following butchered:
- Gens take longer to do
- Healing is currently ridiculously too slow so if a killer is fairly close it is virtually impossible to finish one heal if they have even 1 slowdown perk due to how fast killers currently move.
- Maps are ridiculously small or terribly redesigned
- Loops are 50/50 but with killer speed they start becoming useless fast
- survivor perks that would give you some sort of protection like dead hard is now butchered
- Boil over is useless and should be deleted from the game already
- Most PC killers still don't even feel the wiggle when carrying someone
- If you don't have at least one healing perk in moderate+ MMR games you can forget healing most of the time
- Survivors quit when 3 people are injured at the start before a gen is done because of the above healing issue, knowing it's useless to continue.
- Still nothing can be done about stopping a killer hard tunnelling without throwing the game unless your team is good
- Pallets are still 50/50 when they should 60/40 to survivor due to all the killer buffs and outdated pallet drop mechanics (Getting hit when you're in the pallet drop animation and the killer hasn't even finished the animation on their side)
- If a survivor does not bring a toolbox, unless the killer is bad you can forget finishing all the gens in time
- Ridiculously large hitboxes for killers still exist (huntress hatchets hitting you around corners for example)
- Nurse still exists in the game and impossible to beat unless she's awful at the game (killer has a headset which you can't reduce them hearing you at close range like iron will used to
- Unlimited map distance for range killers with miniscule objects in the way to stop them
- Still getting stuck on absolutely everything for no reason (Garbage map optimisation)
- PC players being able to play with filters (Clearly borderline cheating because it gives a lighting/tint advantage but if dev's don't want to address and accept that then so be it)
- Survivor perks are starting to become borderline useless and will continue to be when they continue to get massacred
- Killer movement speed is starting to get out of control when using survivor perks like lithe and they are still directly behind you within 3s (I honestly think this is a bug somewhere because killers should lose bloodlust but they don't, I also had a killer traverse 8 different rooms with me on his shoulders with 0 movement perks and without iron grasp (so clearly something is wrong)
- PTB is on PC so only the PC audience is being taken into consideration when getting feedback (one sided feedback, you do the math)
- Foliage such as bushes have also been nerfed on some maps so it's just chases unless again, the killer is bad as they were in 1 of my games today
- Turning animation for survivors needs to be adjusted and sped up slightly.
- Targeted before the game has even started for being TTV or a high prestige when you're just trying to chill
- Being forced to save teammates but they don't do the same back
- Being left on the hook
Of course you'll have the white knights who main killer saying "git good" or "skill issue" after this post because they win 3 games out of 10+ in the games that they play which suddenly makes them a legendary killer who magically knows all about the game and have secretly been watching you play DBD in your bedroom and magically knows your skill level, then get upset about a survivor tapping a button on the controller at the exit gate like it affects them in real life.
I used to get annoyed at people DC'ing but now? How can you blame them? They're not enjoying the match or the game anymore and you're at the sole mercy of the killer, these matches do tend to be funny at parts if you do decide to stay though, and there are nice killers.. I had one where 2 people DC'd and me and a random were still in the game, I let the Wesker practise chasing me probably for around 7 minutes or so while the random did other stuff and it was still fun. The point with this last para? People do have the right to choose and DBD is still a casual game, adding a harsher penalty than one already in place will hurt the player base.
I could go on forever with this post and this list but you get the gist.
27 -
I don't. I finish all the gens and leave as quick as possible gg next match
5 -
Do you know what makes me "give up"? tunneling
If I get saved from the hook and the killer is nearby, and they come for me again, I just give them the down and let go the skill checks. If they wanna win so bad then I will help them
I'd say at least 50% of the survivor players giving up is because tunneling is such a prevalent strategy that nothing can be done. If tunneling was virtually impossible to do I'm positive the suicides would decrease
9 -
To answer OP: going off the last AMA anything and some forum posts, this is a low priority issue for BHVR. I have no idea why. I think there are multiple, simple easy solutions and that this would be one of the biggest improvements they could make to the game, but I don't think its going to get changed.
3 -
maybe tunnelling is only such a prevalent stregery because of what you just described you do you simply stand there an give it to them " I just give them the down and let go the skill checks." perhaps if you made an effort to run away an at very least waste the killers time it wouldn't be as prevalent. If you dislike tunnelling then stop faciliting it. Pop on some anti tunnel perks loop that killer for a bit gens will get done an you may even escape.
I would advise using anti tunnel perks an watching some videos about tiles an looping. I am happy to link you some if that would help. I use to get tunneled a lot when i was bad/new at the game now that i have improved It is very rare i get tunneled had many a killers throw the game trying to tunnel me. You need to punish killers for tunneling not reward them.6 -
there is absolutely nothing you can do to make a survivor not quit. Remove giving up on hook? They’ll just go afk or purposely chase you down and spam noises till you kill them. Hell they could just alt f4 and be done with it if that mechanic is added.
And frankly I’m fine with it. I give up. I just had 5 clowns in a row all running almost the same build. I was tired of it. Hell yesterday most of my matches the people who quit were getting camped. They shouldn’t be forced to stay in a game they won’t be able to play because of camping and tunneling.
The community is too toxic to do anything about it.
5 -
Nope, until tunneling is not addressed by the devs I will continue to allow killers to tunnel me
Edit: Sorry, I mean I will allow killers to kill me if they want to tunnel
5 -
I would've loved to see all these DC endorsers commenting here back during the DS/UB/DH Meta that went for years and with an option for killer to give up.
The complaints would've been enormous if killer back then could've given up the same way survivor do nowadays. 😂
And frankly I’m fine with it. I give up. I just had 5 clowns in a row all running almost the same build. I was tired of it.
Especially when reading a comment like this as an argument for it. 🤣
1 -
These are most of my games where someone gives up. I very rarely see people give up for "no reason". It's almost always because we were put into some sort of unwinnable situation.
6 -
Survivors have had the following butchered:
- Gens take longer to do
- Damn 10s, or do you mean that BnPs don't instantly complete gens anymore, or that Commodious toolboxes aren't the ultimate toolbox now? Is it the killer's slowdown perks? The same ones that are getting nerfed again and again? You may not want to realize this, if survivors played optimal gen can be done within 5 to 6 minutes.
- Healing is currently ridiculously too slow so if a killer is fairly close it is virtually impossible to finish one heal if they have even 1 slowdown perk due to how fast killers currently move.
- Solo healing is slower. From other points in here I'm getting the picture you're a solo player that stands in a bush self-caring.
- Maps are ridiculously small or terribly redesigned
- Historically maps have been ridiculously large. There are only a few maps I would consider small.
- Loops are 50/50 but with killer speed they start becoming useless fast
- You talk about loops being 50/50 a couple times here. Maybe you want to explain what you mean by 50/50? Are you saying that loops should be safe? That there shouldn't be a way for the killer to get a hit if the survivor messes up?
- survivor perks that would give you some sort of protection like dead hard is now butchered
- What was removed from DH was the sudden speed increase. IE DH for distance. You retained the protection.
- Boil over is useless and should be deleted from the game already
- From another in this list you have the idea that wiggling is there to let you escape the killer. Wiggling primary roll is to limit the killer's options. Do you want to be in the basement every match?
- Most PC killers still don't even feel the wiggle when carrying someone
- Pickup a survivor in an indoor map and tell me that. Also implying that wiggle should get you free.
- If you don't have at least one healing perk in moderate+ MMR games you can forget healing most of the time
- Shame there is only one way to heal. If only teammates could give back rubs.
- Survivors quit when 3 people are injured at the start before a gen is done because of the above healing issue, knowing it's useless to continue.
- No, they quit because survivors have this idea that they can get their way if they constantly drive up kill ratio by giving up when the match doesn't go as smoothly.
- Still nothing can be done about stopping a killer hard tunnelling without throwing the game unless your team is good
- Maybe you should of played back in 2018 when you had nothing. BHVR has done a lot in this category and it really shows when survivors show no appreciation for it.
- Pallets are still 50/50 when they should 60/40 to survivor due to all the killer buffs and outdated pallet drop mechanics (Getting it when you're in the pallet drop animation and the killer hasn't even finished the animation on their side)
- Still need to explain 50/50. The server determines this and is based on who reached the server first. The stun or the hit. This is an issue with all online games not just DBD. There is nothing that can be done. Maybe you just want the survivor to always get the stun and pop back up off the ground because of it.
- If a survivor does not bring a toolbox, unless the killer is bad you can forget finishing all the gens in time
- Maybe in your matches. Survivor get the gens done just fine in mine.
- Ridiculously large hitboxes for killers still exist (huntress hatchets hitting you around corners for example)
- You can go back and look why Huntress's hatchets are the way the are. What other examples do you have besides this? I find it ridiculous that the survivor hitbox doesn't conform to the model.
- Nurse still exists in the game and impossible to beat unless she's awful at the game (killer has a headset which you can't reduce them hearing you at close range like iron will used to.
- Let me tell you the sound design in DBD is the worst it has ever been. You think a headset gives you god level hearing? Ha! I can't even tell there's a survivor running around me if there's an object in between us. Go main Ace if you want a survivor that barely makes a sound.
- Unlimited map distance for range killers with miniscule objects in the way to stop them
- Huntress hate again I see. Cross maps are not easy and not as many maps provide what you are claiming here. Either you are not paying attention or you faced one too many Huntess mains with hours lining up shots.
- Still getting stuck on absolutely everything for no reason (Garbage map optimisation)
- Ya don't think that's an issue on both sides!
- PC players being able to play with filters (Clearly borderline cheating because it gives a lighting/tint advantage but if dev's don't want to address and accept that then so be it)
- What can you do about it? BHVR has voluntarily given NVIDIA permission to add DBD to the supported games.
- Survivor perks are starting to become borderline useless and will continue to be when they continue to get massacred
- Clearly not paying attention to the changes to killer perks. Historically is has been a massacre on killer perks while survivor perks go unchanged for years. You are just now feeling what killer had to before.
- Killer movement speed is starting to get out of control when using survivor perks like lithe and they are still directly behind you within 3s (I honestly think this is a bug somewhere because killers should lose bloodlust but they don't, I also had a killer traverse 8 different rooms with me on his shoulders with 0 movement perks and without iron grasp (so clearly something is wrong).
- Killer movement speed has not changed. 4.6m/s has been the baseline movement speed since beta. Slower is the exception not faster. 4.4m/s for Huntress as an example.
- There hasn't been any new perks that increase movement speed for killer. So I don't know where you are getting this feeling from.
- PTB is on PC so only the PC audience is being taken into consideration when getting feedback (one sided feedback, you do the math)
- It's not PC for PTB, it's Steam. Steam has the feature to allow Beta or past versions of a game to be downloaded and played. That's why the PTB is only on PC. XBOX, Playstation, and Nintendo do not have this feature. The reason we can only have two bug fix patches a chapter is because these console platforms don't allow constant updates and must go through a validation process.
- Foliage such as bushes have also been nerfed on some maps so it's just chases unless again, the killer is bad as they were in 1 of my games today
- Clearly not a Trapper main to think this is just a survivor issue.
- Like one of the earlier points, I feel you are the type that hides the moment you hear a TR.
- Turning animation for survivors needs to be adjusted and sped up slightly.
- One of those old animation was better types. I don't have an opinion besides turning shouldn't increase movement speed.
- Targeted before the game has even started for being TTV or a high prestige when you're just trying to chill
- Now you must be new to DBD. Explains the hiding in bushes. You think targeting is something new? You think hiding information will stop it. 🤣 Just so you know there were years when your rank was hidden, and since it was mostly Steam users, your name was effectively hidden. Didn't stop targeting at all. Idiots out there will target based on any factor. You run at a certain loop. How dare you. You can't stop it, welcome to online gaming.
- Being forced to save teammates but they don't do the same back
- Clearly you aren't forced.
- Being left on the hook
- Clearly you aren't forced.
- How is this a survivor butcher and not a general complaint about other players?
12 - Gens take longer to do
Tunnelling will always be a thing, all you can do is get used to it tbh, at the start it's hella frustrating but then you learn to make a build specifically to blind and annoy the killer, the only way to get back at them.
It's a pity tit-for-tat system, nothing else you can really do tbh.
I do understand your frustration wholeheartedly though tbh. Maybe in time it will change.
0 -
Yeah.. no. I'm not reading nor replying to all of that. OP wanted answers and I gave them. If you want to be upset about the truth, enjoy.
7 -
I agree, the devs must do something with this madness! Buffing soloQ would be a nice place to start.
4 -
Same, like 99% of the time
1 -
Well it is unwinnable if you an your team don't make any effort lol you literally refuse to even make the minimal effort so the games are unwinnable because of you.
5 -
When you load against a pumpkin head nurse who never misses a shot, or against an A-tier killer with 4 slowdowns as soloQ, or 2 of your teammates are on the ground within the first minute of the trial, or if your teammates sandbag you in the most obnoxious ways, or if the killer gets the 4th or 5th hook without any generator done, usually these scenarios are already won by the killer, so it would be just plain good manners to give up and stop wasting everyone's time. In chess, it's customary to surrender when you see that your opponent is guaranteed to win in the current position, and if you push the game to the obvious checkmate - it would seem inappropriate, as if you are just wasting time out of spite. So think of this as of chess etiquette in DbD: survivors say "good job, killer, you won", shake hands and go next.
9 -
how do you feel about survivors giving up when they are winning?
for example killer has 0 hooks an there is 1 gen left to do someone goes on first hook an insta gives up?2 -
1 gen left with 0 hooks? To be honest, I can't even remember the last time I had this situation in soloQ (except AFK killer games, of course), let alone with someone giving up there.
8 -
I had a match against Wesker this morning. One of the teammates, Sable, decided to go into the basement and start the Weaving Spiders invocation while injured. Of course the Killer immediately went down there, downed her and hooked her down there, and she threw on the first hook. Yes, it was a bonehead move on her part, and it was a petty reason to give up, but it was a reason nonetheless.
0 -
I can tell you the reasoning behind that is because once the invocation is done they're going to be broken for the rest of the game anyway, so it made no difference from their POV lol
0 -
There is no incentive to care about your team in this game. You can get tunnel for 5 gens or outright camp out! Even if 3 excape your sacrifice isn't rewarded. Solo q more like 4 prisoners trying to excape through the gates of a maximum security prison. They will happily allow u to die to help themselves. Leave u on the hook to complete the last gen or unhook u immediately on death hook so no one get off of gens. These things can be good for the team but terrible for you. Most of the rage quitter will go down once and immediately see no way to win the game as individual (again they don't care if it's winnable from a team perspective). I consider giving up disgraceful but i can understand when the match is clearly over. There no comeback mechanic for survivors unlike killer. You can tunnel, noed, camp, 3 gen, or 4 man slug to make a comeback. Outside of tunneling a lot these tactics have heavy risk but it don't change the fact that u can win a otherwise lost game off these strategies alone. Survivor there no perk or tactic that can win u the whole game. When things are going very bad early? it likely someone will pull the plug in solo q these days. I will never give up in this game because it always a chance especially when playing killer.
1 -
afk kick detection.
i had matchs as survivor that were so close winning and escaping but teammates plagued by this "just go next" mentality giving up on hook and RUINING matches for us
3 -
if you have 30 reasons why its so bad why are you still playing this game then? Genuinely you need to move from this game fr
3 -
Don't tell me what to do.
8 -
While I don't agree with a lot of their points, this is incredibly dismissive towards someone giving feedback. I have lots of reasons I dislike the game too, some of which may be subjective. That however doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to give my feedback on how I feel.
You should have said that maybe they should take a break, I've done so many times and it has been helpful. Taking a break from this game can help a lot in making you re-appreciate what drew you to the game in the first place.
For me, it's the killer/survivor interaction that draws me to the game, like chases. In that sense, I can understand why survivors find the other parts of the game such as increased gen times to be problematic. It's boring holding M1 while the killer chases someone else.
And given that bhvr has constantly gutted survivor skill expression, and releasing new maps that are 90% unsafe loops which make chases end very quickly if you're not good, it's not hard to see how someone can get frustrated at the direction the game is heading in.
Another thing I'm noticing is that in this community, if you say anything about how you feel about X thing in DbD, you'll be sure to have 5 other people make use of whataboutism or strawmen to somehow invalidate your frustrations. This is toxic, and I wish people would stop. It is possible to be frustrated with one thing on one side, while also recognizing there are frustrations on the other side.
For example, I'm guessing a lot of people who read "bhvr has constantly gutted survivor skill expression, and releasing new maps that are 90% unsafe loops" as me complaining that I can't loop the killer for 5 gens, even though that isn't what I am saying at all. And that is exactly the sort of mindset that contributes to toxicity and tribalism.
As for people giving up on hook, I can't say I haven't done the same. Sometimes it is painstakingly obvious that a match is a lost one, or will be incredibly boring. The alternative is to just suffer through the match because "it is RUDE TO GIVE UP!!" which to me doesn't seem logical. Therefore, I don't hold it against people who give up on hook.
And removing hook suicides is not going to fix the problem, it's just going to make people AFK or throw. And if you ban those people, you're gonna have to ban a lot of people. The solution is clearly not to treat the symptom, but the cause. BHVR needs to fix the issues that make people give up on hook in the first place.
8 -
This post having 15 vote ups tells me everything I need to know about these forums. I am not sure when I read such nonesense the last time.
You discrediting anyone that disagrees with you as biased killer mains is also incredibly sad, and just suggests that you can't actually defend any of your arguments.
Survivors quit when 3 people are injured at the start before a gen is done because of the above healing issue, knowing it's useless to continue.
Excuse me what? What Survivor team gives up just because 3 survivors are injured before the first gen is completed? I have had enough matches that started like that where survivors were still able to win, or draw. That is just so beyond ridiculous.
If a survivor does not bring a toolbox, unless the killer is bad you can forget finishing all the gens in time
Again, where the hell do these arguments come from? Of course a survivor team can still complete 5 gens without toolboxes, even if the killer is good. The survivor team just also has to be good.
Loops are 50/50 but with killer speed they start becoming useless fast
This is factually wrong. Some loops are 50/50, but there are also enough loops that are still strong for survivors on most maps.
Killer movement speed is starting to get out of control when using survivor perks like lithe and they are still directly behind you within 3s (I honestly think this is a bug somewhere because killers should lose bloodlust but they don't, I also had a killer traverse 8 different rooms with me on his shoulders with 0 movement perks and without iron grasp (so clearly something is wrong)
Killer movement speed is still the same it has always been, and I never once had a match where the killer seemed to suddenly move too fast. If anything, you went against a hacker.
Maps are ridiculously small or terribly redesigned
Very untrue. Maps just aren't as survivor sided anymore as they used to be. There are some bad exceptions, like the new Haddonfield rework, but in general maps have simply become fairer.
At least a few points are understandable, like tunneling and camping still, after all this time, being such a problem in the game. But in general this post is just a complete mess, like holy crap. You claim that you are just saying the truth, but no, you aren't. You are just stating some incredibly biased opinions.
8 -
Your first two sentences tells me all I need to know. Love the contradiction btw.
And to clarify since you seem to misunderstand the point of this particular thread for some reason whatsoever, OP was stating that survivors give up on hook for no reason. I gave my two cents about the reasonings for it in them particular matches, it's got nothing to do with "not being able to defend myself" as you so eloquently put it. Argue the points all you want, they are all true from what I've experienced in my 1800H of playing.
The fact that I even had to elaborate on something so obvious though…
8 -
Let me guess, that's all you probably read, right?
Also, what contradiction?
3 -
its asking not telling pretty simple comprehension
1 -
No, I read it all. Already answered future comments with my original comment which you must have not read yourself since you wrote exactly what I said would be written in one of your points.
Lol if you can't see it then no point even explaining it bruh. I'm sure others will see it clear as day. Good day.
2 -
Like I already said: Good luck trying to prove they are throwing the game.
Imagine if "playing bad" was a reportable offense? Is there a game that does that? lmao
"i had matchs as survivor that were so close winning and escaping but teammates plagued by this "just go next" mentality giving up on hook and RUINING matches for us"
ME TOO! And many of these matches were saved because someone escaped the hook as a last resort! WOW!
2 -
Lol I love the edited "Genuinely" in there, it wasn't there when it was first posted.
Again; same argument, who are you to ask me to quit a game?
1 -
again comprehension, seems like all you do is complain and somebody questions it you get defensive like someone kicked your dog
1 -
One final time, else I'll take your replies as satire.
who are you to ask me to quit a game?
2 -
You know what they can do to make everyone happy?
Remove hook suicides, however every survivor still has 3 free chances to self unhook without compromising the hook timer. Done.
I guess its for the best, no?And then completely remove the skill checks when 2nd stage, just leave the survivor for 1 minute there. Maybe in case there are 2 survivors left in the game they should give a "die now" option if you are on hook.