My proposed Singularity rework/qol update

Hello, I'm a Hux main and I love his gameplay but now that we're seeing multiple killers get qol updates/reworks I think it's only fair that my bbygirl gets one too. There's too many aspects of his basekit that feel too punishing so here's what I propose:

  • Soma Family Photo's effect needs to be basekit. 5% haste after teleporting. No 20% reduction for the overclock duration BUT overclock could be reduced by 1 second in general. Proposed idea for a new effect for Soma Family Photo would be: Decreases the size of biopods by 30% and reduces the sounds they make by 50%.
  • EMPs should have two modes: one for removing biopods and one for removing slipstreams. This can make them feel less unfair and also add an element of strategy for survivors.
  • EMPs should NOT work across floors. It's okay for them to ignore walls/obstacles but not floors.
  • EMPs should take 1 second longer to charge. I believe it is 2.5 seconds now, buffing it to 3 or 3.5 would not be bad.
  • Biopods recovery time should go down from 45 seconds to 35.
  • Remove all of the anti-camping debuffs that Hux gets. They made sense at release but now anti-camping is properly implemented in the game and it just sucks that Hux gets EXTRA basekit slowdowns when near a hook but other killers don't. I don't like camping but this just feels unjust.
  • Improve collision detection for biopod placement and LOS mechanics for slipstreaming.

That's all really. Also please give him more skins.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    All of these changes together are way too much. I main Singu myself, and in my opinion, all he needs are quality of life updates and maybe a very small buff to make him less dependent on Soma Family Photo.

    I'd rather not have the devs add haste to Singu's basekit as well, there is enough of that already. If anything, I'd rather have the devs buff the teleport speed ever so slightly.

    EMP's also definitely shouldn't be nerfed like you suggest, that would just make Singu's 3 gen too opressive.

  • Cali88
    Cali88 Member Posts: 21

    Even if we wanna entertain the thought of nerfing EMP's a nudge, the proposed set of nerfs is way too much. I'd just bump their passive generation time again

    Other than that, improved biopod collision and removing the anti-camp wake-up time increase would be very welcome

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787

    OP singularity QOL bro lol

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 400

    Another day, another person advocating for the wrong buffs. More EMP nerfs don't make him healthier, they just let people play in super boring territorial playstyles that were the reason Skull Merchant got the panic rework that she's stuck with today.

    QoL is basically all he needs.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I like the soma photo base speed, as the killer feels quite weak without it sometimes.

    I don't necessarily feel like the EMPs need further adjustment.

    The anti camp debuffs are indeed redundant as of right now.

    Further I would really like it if you had a seperate button for teleporting, because sometimes you just place new pods instead of teleporting to the survivor, because it does not register correctly, so that would be quite nice.